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Mitch tugged at the metal bracelet that was secured to his wrist. He was poking at something that was very charred, he couldn't tell what it was. He wasn't hungry anyway. Dr. Madden, walked into the room, her hand clenched around a tranquilizer. Mitch tried to tear his eyes away from it, but thankfully the group caught wind of his discomfort and created a wall in between him and her.

"Dr. Madden," Kirsite said. "What did we do to deserve this pleasure of seeing you?"

"You can stop the flattery Kirstin, I'm not here for you. I'm here for Void," Dr. Madden growling, pushing Kirstie aside.

"I'm not Void," Mitch said glaring at the person who captured him, snapped the bracelet on his wrist, threatened him, hurt him, hurt Void. "Come back on a different day if you want him."

"Or show your face around here again," Void growled, breaking Mitch's hold for a second. Mitch rewrapped his mental grip around Void, continuing his stare down with Madden.

"Are you the Hulk?" Madden chuckled. "Do I just have to get you angry?" Void broke free at that moment. Void rose to his feet, Mitch's eyes went full black and his voice deepened slightly.

"The only difference is, Mitchell can't hold me," Void growled. "I suggest you run, before I rip off your legs and shove them down your throat." His nails lengthened, turning more into talons and he loomed over Madden even though he was much shorter.

"Fantastic," Madden grinned and pulled a syringe from her pocket. With a swift movement she stabbed the needle into Void's arm, drawing out black blood. She pocketed the syringe when she was done and stared in Void's woozy face. Her face swum in his vision. "Perhaps next time you should listen to Mitchell." And with that, Void passed out.


"Where the fuck am I?" Void growled. Mitchell was nowhere, and although Void would never admit it, he was scared. Void loved Mitchell and wanted nothing more than to protect him. That was the only reason he ever came out, the only reason Void hurt anyone. Mitchell was incapable of protecting himself, therefore Void protected him. Yet he was labeled as bad. And now he couldn't find Mitch, he searched his mind and came up empty.

"Our room," a voice said. Void looked up and saw Air, Scott, sitting on the other bed. "Welcome back, Void." Void glanced at him shocked.

"How did you know that I was Void?" He questioned. Scott shrugged.

"You feel stronger," Scott stood from the bed. "Come one, you were out most of the day and now it's time for dinner."

Dinner was eaten in complete silence, Void not speaking, trying desperately to find Mitchell. Void didn't eat, he simply stared at his food. Where had he gone? How many places could he hide?

"I can't find him!" Void suddenly burst out, he jumped to his feet, the whole table moving at the sudden movement. Dishes clattered to the floor and shattered. But the other Elementals showed no surprise. Kirstie stood and took Void by the shoulders.

"Who can't you find?" She asked gently. And for the first time in Void's life, he burst into tears, the acid of them burning his skin.

"Mitchell, he's gone..." And then his eyes hardened. And he threw Kirstie from him, his composure was regained. "She took him from me."

"Who?" Kevin asked.



"Where are you going?" Kirstie yelled, as Void stalked towards the door.

"I'm getting him back."

"You'll never make it to her office," Avi said quietly. "You'd need help."

"And it's just your luck that there are four very angry Elementals," Scott said his eyes glittering.

"We'll help you, as long as you promise not to do anything stupid." Kevin said. "We're going to get Mitchell back, not everyone killed."

"I can't promise anything," Void growled. "I will do anything it takes."

"Anything?" Kirstie asked quietly.

"Do my words sound unsure?" Void hissed. "I will do anything. I care for only Mitchell, I have no allegiances to you. My death will mean nothing to me. Your deaths will mean nothing to me. His death will mean everything to me. Choose your words wisely in my presence. I will not hesitate to kill you all. If you stand in my way, you might as well already be dead."

"Yet Madden lives," Scott said quietly. "She is the only one stopping you, and yet she lives while you threaten us. You need us, we know this place better than you ever could. We hate Madden more than you ever will."

"You have no right to say that. My hate runs deep for Madden. She stole the only thing I care about, and she will be punished. I will send her to the depths of hell, I will bring her greatest fears to life. She will suffer immensely for her crimes. I will not make her death quickly, she will bleed out in my hands, and I will watch, not doing anything to reduce her pain." Void smiled, the thing evil and unhappy. Avi shrugged.

"I'm in for the slow painful death." He shrugged again. "Actually as long as I get to burn something, I'm pretty good with anything."

"I'm in too," Kevin said. "Only because I want the knowledge of the world and I learn nothing cooped up in here."

"I'm in as well," Kirstie smiled. "I wanted to get Mitch back as well, and watch the look on Madden's face when she finds out we've bested her." They all turned to Scott and were met with silence.

"Scott?" Kevin asked. Scott sighed.

"I guess I'm in... No man should be left behind. Mitch is apart of us, we can't leave him in the hands of someone like," he swallowed and glanced around the room. "Madden."

"You are too soft," Void glared at Scott. "You will be no help to us if you keep thinking as you do. People get hurt in this world, it is evil that way."

"Have you ever thought that just maybe we are adding to the pain?" Scott asked. Void's eyes flashed but he said no more.

"Let's make a plan," Kevin suggested, and the group, excluding Scott, smiled. They were really going to do this.

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