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Avi woke up right before the alarm went off. They had to wake up at six every morning, EE rules. If you slept in, you missed breakfast (which was at six-fifteen), and Avi was hungry (like any sixteen year old boy should be).

"K.O.!" Avi yelled ripping the covers off of the other boy. "Wake up!" Kevin groaned, but he soon slipped out of bed and landed lightly on the floor. They dressed in their separate corners of the room and headed out to the cafeteria with three minutes to spare.  Kirstie and Scott were already there, chatting as they picked at the glop they were served today. Avi and Kevin went to the kitchen window and were handed their own bowl of glop and they went to sit by Kirstie and Scott. 

"What is this supposed to be?" Avi asked glaring at the gray stuff in his bowl, it stuck like glue to his spoon. 

"Porridge?" Kirstie guessed. Her glue was extremely watered down, Avi assumed it was her own doing, he was going to try and heat his up later, maybe it would make it more edible. Avi tried a bite, it stuck to his throat and glued his teeth together. Kevin was also trying to wrench his teeth apart. 

"I was told oatmeal," Scott said trying to get the spoon unsuctioned from the goop. 

"I wouldn't be surprised if we're eating glue," Kevin said finally able to get his teeth apart. "Water me Kirst?" Kevin asked. She nodded and he opened his mouth, she sent a bubble of water into his mouth and Kevin swished it around before spitting it into his bowl. Kirstie was more in control of her power than any of the rest of them, making her be the go to whenever there was a problem.

Avi heated up his body tempature, trying to unglue his teeth. It wasn't working. What the hell was in this crap? Finally he made a flame appear on his finger and stuck it in his mouth, trying to loosen it that way. 

"What are you doing?" Scott asked. 

"They're stuck!" Avi protested, finally able to rip his teeth apart. "Or were stuck." He extinguished the flame on his finger and pushed the bowl away from him, too afraid to take another bite, the food at least got better at lunch. Usually. Nuts always cooked breakfast since they couldn't get the actual cook in until later, and Nuts not only couldn't cook, but cooked in the "throw everything into a pot" way.

"Guys," Kirsite said lowering her voice. "Nuts thinks that they found Void." Scott dropped his spoon, and it got sucked into the gunk again. 

"No fu-"


"Flipping way," Avi glared at Kevin for interupting him, but Kevin only shrugged in response. "I thought that Void was lost forever."

"We all thought Void was lost forever, including Nuts," Scott murmured, not even noticing as his spoon was sucked into the quicksand that was the gunk.  

"Nuts said that the problem wasn't finding Void anymore, it was managing to get ahold of them," Kirsite explained. The thing about Water was that she had exceptionally good hearing, we all know sound travels faster in water, nothing can get past her. It was their secret, Kirstie over heard nearly every important conversation, it was how the group stayed so well informed. 

"Who do you think Void is?" Scott asked. Kirstie hit his arm and the group fell silent. Nuts walked up to them and she sighed. 

"I have a very important thing to tell you," Nuts said. "Come to my office once you have finished breakfast."

"I think we've all finished breakfast," Avi said glaring at his own bowl of gunk. "This stuff is inedible."  

"Avi," Kevin hissed, but the damage had been done. Nuts narrowed her eyes at him.

"Well, Avriel," (Nuts hated using nicknames). "Since you hate the breakfast so much, you have not only released Kirstin of dishes duty, but myself of breakfast." She turned to the rest of the group. "I hope you find Avriel's food more appetizing than mine." She then turned on her heels and retreated to her office. Avi punched Kevin in the arm.

"Ouch, what was that for?" Kevin asked glaring at Avi.

"That was for not telling me to shut my mouth in time. Now I have to get up even earlier. Plus I burn everything I try to cook, good luck, soon you'll be wishing for more gloop like this." Avi then whisked away their bowls, heading to the kitchen and started to do his best to scoop the cement like stuff into the garbage before turning his attention to trying to clean the bowls. 


"It has come to my attention that getting Void into the facility has been proving to be more difficult than expected... Although it pains me to ask this of you, the EE and I think that perhaps your powers are the only way we can succeed-" Nuts was saying.

"On capturing them," Kirstie snapped, she seemed like she no longer cared that she interrupted Nuts. "You'd only being fooling yourself Dr. Madden, if you called this place anything less than a prison. We all know we are being forced to stay here against our will, so why should we help condemn someone else to this fate?" 

"So in other words," Scott hissed, backing Kirstie up. "We will not help you take Void here against their will. I'm pretty sure all of us will be happier if they never get here, at least one Elemental will be free." 

"Void will never be free," Nuts hissed. "Void is different than all of you! How can you call this place a prison when all we've done is help you?"

"Help us?" Avi roared. "You think forcing us to stay here against our will is helping us? You think ripping us away from our families is helping us?"

"If you want to force Void into the same fate as us," Kevin said standing up. "You'll have to do it alone." The four of them left the office together, not even bothering to look back. 

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