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"Now?" Avi echoed.

"Of course," Void stated. "There is no reason to wait."

"But there is," Kevin shook his head. "We want Mitch back as much as you. We need to work out the kinks in the plan... We cannot just get up and go."

"We have to!" Void roared. The bracelet rattled on his wrist. It wasn't enough however to completely contain his powers, and although it shocked him continuously his fist was ghostlike. His skin was smoke, and electricity danced through the clouds like a thunderstorm. And then as suddenly as it started it stopped, and Void crumpled to the ground. "We have to..." He sobbed. "Please..." He begged, black tears streaming down his face. "Please..."

Avi stood in shook, finding himself unable to move. Only Scott did. Throwing his arms around Void, and letting his tears soak his shirt.

"I've failed," Void cried, gripping onto Scott. "He's all I got, I've only wanted to protect him. I've done everything... for him! AND HE'S BEEN TAKEN FROM ME!" Scott soothed him, holding him tightly as Void still sobbed in his arms.

"Then let us do it now," Avi said quietly. "We have nothing to lose. The EE has already stripped everything from us. We only have something to gain." Avi had nothing but his friends. Avi barely remembered his family, they weren't apart of his life, he's never know freedom. He's only known rules. He knew that this life wasn't something a parent should wish for their child, but it was his life. If he had a chance to start over again he wouldn't. In this life he was amazing, and his friends were something others would beg for. They were his family.

Slowly the others agreed. Scott released Void as he began to pull sound from the wind, creating tiny devices that he distributed to the others.

"You'll have to speak aloud," Scott explained. "It will pick up a whisper and transmit it to all the other devices. But if you do not speak aloud, then you communication skills are useless." Kirstie smiled at Scott, reached for him and squeezing his hand. Avi was always jealous of their relationship, Kevin was his best friend, but he had long since stoped touching him. He used to burn everything that touched him, including friends, and over time? His friends learned to keep their distance. Sometimes things like that hurt, even someone with a scary outside. He longed to hug someone, to hold their hand, but he burned them, their body temperature unable to compete with his. But he didn't mean to get reflective, there were more important things at hand. 

Avi took his tiny device and slipped it into his ear, wincing as his friend's voices screamed through that one ear. 

"Now then?" He asked, messing with the device trying to get it to stop screeching at him, but every time someone with the device spoke, it was projected into his ear. He tried not to blame Scott, but he really blamed Scott. 

"Of course," Void said, he had finally pulled himself together and was using his sleeve to mop up the acidy mess on his face. "It's now or never." 

The four best friends locked eyes with each other, almost mentally agreeing that if this is the end it was worth it. At sixteen years of age, they were fine with giving up their lives. They had nothing to live for but each other anyway. 

"Ready?" Void asked, breaking up the moment. 

"Yes," Kirstie said quietly. "It's as you said, now or never." And with her soft words, Void twisted the handle on the door and the five stepped out of Outside, prepared to meet whatever fate was waiting for them. The second time they had ever rebelled... the second time one hundred times worse than the first. 


Avi stood in front of the door, letting his flames dance from finger to finger, as if jumping an invisible rope. Void was leaning against the wall, watching Avi with empty eyes. Avi tried not to let it make him uncomfortable, but in reality Void was creeping him out. He wished Kirstie would hurry up, and they could get this over with. 

"Uh," Kirstie's voice came through the small device in Avi ear. "We have a slight complication." 

"Define slight," Kevin's voice replied. 

"There happens to be a gate that I cannot get open that leads to the power room. It's drilled shut from the other side." The was a slight banging that muffled Kirstie's voice. 

"How tight are the bolts?" Void asked, startling Avi, it was the first time he had spoken in a while.

"Um, one is loose, the other seem decently well screwed in," Kirstie explained. 

"Use water to place pressure on the vent. It might loosen the bolt," Void suggested almost bored. 

"I'll try." And once again the line went silent. Avi tapped at the wall, making a quiet beat with his fingernails. 

"So..." Avi cleared his throat sick of just sitting there. Void didn't answer him, but Scott did.

"Try not to speak unless it is needed, every word you say uses my energy," He explained and Avi fell quiet, forgetting every word he was saying was being transmitted to the rest of the group through Scott. 

"Through!" Kirstie exclaimed excitedly. "I'm in the power room!" 

"Fantastic, let us know when the generators are fried, so I can begin burning some sh-" 

"Language," Kevin interrupted.

"So I burn some crap," Avi corrected with a roll of his eyes. 

"Back-ups are down," Kirstie reported. "Just the main one to go." A few seconds the halls went dark. "Done, starting burning Av." Avi smiled almost evilly and his hands burst into flames. He focused the fire into a narrow beam and pointed it at the metal of the door, burning through it like a laser. Avi loved it, even though it was working slower than it would in the practice room, he still felt that rush of destroying something.

When Avi was about a third of the way through the door, he heard Scott yell in pain and he used the knowledge of that to just fuel his fire. When he was nearly half-way a staticky voice rushed into his ear.

"Going dark," Scott sounded distant, almost like it he was no longer here. 

"On my way, Kev!" Kirstie had just enough time to scream that before the communicators dissolved back into regular air. 

"Damn!" Avi hissed and willed his fire to be hotted, for this to go faster. He could hear the sounds of combat getting closer and he began to yell as power ripped through him. With the edges of the metal tinted red, Avi finally completed the rectangle. He collapsed onto the floor, the use of energy finally catching up with him. The last thing Avi saw before his vision went dark was Void kicking the loose rectangle from the rest of the door. 

Author's Note

Listening to Pirates of the Caribbean and writing this was the best decision of my life. Perhaps I should listen to Mission Impossible for the next chapter. I'll give you a hint on what it will be about: exactly the same thing... just from my main man Scooter 

Be excited and get your intense music ready (also reread this one with intense music, might make it more interesting)


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