My Day at School

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  Summer had ended which meant we were back in school - three months back in school to be exact - and so far it was going great. I didn't tell anyone about knowing Tony, not even my closest friends knew. It's not because I was embarrassed by him... well maybe a little, but the reason was I didn't want anyone to treat me differently. Now, back to school. I had just gotten out of my first class after lunch, so all I had was two more classes until the Friday would be over.
  I walked beside my friend, Cassie, to ask her for a piece of gum, afraid that my breath smelled like tacos from lunch. Tacos at school were like seeing Santa Claus since it hardly ever happened. So, that was the most exciting thing that happened all day, or so I thought.
  Cassie slipped me a piece of gum then gave me a look. I was confused what the look - an almost annoyed one at that - was for until I noticed Ian jog up to me.
  "Hey, Sam. How was physics?" Ian asked, walking beside me.
  Which made a long, exasperated sigh slip from my tongue, "Hard! How on earth are we suppose to remember all of that? I don't see it helping us in the future."
  Ian smiled when he realized how stressed I was then he took my hand. Yes, we were dating but it had only been two weeks. We had four classes together, so luckily my next class was with him. "Algebra will be easier," Ian promised as we walked into the class.
  In agreement, I nodded then looked at the huge window next to our seats, the blinders were pulled up to let light in. Cassie, Ian, and I sat on the same smooth, wooden table right next to each other and waited for the math teacher.
  "So, how's Landon doing?" Ian turned toward me so his hazel eyes could connect with mine.
  "He's grounded for vandalizing some shop, but now he's not talking to anyone. I feel sorry for Mrs. Tracy, she's trying really hard to keep everyone in order. I swear she got all the bad kids," I explained, looking past his curly brown locks that kept falling in front of his face. Mrs. Tracy was my foster caretaker which meant Landon was my foster "brother" I guess you could say. There were six of us, all except for me were boys. However, Landon and I were closer so it upset me that he turned to do wrong things.
  "Except for you," Ian broke my active thoughts, so it took me a few seconds to realize that he was replying to my statement.
  I couldn't help the bashful blush that colored my cheeks, "I don't know, sometimes I wonder myself."
  Ian nodded in agreement, "Oh, yeah, because having all A's, and being a teacher's pet is the worst kid to have."
  I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm but added, "I actually have a B in physics."
  "You're going to jail, missy," he teased while his dimples sunk when he smirked.
  "Get a room you two!" Cassie interrupted us with the roll of her blue eyes.
  Ian stopped to turn toward the blonde haired friend, "Aw, the third wheel is jealous."
  My mouth dropped open and I slapped his shoulder. Ian and Cassie acted like they hated each other, of course, it was just a show since everyone knew that they were good friends.
  "Alright, everyone, settle down!" The teacher walked in with her phone in her hands. Most of her face was hidden behind the messy, unbrushed knots that she called hair. "Today we will be going over arithmetic sequences. Now, I know you've already learned that, but we will be going over it because the school board says to."
  Everyone sighed, then the whole classroom of twenty-six kids got loud from the student's bickering of disapproval. 
  "Alright, alright! Everyone get quiet. I know, boring. But let's get it over with," the exhausted looking teacher reassured more for herself.
  The noise in the classroom died down a little although there were still a few murmurs of disapproval. The teacher flipped through her book to see where to start, then her phone vibrated in her hand. "I have to use the restroom. Not too loud! I will be back in a few minutes, if I come back and it's a zoo then I am giving you guys extra homework." 
  No one believed the pompous teacher as she left the classroom so then it filled up with the chatty conversations.
  "So, are you doing anything this weekend?" Ian turned to me.
  "No, I'm free," it was Cassie who interrupted, teasingly.
  After Ian stuck his tongue out at her, I answered, "I have work on Saturday and Kyle has a game Sunday. I'm booked."
  "Which means she doesn't like to hang out with you," Cassie gave Ian a disgusting look.
  "Cassie if that is how you're going to break us up so you can ask me out, it needs work. I know I'm handsome, but you don't have to get so desperate," he insulted with the straightest face, making the comment seem even more believable.
  Cassie gasped like she couldn't believe he actually said that, "You are just full of yourself!"
  "You two, I swear! Sometimes I actually think you guys hate each other," I pointed out. They glared at each other like they were about to start arguing again then there was a loud sound. Something that turned everyone white like ghosts, getting everyone silent. There was a huge BOOM! It shook the whole classroom so the curious students turned their attention toward the windows. Everyone ran toward the transparent wall of glass to look outside to see what it was, then we all noticed the huge mushroom made from fire and smoke outside.
  "Explosion!" some taller student alerted.
  I scanned around the room for the teacher however remembered that she had left so I quickly stood on my chair, "Alright! Everyone away from the windows! Huddle together next to the wall then guard yourself with chairs or tables!" I demanded, taking charge.
  Everyone paused their screaming and running in circles just to stare at me like deer in headlights, so Ian jumped in, "Now!!!"
  Fortunately, everyone listened and grabbed sturdy tables, chairs, desks so they could press themselves to the wall. I turned back to look out the window and saw something coming toward the classroom. It was flying too fast for me to say anything, then the object crashed through the window and slammed into the wall; luckily there was no one there. The object looked oddly familiar. Was that a suit of iron?

(Now that was the first chapter! I know it was pretty short and ended on a cliff-hanger but stayed tuned to find out what happens! And I am so excited that this book is up, I've been working on it for a while so I hope you guys enjoy it. Also, I've decided to post - for now - every Sunday, which may seem slow but I still need time to work on the book too. So I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! Comment telling me what you think will happen and please vote if you liked the story! Thanks so much, guys!
~~~~~ LL2z) 

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