The Plan

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Director Fury pulled some papers out of the files that he had brought into the room, and he gave them a quick glance over. Everyone was standing, even though there were comfortable looking chairs around the room, but I wasn't that... patient - for lack of a better word - so I sat down. When no one was looking, I rolled the chair in a back corner away from the group's attention but close enough to listen to what they had to say.
Finally, Director Fury continued the meeting by saying, "This may come as a surprise to all of you but some - maybe even many - people don't like heroes. They're scared. And they have every right to be scared. I mean, I don't even know where Thor is at... So, a man that goes by the name of Lesser, has gathered a big enough group to-," he paused, "and I quote, 'take out the Avengers'."
Tony started chuckling at a matter that no one really thought was funny, so after the subtle outburst, it got quiet. Stark cleared his throat, "What? No one else thinks it's funny that someone claims to be able to take us out and their name is 'Lesser'?"
"That's really the only thing that stood out, in your mind, in that whole sentence?" Natasha snapped.
"I mean, can't we just arrest the guy?" Tony suggested.
Natasha crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow, "For what?"
"Threats," Stark pointed out.
Nat rolled her eyes, like she couldn't believe him, "You know that's not justifiable in court. Besides, a lot of higher class politicians agree with the crazy guy. They might not say exactly that they want to 'end us' but they do want us on a leash and they'll get their way any way they want and anyway they can."
Barton jumped in, "Why are we even arguing about this? We all know that this guy can't even get within yards of us. It's a big statement that he's making."
"He's doing what Hitler did with the Germans," Steve added. "I've watched his speeches personally, and everyone thought that what he was saying would help everyone in the end. He convinced them that he was the good guy, up until he started killing people."
"Rogers is right," Banner commented, agreeingly. "We can't ignore the guy."
"I'm still confused on how he thinks he can get to us," Barton made the point.
Director Fury sighed, "Can I get back to my speech? Thank you, Clint, for pointing that out because that brings me to my next subject... This is where it gets... odd... What's popular today? What does the future look like?"
"If the answer is reality TV, I'm out," Tony proclaims.
Director Fury groaned and rolled his eyes, "No."
I knew instantly where Fury was getting at. "Social media," I answered so quietly that I'm surprised they all heard me.
Director Fury lit up and he pointed to me, "Yes! And who 'controls' social media?"
"The people that created it?" Tony guessed.
Natasha massaged her temples like she was getting a headache, "No, you idiot. Teenagers."
Tony finally seemed like he was getting it, "He's turning teenagers against us?... What's so scary about them?"
"Besides the crazy hormones?" Barton had to add.
"Would you hurt a kid?" Steve asked Tony, then some eyes shifted back towards me. When they looked over at me I instantly turned my gaze to the floor and blushed.
"That asshole!" Tony cursed.
Steve shot Tony a glare, "Language!"
Stark rolled his eyes in annoyance, "That jerk!... Better?"
Even though the situation was serious, it wasn't intense enough for me to not laugh. I put my hand over my mouth in an attempt to stifle my snickers but it didn't work well as I giggled.
"If this is all true, then the name Lesser makes sense," Banner commented. "Make people think that it was all their idea then they might actually go for it."
"Then what about the missile?" I piped up, obviously getting curious about what this had to do with me.
"Oh... Forgot you weren't really informed about that," Director Fury muttered. "Well... We, honestly, don't know that ourselves-," he seemed like he was about to explain but I stopped him there.
I interrupted the man's explanation by growling out the sentence, "If what you're saying is true, and this man needs teenagers, why would he blow them all up?!" I was starting to get mad.
"We're figuring that out-," Director Fury tried to reassure me.
For some reason, this really ticked me off, "I'm listening to a speech that is way over my head and people like you would kill anyone who found this information out!"
"See this is why people are turning on us," Banner sighed. "We don't kill people!" he shouted.
I crossed my arms in frustration and I finally shot out of the chair, "My point is, this stuff is way over my head! WHY AM I HERE?!"
Finally, the room was dead silent. I instantly turned pale when no one would look me in the eyes, but it made me even more confused what they needed me for. I wondered if I was out of place to yell at all these people when they probably saved my life more than I could count, and I wouldn't even know about it.
Barton cleared his throat, "Tony, I'm kinda thirsty. Can you get me a coffee?"
"What?!" Tony shot at the man, but everyone else started mumbling in agreement that they wanted Tony to get them something - for whatever reason. Tony stared at the people in the room, searching their eyes, then he sighed, "Alright, fine." Stark turned towards the door - which I was right beside - and opened it. He glanced over at me, "I'll be right back. Okay?"
I nodded bashfully then Tony - the only person I knew in that room - left. I was completely embarrassed at that point, and it didn't help that everyone was staring at me like they knew something about me that I didn't - which, if you don't know the feeling, is very awkward and embarrassing.
"Um... if you want to sit down, you can," Steve offered me, breaking the silence. Alas, the offer felt more like he was trying to say, "Yeah, you should probably sit down or else you're going to hurt yourself after we tell you what we're about to tell you." So I took his none-said advice and sat down in the swivel chair. What they said next, I was totally not prepared for.

(Dun-dun-duuuhhh. What do you guys think will happen? Comment telling me what you think and please vote, it helps a lot and it's much appreciated! So, what do you guys think about it so far? What is the Avenger's master plan? How will it affect Sam? Find out in the next chapter! And thank you, everyone who has been keeping up with the story and enjoying it! Love you guys so much!
~~~~~ LL2z)

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