Grand Entrance

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  There was a built man, in a black suit, waiting to stop me at the top with his deep and intimidating voice, "Sorry, kid. This place is off limits." His face was stone cold and the man's eyes were hidden behind a dark pair of shades. 
  Tony and Clint walked behind me and up to the security guy, "She's with us," Tony stated.
  "Oh, sorry Mr. Stark," the guard opened the door for us, so my smile was right back on my face. Tony's tower had a more comforting style; like a place to live should have. But this place was more open as many people scurried from place to place in the building. It was nothing like the Stark headquarters but it was hard to compare the two and decide which one was better. This building seemed alive but crowded.
  Then, my eyes light up as I saw a familiar face, "Agent Conner!"
  The man instantly turned around when he heard his name, then he flashed me a smile, "Samantha!"
  I rolled my eyes, knowing he was just trying to get under my skin, so when I reached the man I slapped his arm playfully. I saw that he was working on some type of computer - like, fixing it - because he had a tool box at his side. Conner smiled again and he held his fist out so I gave him a fist-bump.
  "How did you get in-?" Conner started then his eyes connected with Tony's. The agent instantly stood up straight, "Mr. Stark," he dipped his head, respectfully.
  Tony walked up to us and smirked, "I knew I found a good babysitter."
  Conner blushed at the title but couldn't help smile, "But she is a tough one, sir."
  "That is true," Tony nodded and looked at me, raising his eyebrow. 
  "I'm not that much trouble, am I?" I wondered.
  Conner chuckled and Tony grinned but no one decided to answer me, then Tony interrupted the fun, "Alright, well it was nice seeing you again, Troy, but we have to go."
  "Aw," I whined. Then smiled, "I'll see you later." I waved bye to Conner, then I followed close after Stark as he took the lead to an elevator while Clint was following behind me; probably to make sure I didn't get lost, or wonder off, because - knowing myself - I definitely would in this place. The doors to the elevator wouldn't even open without a key-card so, luckily, Stark pulled out a little card and held it up to a scanner. The scanner beeped happily, like it accepted the level of access on the card, and the doors opened up. The elevator went up when Tony pressed the button, so I leaned back against the wall. There was a metal bar that was attached to the wall, just in case you needed to hold onto it, so I relaxed my hand on it. I tapped my fingers on the bar, impatiently; it was so still and silent in the elevator it almost made it awkward. Finally, there was a ding and the doors slid open. 
  I let Tony take the lead because I didn't know where we were going as we walked down a hallway. We passed a few people and they glanced at us, although their gazes mostly turned to me because I guessed that hardly ever - if at all - any kids were allowed here. My cheeks turned into a crimson color as I looked at the floor, shying from the glance. 
  Tony turned a corner and it led to a transparent room. My heart immediately stopped in shock. There, in the room talking, was Captain America, the Hulk - but of course in his human form -, and the Black Widow. I thought it was so cool that I got to see them! Then, Tony didn't stop as he got closer to the room of heroes. 
  I forced my feet to stop, "Uh... Tony..."
  Finally, Tony halted and turned around, "Yeah?"
  "Where are we going? I don't see another room, besides... that one," I pointed to the transparent one.
  "Guess that means that's the room we're going to," Stark stated. 
  My eyes widened and I turned around to look at Clint, wondering if he was serious, but Clint didn't change his expression at all. This was for real...
  I began to panic inside, "Wh-wh," I couldn't manage to form a coherent sentence at the moment because my tongue completely felt numb. I took a deep breath, "Am I-?" I started. Finally, I managed to say, "I'm not going in there am I?"
  "... They don't bite..." Tony looked confused on why I was acting like that. Then Stark added, "Well... most of them don't..." 
  "Alright... Well, I think I'm going that way," I pointed down a hallway that was the exact opposite way from where the heroes were. Whether I acted like it or not, knowing Tony was the biggest thing that has ever happened to me and know I met Clint Barton. However, it felt overwhelming that I might have to meet even more amazing people. In one day. 
  Tony grabbed my hand before I could move, "Hm, no you're not."
  I pulled back but his grip didn't loosen, "You grownups can talk, but I don't think I'm... qualified..."
  Tony rolled his eyes and started pulling, more like dragging, me towards the room, "You'll be fine!"
  "Tony! NO, I swear!" I tried to pull against him, then, in all the chaos, we somehow switched positions. I was pulling toward the room - by accident - and Tony was still trying to pull me but away from the room. By then, Stark had already managed to get the door open and I hoped that the heroes weren't staring at the nonsense. Once Tony realized that I was pulling toward the board room, he let my hand go. I gasped and fell backward into the room. I thought I was going to fall on my butt and completely embarrass myself, but no something much worse happened. I fell right into someone's arms; they were strong, firm arms at that.
  "Whoa," the voice mumbled, as he caught me. I looked up into Captain America's stunning eyes. "Are you alright there?" he smiled, his eyes gleaming with amusement. 
  Although, I scrambled out of the man's arms and brushed myself off, then I cleared my throat as I composed myself. I was trying to think of something to say but I kept quiet, in fear of my words melting out of my mouth and embarrassing myself even more. 
  Clint walked into the room, then Tony walked in with a very big smirk on his face, "Alright, let the meeting begin!"
  The door closed behind Tony so I turned my head and saw a man in a black trench coat and an eye-patch walk into the room. He placed some files on the one table that was in the middle of the room, "Trying to start without me, Stark?"
  "No, sir. Mr. Fury," Tony's tone was still light and mocking.
  The Captain added, "Are you going to introduce us?" he motioned towards me.
  Tony looked back at me, and my blushing face, then his eyes gleamed with a look that said, "Go on, introduce yourself."
  Of course, I had to do this myself, even though he knew I was shy. "Um..." I swallowed hard. "I'm Sam, his-," I pointed toward Stark, but choked.
  "My niece," Tony finished it for me. "Well... technically, Pepper's niece, but-," he shrugged and didn't finish his sentence.
  The man I knew as Captain America held his hand out, "Steve Rogers."
  I blushed, even harder, and took his hand. His grip was gentle, which surprised me because he seemed really built through his plain white t-shirt.
  A woman with red, short hair and a black outfit on - who I knew as the Black Widow - followed Steve's move and held her hand out with a smile, "Natasha Romanoff."
  I shook her hand and the greetings went down the row to a man with curly hair, nerdy looking glasses, and a white lab coat, "Bruce Banner," he held his hand out too, and I guessed that he was the Hulk. So, I shyly shook his hand.
  Then it went to the man with the trench coat and eye-patch, "I'm Director Fury," but he didn't hold his hand out.
  Tony jumped in, "And you already met Clint Barton... So, now, hi I'm your Uncle  Stark that you don't mention to any of your friends," he pointed out, sourly.
  I crossed my arms, and I think I was so sassy at that point that I forgot the nervous feeling that was rising in my stomach because I snapped back, "Anyone heard of me before?" I looked around the room but no one answered so I turned back to Tony to prove my point.
  "Touché..." Stark rubbed his hand over the hair on his chin.
  "Are we done with the introductions?" Fury tested, but no one said anything. "Good, now the meeting starts."

(Ahhhhh! I'm freaking out too much, I. Need. To. Breath... Alright! So, tell me how you guys liked it! Sam finally met the Avengers but I'm sure that wasn't as smooth as she would've hoped it to be... Now, the meeting... Why did the Avengers - the best heroes - ask Sam, only a teenager, to be there? Guess we'll find out next chapter. Please vote, comment, share this book if you loved it! And thank you for reading
~~~~~ LL2z) 

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