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  The next morning, my muscles were still sore and I figured that I'd have to get a massage or something soon. Forcing myself out of bed, I went through my usual routine. I took a shower, got dressed, packed my bag then headed for the kitchen to eat breakfast. No matter what, I wanted this to be a normal Tuesday. So, I grabbed a bagel from the cupboards and popped it into the toaster. When it popped back out, I slipped some cream cheese on the food.
  Eventually, I finished my breakfast so I threw my bag over my shoulder and trekked out of the house before anyone could notice me. As soon as I turned a corner, Tony Stark was standing right there with his hands innocently behind his back. Since I wasn't expecting him, I jumped slightly before sighing, "Tony, you scared me to death." Then I peered up to see a cheeky smile tugging at his lips. "Why are you looking at me like that...?" I shifted uncomfortably at his stare.
  Not being able to hide it any longer, Stark slipped a small box with a bow from behind his back and handed it to me. He didn't say anything as I took the box in my hands and stared at it as if I had never seen a present before.
  Finally accepting it, my face burned bright with a blush as I attempted to stifle a smile, "You didn't have to-... get me anything."
  "But I did. Open it," Tony insisted with a childish smirk as he rocked on his heels.
  Still blushing to high heavens, I peered down at the cute little box and popped off the lid. When my eyes connected to what was inside, I felt my eyes start to sting. I picked it up in my hands and smiled down at the little Iron Man figure.
  "It's a stress toy because I know how insufferable I can be," he admitted with a coy expression.
  Before I could get another word out, I bolted forward and wrapped my arms around the man. I was so overwhelmed with emotions that I didn't know what else to do. This was honestly the most thoughtful gift anyone had given me. Even if it was a silly toy, it meant a lot.
  Hiding my face in his casual Judas Priest t-shirt, I murmured, "You didn't have to do this, Tony."
  "I'm a billionaire. You really think I couldn't get you a little stress toy?" Tony challenged. "Also, it's one of a kind. Never hit the market. I could sign it if you'd like," his teasing demeanor instantly came back.
  So I pulled out of the hug to give his shoulder a shove before peering back down at the Iron Man toy and wondering, "How did you know it was my birthday?"
  "I do my research... Besides, I wouldn't miss something this important," Tony reassured me.
  Not about to be a big baby, I wiped off the tears in my eyes before they could race down my cheek. I usually wasn't one to cry because I had been through so much crap that I built tough skin but Tony showing me this side of him was more than I could handle. "Don't you know that it's rude to make women cry? You should be ashamed," I joked while giving the man a playful glare.
  Fortunately, he smiled lightheartedly, "My apologies. Let me make it up to you by preparing a fancy dinner at my place. How does pizza sound?"
  A giggle slipped from my lips but I nodded vigorously, "Sounds awesome." I knew by "prepared" he meant order, and "fancy" he meant greasy.
  With a dip of his head, Tony concluded, "Great. Until then, I've already got all of the equipment set up." Then he slipped his hand into his pocket before pulling out the earpiece.
  Not being able to contain my smile, I took the electronic and adjusted it in my ear. We tested the equipment to make sure it worked before seeing each other off. I went to my own car while Tony went to his. Tony made my day and I knew it couldn't go wrong. Not today.


  School was - fortunately - pretty normal. Cassie knew that today was my birthday so she brought me her grandma's homemade fudge. It was amazing. Her grandmother always made the best fudge so I was very grateful for the gift. Haplessly, Cassie told Ian a few days ago about my birthday being today so he also got a present for me. He decided to get me a heart-shaped locket that didn't open but it was very sweet of him to get me something.
  Finally, school was over but I still had to go to the club after school. Pretty much the whole time Caleb was complaining about all of the things that have changed and went wrong since the Avengers came. Like how we wouldn't have alien invaders if it weren't for them, and how more enemies popped up to challenge the heroes.
  The whole meeting was boring and I tuned out most of it. Even from my earpiece, I could hear Tony in the distance ranting against whatever Caleb was talking about. I would've found it funny that Stark was arguing to no one but I couldn't laugh and blow my cover.
  Finally! It was over and I was one hundred percent ready to go hang out with Tony. The promise of pizza got me even more excited so I was pretty quick to bolt out of the school and to my car. I turned my engine over then began the journey to Tony's place. I hadn't been there since the summer and I was hoping we could catch up more.
  Eventually, I parked in the parking garage of Stark's building and slipped out of my car. I noticed that the car he took was already here which meant he had to be home. I took the elevator up to one of the top floors that he was usually at. As the elevator doors slid open, I noticed how immediately dark it was. For a second, I thought I went blind because it was so pitch black in the room.
  "Hello?" I called in confusion. When I almost tripped over something that I couldn't see, I figured it was smart to turn the lights on. "JARVIS, can you turn the lights on for me?" I asked politely. Sure he was a computer, but it didn't mean that I had to be rude.
  Luckily, he replied with, "Of course, miss."
  Then the lights turned on but I wasn't expecting the startling noise of, "SURPRISE!"
  At first, I flinched at the noise and sudden pop-up. After blinking a few times, I scanned the room dumbfounded. Everyone was here! It was all of the Avengers, Director Fury, and Pepper! A slow smile erupted on my face when I realized what was happening. Were they throwing me a surprise party?
  Tony was in the front of the crowd so I turned to him, "Did you do all of this?"
  "I know it's a little much but-," Tony began.
  Except I didn't let him finish because I leaped forward and tackled him with a hug, "Are you kidding? This is amazing!"
  "You haven't even seen the cake," Tony mentioned with a slight chuckle.
  Which got me to swiftly pull away with shock, "Cake?"
  "It should be over there if Barton didn't eat it," Stark motioned with his head toward the counter before shooting Clint a jesting smirk.
  Clint raised his eyebrow at Stark but decided not to argue. So, I bolted to the counter to find a circular cake that was in the shape of the arc reactor. It was a blue color with lighter shades circled around and metallic colored shapes decorated the design. The cake was actually pretty impressive and made the whole surprise even cooler and overwhelming. However, sitting next to the cake was a table full of boxes that quickly caught my attention.
  After glancing around the room, I inquired, "Is this all for me?"
  As an answer, Stark sassed, "No, it's for Ryan Gosling."
  Confused, I wondered, "What does a famous actor have to do with this?"
  So Tony shrugged and admitted, "He has the same birthday as you."
  I crossed my arms and shot him a teasing smirk, "Wow, you use that brain of yours to remember celebrity birthdays?"
  "I'm going to ignore that snarky comment and go first," Tony confessed but I didn't know exactly what that meant. That is until Tony paced over to the table with the boxes then picked one up. With an expectant smile, Tony handed me the box.
  Definitely perplexed, I noted, "You already gave me a gift."
  Which got him to roll his eyes and pointed out, "You really thought your birthday present was a stress toy? Come on, now. I'm a billionaire and a philanthropist."
  "But it was cute," I pouted.
  He shot me an annoyed glance - typical Tony - then ordered, "Open the box."
  Ignoring any other snarky comments that came to mind, I finally obeyed and took the box in my hand before opening it up. My fingers gripped something smooth and I pulled it out to examine it. The present was a rectangular, thin brick made out of glass. What was I supposed to do with this? Hit people over the head with it? It was a bit small for that.
  Still confused, I questioned, "Uh... is it a paperweight?"
  So he rolled his eyes again then took the device in his hands. He swiped the screen and the apparent glass phone turned on. My eyes widened as I watched him mess around on the phone. Finally, he flicked his finger against the phone and a hologram appeared. It showed a 3D model of the technology so Tony rotated the image with his finger so I could observe the advanced technology. Honestly, if I hadn't been with Tony for so long, this technology would've seemed so futuristic.
  "I programmed it to where you could do pretty much anything. Something as mundane as texting, calling, Twitter, whatever. Or something a little more complex like scanning faces, collecting information, hacking-."
  A sigh came from behind Tony and Rogers commented, "What is with you and giving her dangerous equipment?"
  "Have fun with her hacking into your systems," Natasha mocked
  "She'll be fine!" Stark declared before leaning close to my ear to murmur, "If you use this for evil then you will feel my wrath."
  I raised my eyebrows then dipped my head, "Duly noted. I won't use your glass brick against you."
  With a slight smirk, Tony remembered, "Oh, I almost forgot." Before taking the phone and chucking it across the room. Since it was glass, I was sure that the technology shattered into pieces. Of course I was only teasing Tony but that didn't mean that I wanted him to break his gift!
  Appalled at the action, I screamed, "Tony! What is the matter with you?!"
  Keeping his grin, Stark sauntered over to where he threw the phone and picked it up in his hands. I flinched slightly because I expected him to be picking up shards of broken glass but when he lifted his hand, it was perfectly fine. The phone wasn't shattered at all. It didn't even have a crack in it. How was this possible?
  As if to answer my question, the man explained, "It's practically indestructible glass. Sounds like an oxymoron, I know, but it's almost impossible to break."
  "W-...what?" I stammered with astonishment.
  "Also, it's waterproof. Want me to show you?" Tony offered.
  Except, I immediately declined, "No, thank you. I believe you." Tony was smart and all but I really didn't want him messing up this gift.
  "Alright! Pepper, it's your turn," Tony turned to his girlfriend with a smile.
  At first, she kept something held behind her back so I anticipated what she had. When she pulled out an envelope that most likely had a birthday card, I was actually relieved. Some people would rather have an actual present but I was scared that everyone would spend too much money on me. I mean, come on! Tony already got a futuristic, expensive-as-hell phone that I would have to keep up with! A birthday card was humbling.
  So, with a wide smirk, I took the envelope after thanking Pepper and began to open it. The outside was a normal, cheesy birthday greeting. It got a chuckle from me before I opened the card up hoping to not find anything hidden inside. Alas, two tickets fell into my palm.
  My eyes widened when I read that it was a plane ticket, "...Europe?"
  "For when you graduate," Pepper smiled calmly. "I only got two so that means it's just a girls' trip," she sent Tony a look when he rolled his eyes.
  Not only was my heart pounding in my chest but my jaw was practically touching the floor with absolute shock, "Seriously?"
  "Yeah, I was hoping that we could go to places like London, Paris, Rome, Berlin, Athens. You know, just everywhere," Pepper elucidated. Then her excited expression melted with a frown, "Do you not like it?"
  Quick to explain, I exclaimed, "Are you kidding?! I've always wanted to go to Europe!" Before remarking, "It's just-... are you sure?"
  A patient and tender smile added a loving gleam to her eyes as she promised, "Of course, Sam. I'd love to show you around." This, I assumed, meant she had been to Europe many times before. Of course, she had. Pepper had probably been all over the world a dozen times before because - for one - they definitely had the money to but - also - more for business reasons.
  The conversation didn't continue in time until a booming voice called out, "I wish to go next!"
  I turned my head to notice Thor wearing the biggest smirk like an excited child. A few of the others stepped out of his way as he marched forward. Pride and elation was shown on Thor's expression when he presented a small box. It appeared to be a ring box then - to make it worse - Thor got down on his knees to get eye level.
  "Lady Sam, I have brought for you this quaint gift," Thor began as he opened the box to reveal exactly what I assumed. A ring.
  Not letting him continue the presentation, I pointed out, "I'm flattered, Thor, but we just met and I'm only seventeen. I don't think I'm ready to get married."
  "Married?" Thor inquired as he seemed nonplussed.
  "Well, you have a ring and you're kneeling. It's something most humans do to purpose," I pointed out while trying to stifle a smirk as if to seem serious. There was even laughter dotted throughout the room.
  "Oh, well that is because of how short you are," Thor explained before standing back up on his feet.
  This wiped the grin right off my face in irritation as I pouted, "I'm not short..." Turning back to the ring that Thor handed me, I held it between my pointer finger and thumb so I could observe the item of jewelry. It was pretty but it was plain at the same time. The ring was thick like a class ring and it was a dark gray color which made it seem dull. However, there were interesting engravings carved into the metal ring. Since I didn't understand what it was, I guessed that the markings weren't from this planet.
  Eventually, Thor realized how clueless I was about the gift so he explained, "Trust me, it's not just a ring." Then the god took the gift into his bigger fingers and seemed to press a button which made a hologram projectile shoot up from the ring.
  My eyes widened as I peered up in wonder at the images that surrounded me. Even the room appeared to become darker so the stars that lit up the ceiling brightened. It looked like a map of the galaxy. The images even rotated around my head so I could see each individual star and planet that inhabited the images. This was stunning and absolutely gorgeous.
  "That's Midgard," Thor pointed to the small, familiar planet of earth. "And that's Asgard," he pointed to another area on the map.
  "Thor, this is-... this is beautiful," I breathed in awe.
  Which got a jovial smile from the Asgardian, "I'm pleased you enjoy it."
  "Do Asgardians hug?" I wondered with a demure smile.
  With a deadpanned expression, Thor responded, "Of course not! We chest bump." The god thumped his fist against his chest which made a loud and hollow thud. This must've been because Asgardians were tough and weren't big on emotions so I frowned in a pout. Although, Thor reassured me, "I was making a joke."
  When I peered back up at him, I noticed his teasing smirk so a smile decorated my face as he stepped forward. I felt his thick arms wrap around my smaller body. Honestly, it was pretty amusing how low Thor had to bend down to reach me. However, I didn't leave him hanging as I hugged him back in appreciation. I was so thankful that everyone was being so considerate and offering me gifts that I was instantly falling in love with.
  The two of us pulled away which was someone else's cue. I almost forgot that we still had half of the Avengers to go through! Jeez... I really didn't deserve this much.
  A voice shattered the silence, "Alright! Now it's time to humble her." Judging by the volume of the tone, I would've guessed that someone like Tony spoke. I was proven wrong when I turned my head and my crisp blue eyes landed on a pair of soft hazel ones. Banner? "This is for you," the scientist lowered a wrapped box to my arms.
  I lifted my eyebrow at him because of his earlier statement about 'humbling' me but accepted the present. Cautiously, because I was still wary of opening presents, I pulled apart the wrapping paper to reveal-!... a box. So, I continued to open the gift by lifting up the lid. The first thing to greet me was the color green.
  "Bruce... you didn't..." I couldn't hold my grin for any longer as I pulled out the plastic gift. It was the toy Hulk fists that we saw at the toy store a few days ago. Instead of waiting for him to reply, I flicked my wrist and waved my hand to dismiss everyone else, "You can all go home now. Bruce won."
  Fortunately, the heroes took it as a joke while the open room echoed with a rumble of laughter. I was a simple person and I think the Avengers realized that I didn't need anything fancy to be pleased. These toy fists were epic and I couldn't be happier.
  Continuing with the shenanigans, I turned my attention to Tony, "You can have the suit back. I'll just become a miniature Hulk."
  Annoyed about the whole scene - Bruce grinning wider than the ocean and me practically fangirling - Stark rolled his eyes before insulting, "Fine, be the green troll's apprentice. See if I care."
  "Tony!" my arms protectively wrapped around Bruce's broad shoulders, "You can't be mean to your science buddy like that!"
  "Psh, I bet I could beat that," another voice commented from behind.
  In disbelief, I peeled myself away from Banner before turning to face Clint. There was no way he could out-gift Banner... Or could he? Accepting the challenge, I took a step closer to the man with an innocent smirk. Casually, I held out my arms in acceptance of whatever he was about to offer me.
  With a brisk scoff, Barton picked up one of the gifts from the table. Since it was from him, he handed it over to my open arms. I was clueless to what it was, especially since it was in the shape of a guitar.
  "Jee, I wonder what this could be," I responded sarcastically. Either way, I still pulled apart the wrapping paper. It wasn't exactly what I thought it was.
  Clint explained, "It's so we can play Guitar Hero together! I need someone that actually has good taste in music."
  Since this was clearly directed at Tony, the man shot a scowl his way while protesting, "The first Guitar Hero has better songs!"
  "Are you kidding? Guitar Hero 2 has a better variety and a better gaming setup," Barton argued. This got everyone to roll their eyes in annoyance at the two bickering.
  "Guitar Hero has Iron Man in it! Of course I'd like the first one better," Tony made the case.
  "Have you actually heard the lyrics to Iron Man?" Clint challenged.
  "No one actually focuses on the lyrics, Barton!" Stark exclaimed childishly.
  With a groan, I rubbed my temples and muttered, "You two are giving me a headache."
  "Well, if you did listen to the words then you'd realize how heavy they were," Clint admitted. At first, I didn't think anything of this sentence until I realized the man's wide smirk.
  "Did you just make a pun?" Tony interrogated as if he were offended.
  "Let's move on," Nat suggested, interrupting the feud because it was her turn. With a beaming grin of excitement, she held up a present of her own. It was fairly big. Not something huge - which I appreciated - and I was pretty sure that it wasn't another ring - because the box wasn't that small. The wrapping paper was just like every other wrapping paper so I didn't have a problem with ripping the gift open.
  Behold! Another box.
  Patiently, I opened the box. I was getting pretty good at this with all of the practice that I've had recently. When the lid was off, my eyes connected to a pair of black boots similar to Natasha's. With a curious and excited smile, I pulled the boots out of the box and examined them. I peered up at Nat so she dipped her head which was my cue to try them on. Surprisingly, they fit me pretty well and were very stylish.
  To add on to the coolness of the gift, Romanoff claimed, "If you reach right here then they become weapons."
  Luckily, she showed me so I didn't have to figure them out and break them by accident or disastrously hurt myself. While I was wearing the boots, Nat reached down and grabbed the side of the boot. At first, I was confused on what she was doing. Then something popped out of the boot and I didn't realize what it was until she held it up. Natasha was holding a black baton in her hands that fit perfectly into the boots. I didn't even know it was there.
  "And, just for a little more spice-," Nat started before turning the baton on so electricity rippled through the weapon.
  My eyes widened and lit up in excitement at the crackling sound. Of course, it looked extremely dangerous but it was also epic! Well, when I eventually learn to use them... As the crinkling of the electricity stopped, I took the baton from Romanoff into my own hand to examine it.
  With a baiting smirk, I turned to Stark and suggested, "Hey, Tony. Hold your arm out."
  Immediately, Stark crossed his arms to have his extremities as close to himself as possible in a defensive manner, "I will do no such thing." Then he turned his head to connect his gaze with Rogers, "I'm surprised you haven't even said anything about this."
  In surrender, Steve lifted his hands up before admitting, "I'm staying out of this one."
  I giggled softly at the two before raising my foot up and holding the baton against my boot. I still didn't know exactly how this worked but I would eventually figure it out. The baton clicked into place in the boot and seemed to disappear from sight. This was the most bad-ass thing I had ever worn. Not that it was saying much, but still.
  "Alright, Captain Crunch. It's your turn," Tony ordered toward Steve.
  "You know, Tony. I'm starting to think these nicknames are just how you show your fondness of me," Steve smirked. It was a bad-boy expression that seemed completely uncharacteristic of Steve which only made it the more perfect.
  So Tony retorted, "Good because I have an undying list."
  Brushing off the man's last statement, Rogers turned back to the table that carried only one gift left. With that gentle but charming smile that Cap was known for, he reached his arm out and handed me a wrapped box. All before stating, "Happy Birthday, Sam."
  My cheeks turned pink as I blushed and the back of my neck heated up. As I took the gift, I responded, "Thanks, Steve." Then I carefully tore off the paper until the box was in view. When the lid was off of the box, my eyes lit up with curiosity. I pulled out a pair of black boxing gloves that would appear to fit me perfectly.
  Just as I pulled them from their container, Cap suggested, "Try them on."
  At first, I figured it was just to make sure they fit but when my hands slipped through them, I felt a cold metal touch my fingertips. Again surprised, I felt around in the glove and pulled out the second hidden gift that was waiting to be revealed. Once I held it up within eyesight, it seemed like my heart grew ten sizes bigger then melted away with disbelief and joy. Dog tags. I gripped the metal and began to read the words inscribed on them. Samantha Hadley. Then under that, it read Titanium. There were other things engraved but I was too happy to read the rest.
  Finally, I peered up at Rogers with a grin, "For real?"
  "You finally have your own," Cap smiled back.
  So, of course, I lurched forward to attack Steve with a hug, "Thank you so much! I love 'em!"
  Except in the background, I hear a scoff then the usual sarcastic comment from Stark, "Psh, it's just metal."
  Which made me pull away and send a sharp look at Tony but quickly glanced back at Steve, "It means a lot."
  "Anything for you, kid," Steve winked reassuringly.
  "And now for the best present of the night," honestly it sounded like something Tony would say so my first thought would be to turn to him but that's not where the voice was coming from.
  I turned my head until my eyes connected with one, "Fury? You got me a present?!"
  "Why wouldn't I? You're helping us with a case after all," he pointed out then stepped closer and away from the crowd. Then held out the unwrapped present.
  My mouth dropped to the floor and my eyes widened. This actually might be the best gift of the night. It was a card that he held in between his middle and index finger but it was much more than a piece of plastic. Just from reading it, I knew exactly what it was.
  It was hard to speak because my breath wanted to get caught in my throat but I pushed it back and gasped, "Is that my S.H.I.E.L.D security card?!"
  "As a matter of fact, it is," the agent nodded his head.
  A screech involuntarily left my throat and bolted towards Fury. I noticed him flinch slightly as if he thought I was going to pounce on him. Except I wasn't so violent but instead wrapped my arms around the man in a tight, thankful embrace. Instead of ignoring my gesture, the agent gave me a firm pat on the back in acknowledgment.
  Keeping my gleeful smile, I pulled away to scan the group of people that have started becoming like a family to me. This day was the best. From the thoughtful gifts to all of them being present here to support me and make sure I have a great time. I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to know. 
  Alas, a voice didn't give me the time to fangirl, "I'm hungry. Can we eat cake and pizza now?"
  The room filled with a low chatter from everyone chiming in. Conversations began if we should cut the cake now or start with pizza. Then it changed to who should cut the cake. Everyone had a piece of the chatting except for me as I stood back to watch them. A small grin showed on my face as I let the adults figure everything out. Tony pointed out that there was no reason to choose when it was easier to put pizza and cake on the same pizza. After that discussion, it was decided that Tony would cut the cake which is exactly what he did.
  Before I knew it, I was handed a plate of pepperoni pizza and marble cake with buttercream frosting. The best choice of food for a birthday. After thanking Tony, I decided to try the cake first because it was my birthday and I could do what I wanted. So I took the plastic fork and shoved it through the beautifully designed cake before holding it up to my lips.
  To my dismay, a ringing erupted from my pocket before I could eat the dessert. Figuring it wouldn't hurt to check it, I pull out my phone. The weird thing was that it wasn't my personal phone. It took me a minute to realize that it was coming from the thin piece of glass. How was I already getting a call from the phone that Tony gave me?
  Not wanting to distract the party, I took the ringing to the other side of the room - far enough that it wouldn't bug anyone. On the other side of the room was a wall of glass as a large window so I kept my gaze to the darkening sky while I swiped at the glass phone. When the ringing ceased, I assumed I had successfully answered the call so I held it up to my ear.
  "Hello?" I began with curiosity.
  "Hello, Sam," an eery voice replied. 
  This only made me more confused, "I'm sorry, who is this?" 
  "Someone who's been trying to warn you to back off," the mystery man hissed. 
  "Lesser?" I guessed as my heart dropped with concern. How was he able to call this new phone?
  There was a smirk in his voice, "It's good to finally talk to you-." 
  Immediately, I turned away from the window to look at the crowd of Avengers behind me. They'd know what to do in this situation. I had to let them know what was going on. 
  Except he stopped me, "I wouldn't do that if I were you," it was like he knew exactly what I was going to do. 
  So I turned back to the window and wondered, "You can see me, can't you?" 
  "I keep a close eye on my enemies," he confirmed my suspicions. 
  "What do you want?" I challenged, annoyed that he'd try to ruin my day.
  "To tell you happy birthday, of course," Lesser murmured through the phone. Before I could call him out as a liar, he added, "And to tell you that if you're not careful then it'll be your last. Tell Stark to back off.
  Ignoring the urge to roll my eyes - because I didn't want to make things worse - I egged him on, "I'm not scared of you."
  "Which is why we'll see each other, soon enough," Lesser threatened. "Have a good day, Sam.
  With that, the call ended. The whole conversation got a sigh out of me. It wasn't because he threatened me but it felt like all of our hard work was for nothing. What if he was watching us the whole time and new our plan? Did his manipulated fangirls know about our plan too? Although I figured there was no point in stressing out about it.
  Eventually, I went back to the party with a spinning mind. Tony pulled me out of it when he inquired, "Everything okay?"
  I wasn't going to let Lesser get to me and ruin my entire day. It was my birthday so I was going to enjoy the amazing party that Stark threw for me. That doesn't mean that I was going to hide the conversation with Lesser but it meant that I wasn't going to bring it up today. Maybe some other time. For now, I gave Tony a smile and curt nod before taking my plate back and beginning to fill my stomach with food. I was enjoying the company around me so I got back into the party spirit and decided to have fun for the rest of the night. 

(The title of this chapter fits of how I feel about posting haha. Anyway, Merry Christmas? Happy holidays? I meant to post this as a gift to you guys for being so patient with me. I'll get back to writing so the story can kick back up. Thank you guys for reading and staying with this story! I love all of you guys

~~~~ LL2z) 

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