Barton Orders Pizza

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  Since I hadn't had pizza in a long while, I was enjoying it so much that I was on my third piece; surprising myself at why I was so skinny if I eat like I did. I thought I was eating a lot but then I saw Clint, basically swallowing a whole box. 
  "So... How am I spying for you guys, exactly?" I mumbled toward Steve, figuring that Tony wouldn't want to talk about it so I kept my voice hushed. 
  Turning his attention to me, Steve started, "Oh... We didn't tell you that part did we?"
  As a reply, I shook my head to confirm that they didn't really explain the plan to me.
  Rogers cleared his throat and turned red in a blush, "Sorry, about that... Um, well, you'll go to school like normal. But I guess the plan is for you to tell someone what a terrible experience you had with us. We're hoping that your accusations will turn heads and someone will invite you to hate us," Steve couldn't help but chuckle at the last part.
  "You hope? Just curious, what happens if it doesn't work?" I wondered.
  "We'll come up with another idea," Steve reassured me. I still had a lot of questions but I was going to lose my appetite if I kept talking about it. Steve noticed me shifting in my seat uncomfortably, so he - thankfully - changed the subject, "So... Speaking of school, how's that going?"
  So I shrugged, looking down at my plate, "Boring..."
  "What about your friends?" Steve wondered.
  Which made me smile and comment, "They're cool."
  Tony leaned into the conversation, "I think he's talking about your boyfriend."
  Steve narrowed his eyebrows, "You have a boyfriend?"
  Not being afraid to admit it, I stated, "I do, actually." Then I turned to Tony, "So, Tony, what have you been doing for the last six months that you couldn't have visited your only niece?"
  The room got silent, and Clint muttered, "Shots fired."
  "Saving lives, if I might say," Tony boasted. "And working on your suit, thank you very much."
  Steve had to lean to see Tony since I was in his way, "You got her a suit? Like yours?"
  "Yeah, except I painted hers pink," Tony answered, glancing over at me.
  "YOU DID WHAT?!" I screamed, obvious disapproval was painted on my expression.
  Everyone's eyes widened and they all looked at Tony in curiosity of his reaction, who flinched under my angry tone. Then he held his hands out, "I was kidding!!! Jeez!"
  The response relaxed my mind so I leaned back in my seat, "Oh, okay."
  The room was still quiet as everyone looked around with wide eyes, their bodies tensed, and even Clint stopped eating because of the uncomfortable feeling in the room. Then the silence broke as Steve started chuckling.
  "Something funny, Steve?" Tony crossed his arms.
  Rogers smirked and shrugged, "Just Sam."
  The reply took me by surprise so I blushed and glanced down at my plate at the half eaten piece of pizza. Everyone was finally talking again and Clint was back to eating his pizza. Even Tony was talking to Banner who was sitting across from my uncle. However, I didn't really feel like talking, mostly because I was shy, so instead, I turned to my pizza but couldn't get another bite in since my mouth was dry. To solve the minor problem, I reached for the sizable bottle of dark soda but noticed out of the corner of my eye that Rogers was doing the same. I stopped before my hand could reach the bottle so he could get the drink first but he noticed me reaching for it. Rogers grabbed the bottle then poured the drink into a plastic cup and gave it to me first. Afterward, he poured his own glass.
  Again, my cheeks turned into a crimson color in a blush, "Thanks, Mr.-"
  "Steve," he interrupted me. "You can call me Steve. I don't mind, really."
  I blushed, "Steve..." The name seemed foreign to my tongue, for some reason, but I was glad that he was comfortable enough around me for me to call him by his first name. 
  Steve beamed at me, "Everyone here is nice, and they won't mind if you call them by their first name either," he promised.
  Since I was still bashful, I turned to look at the pizza on my plate then nodded.
  Once again, Rogers was quiet but I could feel his gaze on me as if he was trying to read me, "Why do you call people by their last names anyway?"
  Although, I kept my gaze on my plate and shrugged, "All my foster parents wanted me to call them Mr. or Mrs. so I got used to it."
  This made Rogers get quiet so I looked up to see why the sudden silence and noticed he was looking me in the eyes. I was trying to read his expression then noticed there was a hint of worry in his gaze. Finally, he asked, "What's that like?"
  "What?" I requested him to elaborate on the question.
  Steve cleared his throat as he hesitated, "Um, living in foster care."
  "Oh," I replied, slowly. Then I paused, in thought, "It... could be worse." I took a deep breath and changed the subject, "So, how did you get into the Avengers? What's your 'specialty'?"
  It seemed like he was about to explain but Tony interrupted by stating, "Oh, Sam. I told Mrs. Tracy that you would be back at a certain time, we should head out."
  "Alright," I responded then stood up from the table. "It was nice meeting you Mr-," but I stopped and cleared my throat then corrected myself, "Um, Steve." After blushing, I held my hand out.
  "Pleasure's all mine," Steve smiled politely, then he held my hand and shook, the motion - yet again - was gentle.
  I waved my hand at the rest of the Avengers, "Nice meeting you guys."
  "Bye, Sam," Clint waved.
  "Nice to meet you," Banner dipped his head. 
  Romanoff didn't seem like she was going to say a parting so Tony took my hand then pulled me away from the group and out of the room. Obediently, I followed after Tony down the hallway and into the elevator. The doors closed which left me and Tony in the peaceful silence.
  Stark turned his head to look down at me, "Are you okay?"
  The peace was broken so I bit my lip, staring at the shiny doors of the elevator then nodded, "Just still trying to process it..."
  "No one is forcing you to do this," Tony pressed, still trying to persuade me on quitting.
  So I answered, "I know." Then let the silence sweep in the elevator for a few moments before adding, "Are you okay?"
  He breathed as he thought about it, "I'm trying to be." 
  The elevator dinged and the doors swung open. We stepped out then I followed Tony through the traffic of people. We passed the stares that were aimed at us then walked by the larger guys in suits by the doors - most likely the guards. My muscles tensed up slightly when we passed by them - although I couldn't see if they were watching us because they were wearing dark shades which also creeped me out. Fortunately, the cool air relaxed my body when we stepped outside of the towering building. 
  We reached one of his luxury cars that were parked in the lot, which made me wonder if he always kept a car here. However, the thought passed as I slid inside and closed the door behind me. Inside the silver hunk of metal, the space was quiet between us as Tony started up the vehicle. I could feel the engine turn through the comfortable leather seats. 
  The drive seemed to take a while as I gave my uncle the directions to Mrs. Tracy's house. He turned down a street then I told him to turn right so we ended up on a driveway. After taking a deep breath, I opened the car door and stepped out, glancing over at the pale, compact colonial house. 
  Tony trekked around to the other side of the car then he leaned against the smooth vehicle and gazed at me, "Hope it's not too late."
  Although, I shrugged, "I'm sure she won't mind." 
  It was quiet for a few moments so I figured it was time to go inside but Tony stepped towards me and interrupted the walk, "Sam-," he started.
  So, I paused and turned my body toward him. 
  "Um..." Stark gave an awkward look like he was about to start a conversation that he was hesitant on but - instead - he stated, "Your bag is in the trunk."
  "Oh, right," so - after Tony pressed a button on his keys - I lifted the trunk and slid my school backpack around one shoulder. For the second time, I stepped toward the house.
  For the second time, Tony stepped forward, "Wait."
  Alas, I couldn't help but allow an annoyed huff escape from my lips as I turned back around, "What?"
  After stepping toward me, Stark pulled me into his arms, "I'm sorry." 
  "For?" I tested but wrapped my shorter arms around him as well.
  Except Tony pulled back so he could look at me, "For not dropping by. I really am. I mean, I planned to visit you but I was so busy and that's not even an excuse-."
  "Tony-," I tried to butt in. 
  "But it took me a missile about to blow you up to see you-," he kept going.
  I rolled my eyes and stopped him, "Tony," I snapped, only because I didn't want Tony to feel guilty about anything. "I missed you too."
  The corners of Tony's lips peaked into a grin and he opened his mouth to say something, however-. 
  "There you are Sam!" the relieved voice interrupted the conversation.
  "Hi, Mrs. Tracy," I greet while she wrapped her thick arms around me. My face sinks into her blouse so I can smell the overpowering scent of her perfume. I gently - trying to be polite - push back and step away from her.
  Luckily she lets go as she stares at Tony, "Oh, uh, thank you for bringing her home Mr. Stark," she dipped her head respectfully.
  Tony's smile was relaxed which made him look less intimidating and uptight than everyone thought he was, "Thank you for letting me steal her for a while."
  "She's a tough kid, I trust her," Mrs. Tracy beamed.
  My uncle chuckled, "She definitely is." Then he added, "Oh, and can I borrow her during the weekend?"
  Although, I sighed, "Tony, I have work."
  Which caused Mrs. Tracy to give me a look that read, "I thought I taught you better manners!"  since she didn't really know about the relationship between me and Tony. This was going to be a problem because I was probably going to have to tell her later that I knew him personally since she turned beat red like Tony was about to get highly offended that I called him by his first name.
  However, Stark didn't seem to notice at all when he replied, "I can call it in for you. It's important."
  After taking a deep breath, I nodded, "Alright."
  Tony smiled, "I'll pick you up if that is okay with Mrs. Tracy."
  "Please, call me Helen," Mrs. Tracy replied.
  Stark dipped his head, "Then only if Helen approves."
  Mrs. Tracy turned her head to look at me as she thought about it. After a few moments, she nodded, "Alright, if you want to."
  I smiled, "Thank you, Mrs. Tracy."
  "Just bring her home safely and not too late," she urged, which I could tell she was getting more comfortable with Tony because her motherly, protective side was coming out.
  "Of course, she's in good hands," he promised. 
  So I stepped forward, toward Stark, then gave him a quick, tight hug, "See you tomorrow, Tony."
  When we pulled back he smiled, "Bye, Sam. It was nice meeting you, Helen."
  "Take care," Helen replied, politely. Then we watched Tony get into his car and drive off, which left me and Mrs. Tracy alone together.

(Yes, I'm a horrible person. I am terrible at schedules and I've been meaning to post for a while but it was the holidays so I got busy. No excuse! Just for you guys, I will be posting two chapters, I hope you like... As you probably already know, these are just filler chapters and they suck. But they will get better! Stay tuned! Thank you so much for sticking with me. I hope you guys liked it, vote and comment, and I love you guys!
~~~~~ LL2z) 

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