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  Figuring I should probably sit down for this, I grabbed a seat and jumped backward. The cushion was soft and easy on my back. As I leaned back in the chair, my head was spinning and I could feel my stomach churning in anxiety. Everything that had come from this board room hadn't been good yet so I was anticipating this meeting. 
  So, I crossed my legs in hopes to get comfortable and look more confident than I was, "This plan better not be stupid."
  "Why would it be stupid?" Tony challenged.
  In response, I sighed and answered, "It wouldn't be the first."
  "Well, this whole idea isn't a good one, so it couldn't get any worse, right?" Stark pointed out. Then, Tony bent down in his chair and lifted something from under the conference table. It was a black briefcase and I watched as he clicked open the box. My eyebrows knit together in curiosity as he pulled out a tan earpiece looking device. Before I could ask, Tony put my nervous thoughts to rest as he explained, "It's an earpiece. So you can hear us talking to you if you need any help."
  Except, I tilted my head in confusion, "You guys can hear out of it as well?"
  Stark clarified, "Well, no. That's why I need you to wear this."
  His hand returned back to the box and began to pull something out. At first, I saw a chain then he pulled the rest of the jewelry out.
  My eyes lit up in wonder as he pulled out the jewelry with a blue dolphin charm swaying back and forth on the chain, "You got me a necklace?"
  "Well, it's actually a symbol of security, but yeah. This is supposed to help us hear anything that is on the other end of this disguised microphone. And when you don't need it, you can just take if off," Stark explained.
  A soft smile formed on my lips as I reached forward and took the necklace. My rough fingers rubbed against the metal dolphin and the feeling of protection instantly washed over me. I realized that Stark was trying to keep me safe and that made me more inclined to go through with this insane plan. "Thanks, Tony," I glanced up at my uncle, my eyes sparkling with a smile.
   Which made Tony beam in content back as he nodded his head, "Sure thing. Now, we'll test it Monday but I'm pretty confident it works."
  However, I curiously turned back to the necklace, "Does that mean you won't be working during the weekdays? Or is only one of you going to listen in?"
  Stark took a deep breath as he thought about it, "I am definitely going to be backed up on work but yes I will be preoccupied with making sure that you're safe. That only means I'm going to be even more busy on the weekends."
  Although I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of my uncle going crazy with not being able to work, "Well, it definitely makes me feel better that you guys are taking full precautions."
  "Oh, that's not all," Tony admitted. Then, from the large briefcase, Tony pulled out a computer looking device. He opened it then pressed a couple of buttons until he swiped up with his hand and a hologram appeared above the computer. High enough for me to see. "These are cameras from the school."
  My jaw dropped as I watched the cameras turn on to show the dark, familiar halls of my empty school on the weekend. Then, I scoffed, "Why am I surprised? What else should I expect from a secret government agency?"
  The room filled with a warm chuckle as the other heroes agreed.
  Finally, Tony cleared his throat then closed the computer while he concluded, "Well, I guess that's everything for today. Tomorrow, you'll be training with-... I guess whoever is here."
  The statement made my head spin, "Wait, does that mean you won't be able to make it to training?"
  Alas, Tony kept his gaze on the table as he explained, "I'll try but it's not likely."
  A small sigh slipped from my lips but I allowed a smile to appear, "Well, I really appreciate everything else." Then I stood up from the comfortable chair, preparing myself to head back home.
  Tony stood up as well then dipped his head, "I better get started on work. So-... do you mind if Steve walks you out?"
  A genuine, warm smile showed on my expression as I shake my head then glanced toward Steve who was already standing near the door. I glanced back at Tony and waved to my uncle, "Bye, Tony. See you-...?" However, I stopped mid-sentence curiously.
  "Monday," Stark nodded then waved me out as I walked out of the conference room and into the hallway.
  When the conversation ended, I walked at Steve's heels as I followed him toward the elevator. The air between us was silent but it wasn't awkward; just still. So, the elevator dinged and the metal doors opened. Eventually, Rogers lead me out of the elevator, through the lobby of the building, and out of the entrance. Luckily, he waited with me as the familiar black van pulled up to the street.
  My shoulders raised and fell in a sigh at the thought of having to deal with the mute agents. I turned my gaze to the hero beside me, "Thanks, Steve."
  "Make it home safe," Steve smiled, caringly. 
  In response, I grinned and nodded then got to the van and got in. The accustomed anxious feeling returned in the pit of my stomach at the uncomfortable vehicle. There was the same agent from before with his dark shades and intimidating suit. I didn't even bother talking to him, so I watched the scenery pass by while I thought about the events that would occur tomorrow.
  Was this how it was going to be for a while?

(Sorry guys! I know this chapter isn't really special for the wait that you guys had to go through, but I have an - lame - excuse!... I was busy... It won't happen again, and I will continue to post every Sunday! Thank you guys so much for sticking with it even when I got MIA for a while. I really appreciate all the attention you guys are giving the series, and I notice and appreciate it all! So, I hope this chapter will do until next week! And the fun will start soon!
~~~~~ LL2z)

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