A Hero?

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  Stepping further into the room, a shiver ran through me while Steve closed the door behind me. I also noticed that a few of the other Avengers - Natasha and Clint - were lounging around in the training room. All of it felt overwhelming like I was surprised this was happening to me. I was about to train with heroes that had great capabilities... Me, someone considered so normal. 
  My thoughts paused when the door behind us closed, "Sorry, I'm a little late. I was at a meeting."
  For some reason, Tony was always the one to bring me back down to earth. My body whipped around and I glared at the man who was busy on his phone. As soon as he walked close enough to me, I punched his arm.
  Instantly, I got Tony's attention as he looked up from his phone and narrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "Ow," he lied. 
  So, I crossed my arms, "You really couldn't pick me up yourself? I had to drive in a car with a couple brick walls! Have you tried to talk to a brick wall? Then the guys at the front wouldn't let me in! I was this close to forcing my way in. Then I couldn't even get into the elevator! Have you seen the vans they drive?" I complained. 
  Tony let out a huff, "I was at a meeting."
  "So?" I argued.
  "I'll get Happy to drive you next time. Would that make you feel better?" Stark tested.
  However, I pouted, "But I wanted you to drive me."
  Tony's face melted into a fake pout, "But I was in a meeting," sarcasm flooded his words which made it obvious he was mocking me.
  I glared harder at the man and continued to cross my arms with indignant. Although, Tony kept on walking as he glanced around the room.
  "Did the old timer tell you why you were here?" Stark questioned as he hinted toward Steve.
  Steve sent a brief cold look at Tony for the insult but decided to ignore it as he re-explained, "You're training here."
  Now, Tony was smirking, "Yep, and guess what I brought?"
  "Your sarcasm pants?" I teased, bitterly.
  "You're just so adorable, aren't you?" the words were, of course, sarcastic, but Tony continued, "No. Your suit... I brought your suit... I thought you would be happy?"
  So I clarified, "I am. It's just... with the suit comes flying and... -"
  Luckily, Tony put the anxieties to ease when he elucidated, "Ah, no. Not today, anyway. We'll stay in here and practice on the ground." Before I could let out a sigh of relief, Tony grabbed my wrist and glanced down at the silver metal bracelet that I always carried. After he pressed the small button on the jewelry, he ordered, "Attach."
  There was a loud crash then pieces of metal shot out from another room. The metal charged towards me so I gasped and flinched at the oncoming suit. It attached to my body like Tony ordered and soon the whole suit was connected to me except for the face mask.
  Finally, I opened my eyes and glanced down at the suit, "I guess it has been a while since I used this thing..."
  Tony smirked then asked, "Do you remember how to use it?"
  It was like remembering how to ride a bike as my feet flicked to kick on the rockets. Even though I did stumble for a second, I soon got my bearings and felt comfortable about flying. A smile lit on my face as memories flicked through my head about the suit. 
  "Now, see that target over there?" Tony pointed to a metal looking punching bag. "I want you to-"
  Before Tony finished, I pointed my palm toward the dummy and felt the energy running down my arm then I flicked my wrist. The ball of energy escaped from my palm and slammed into the metal punching bag. Although, the energy only knocked the dummy over. 
  Even still, my face beamed with excitement, "Wow! Gotta admit, I kinda miss that." 
  Stark rolled his eyes, "Okay, don't get too trigger happy." 
  "Hey, Tony. Do you remember the first time I used the suit?" I tested.
  He raised his eyebrow then nodded, "Yeah, I think so." 
  "Do you remember saying when I learn how to use the suit I could come up with a superhero name?" I questioned. 
  My uncle smirked but flicked his wrist and explained, while pieces of metal attached to him, "Let's see how you do in practice first." Tony lifted his hand then shot a blast out of his palm toward me.
  Since I wasn't expecting it, the shot smashed into my metal chest but the suit barely shifted back any and I managed to keep my balance. When I glanced down at my suit, there wasn't even a scratch on the shiny surface. 
  "You like it? I tried to make the metal stronger and thicker without compromising the weight and balance of it," Tony explained, but I was lost in his words as I continued to inspect the suit around me. 
  "Is anything else new?" I asked.
  Stark paused to think for a minute then answered, "Your shoes can turn into cleats if you're under heavy fire. It makes sure you stay connected to the ground." 
  I lifted my foot then stomped it back down, feeling a pressure against the ground and my foot. I raised my shoe and glanced down at the metal spikes at the bottom of my foot. "Woah!" I shouted as I set my foot back down and felt it nail into the floor. 
  "And I added a few missiles to the suit," my uncle added with a grin. 
  Eventually, Steve commented, "You don't think that's a little dangerous, Stark?"
  So, Tony crossed his arms at the man, "Of course not. I trust my skills in weapon making." Just to prove his point Tony suggested, "Try it, Sam. You have to put the mask on before using the weapon for accuracy and protection." 
  Which I complied and lowered the face mask then looked at the options on the moving and flashing screen in front of me. After selecting the missile, a red circle appeared on the screen and I knew it was to lock in on a target. The red circle traveled around in front of me until I connected it to one of the metal dummies. When the circle turned green, the missile shot out from behind me and toward the dummy. Unfortunately, I didn't know that I had unlocked two missiles and two circles were supposed to appear on my screen so when I fired the first one, a second missile shot out behind me. 
  Since I was too focused on the metal punching bag blowing up because of the missile, I didn't realize that another missile flew around aimlessly until I heard a beeping in the suit. I turned around and noticed the missile shoot around people then fly into another room where there was a loud boom and sparks flew out of the room.
  I flinched then lifted the mask, "Oops..."
  "Safe, huh?" Steve challenged. 
  Tony paused for a moment then shrugged like it was no big deal, "We'll work on it." 
  "Other than that, is everything else the same?" I wondered. 
  In response, Stark nodded, "Pretty much. I'm sure you've got the rest down?"
  As a reply, I dipped my head with a smirk, "Yeah, I know everything else... Can we come up with a nickname? Please?!" I begged.
  My uncle glanced down into my shiny, excited gaze then sighed, "Alright."
  "Yes!" I jumped in the air with glee.
  "Any ideas?" Tony tested. 
  The suit clanked together as I crossed my metal arms and touched my iron fingers to my chin in thought, "Hm... Something cooler than Iron Man."
  Tony crossed his arms and glared at me, "Iron Man is cool."
  I stifled a giggled and continued to think, "Well, your title has to do with metal. So maybe mine should too..." I let the silence take over the room as I thought about a name. There was lead, tin, copper, silver, gold, nickel, platinum... Hm, platinum sounds interesting. Then, I let out a gasp as a name came to me, "Titanium."
  "What?" Tony wondered as if he wasn't paying attention.
  "It's perfect!" I shouted. "Titanium! It's a metal, it's the color of my suit. It fits! Think about it; Titanium! Strong. Afraid of nothing-!"
  Then there was a slam at the door as a voice boomed, "What in Oblivion is going on in here!?"
  The voice startled me so I squealed in fear and shock, then hid behind Tony.
  Stark glanced back at my cowering body and rolled his eyes, "Afraid of nothing, huh?" 
  After giving my uncle an offended glare, I peeped my head out and noticed it was Director Fury. The man in the trenchcoat and eyepatch poked his head into the other room that the missile blew up in.
  "What happened?" Fury interrogated while he crossed his arms. 
  So I opened my mouth to answer but Tony interrupted me, "That's my fault. Still working on some weapons." 
  "You're lucky it was just training equipment and nothing important," Director Fury barked.
  "We'll be more careful," Tony smirked. 
  The director gave a quick nod in content, then he turned and sauntered back toward the elevator. I watched as there was a ding and the doors slid to shut off the view of the intimidating man. The room was quiet as I tensely waited to make sure he wasn't coming back.
  Luckily, Tony turned toward me and broke the silence, "Well, that's enough training today. Tomorrow you're working with Natasha," Tony informed me.
  "Won't I hurt her?" I challenged and saw out of the corner of my eyes Natasha glowering at the statement.
  However, Tony quickly dismissed the thought, "You won't use your suit tomorrow."
  My eyes widened, "Won't she hurt me?" I rearranged the statement from before. 
  Stark chuckled and nodded, "Probably. But for now, we need to head to the board room."
  After changing out of my suit, I followed after Tony and the rest of the group toward the elevator. Eventually, it beeped and the doors closed to lift us toward another level. The small space was quiet but I didn't focus on it too much while my head was spinning. Soon, the doors opened and I followed at Tony's heels to where we were going but it looked familiar. Probably because it was the same area we went to yesterday.
  Like last time, we came to a clear conference room with a large table and chairs scattered around. The space was empty until the five of us - Tony, Steve, Clint, Natasha, and I - stepped into the compacted room. The group started grabbing chairs and began to get comfortable while I was still confused on why we were here. 
  Finally, after he sat down, Tony looked over at me and began, "Now, let's talk about the plan." 

(Sorry, it's been a while! I have had too much stuff going on! But that is no excuse, I will try to stay on schedule next time and be sure to post on Sunday. Thank you guys for your patience! And thank you for all the love that this story has gotten, I am really appreciative of it! Love you guys, and I will post next Sunday so until then, have a great day!
~~~~~ LL2z) 

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