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  As the hours progressed, the day just seemed to be getting longer. In the morning, Tony and I checked the equipment to make sure everything was working properly. When I reached school, it was just as slow. The school was packed with kids, the teachers decided it was the perfect day to assign a bunch of homework that I was going to suck at, and - to make things worse - Caleb was getting more teenagers to follow his little cult. So, yeah, this day wasn't going as well as planned.
  A silent curse left my mouth as my foot slammed into the wall. I have to stop injuring myself. My uninjured hand reached down to clutch my injured body part when two hands landed on my shoulder. A gasp left my mouth. I jumped about a foot in the air. Whipping around, I saw Caleb standing there returning his hands to his pockets.
  "You seem jumpy today," Caleb noted as he lifted his eyebrow.
  My hand fell away from my foot as I stood up straight and faced him, "Caleb!... Did you need something?" 
  "I was just wondering if you were coming to the meeting tomorrow," the teenager inquired.
  Ignoring the urge to glare at the boy, I smiled instead, "Of course!" 
  Even though Caleb didn't look very excited, his voice carried over the emotion for him, "We're getting a lot of new members recently. I think we're up to fifteen now." 
  "Slow and steady wins the race, right?" I pointed out, positively. 
  "We're planning on expanding to more social medias," Caleb admitted.
  The statement immediately choked me up as my breath got stuck in my throat. At first, I couldn't even speak but I finally snapped out of shock as I managed to move the conversation along, "Oh, really?"
  "Yeah, there's supposed to be a blog post soon. Don't worry, our voices will be heard," the teenager reassured me.
  My eyebrows lifted as I stared at the kid, "Great..."
  "Anyway, I have to get back to class. See you tomorrow," Caleb muttered then left before I could say anything else to him.
  After letting out a sigh of frustration, I glanced down at my phone to check the time. It was lunchtime but I wasn't really in the mood to grab some cafeteria food. So, instead, I decided to head to the library so I could check out a book for AP Lit. Nerdy, I know, but I had to find another classic novel to report on. 
  Hoping my friends wouldn't be too disappointed that I missed most of lunch, I slipped into the school library that was fairly large. After glancing around the room, I began to ponder what book I should check out. Something that wasn't too boring. Instead of wandering around the library, I just decided to use one of the computers to research. I made my way through the room until the row of thin desktops came into view. There were already some students at the computers so I passed by the desks that were already in use.
  However, my feet came to an abrupt stop when something caught my eye. On one screen, the word "Avengers" caught my eye. So I peered over and find out the blog that Caleb was talking about earlier. My eyes dug into the back of the person's head. Wondering who it could be and cautious if I had to keep an eye on them in the future, I decided to step forward. Before I could even consider it being a bad idea, my hand touched the person's shoulder.
  The culprit turned around in their swivel chair and connected their eyes with mine. My jaw immediately dropped and my eyebrows narrowed, "Landon?"
  A friendly smile formed at the kid's lips as he greeted, "Hey, Sam! What's up?"
  Still cautious, I lifted my eyebrow, "What are you doing here?"
  "It's a library..." Landon pointed out.
  Although, I still challenged, "Exactly, so why are you here?"
  "Okay, rude!" Landon exclaimed while crossing his arms. 
  "And making some blog?" I noted.
  After glancing over his shoulder at the Avenger's hate cult blog, he turned back to me and explained, "Well, I figured that if I joined more after school electives then Mrs. Tracy will see how responsible I can be and will let me out of the house. Possibly even let me drive again."
  "And you decided to go this route?" I wondered, motioning to the hate blog. 
  With a shrug of his shoulders, Landon admitted, "I'm just trying new things."
  Still not exactly sure what to say to that, I rubbed my temples in thought. Finally, I just ended the conversation with, "Fine, just stay safe." 
  "Um... thanks? You too, I guess..." Landon ended it awkwardly as if he was wondering why I had even said it. To lighten the mood, he added, "And if you ever need me to write a blog, I'd give you a discount!"
  This got a laugh from me but denied the offer, "Please, your discount better be free because I wouldn't pay for your crappy editing."
  Landon shot me a glare then he flicked his middle finger up at me. Instead of being offended at his ignorant self - mostly because I was used to it - I stuck my tongue out at him then turned around to leave the library. I didn't get the classic book that I needed because I wasn't in any mood to find one. Besides, I didn't want to miss all of lunch just for some stupid assignment that was due in two weeks. Procrastination was my specialty. 
  When the cafeteria came into view, I finally grabbed a lunch and sat at my normal tables. I sat beside Ian, as usual, but today Cassie felt especially chatty today. Although, I wasn't too annoyed by it because it definitely kept my mind off of things. It was especially great because Ian made me laugh everytime he would mock Cassie. Then the two would get into one big argument that was still quite hilarious. 

Sam: Meeting The Avengers (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now