The Call

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  While I watched the two heroes conversing, Ian turned to me, "What was that about?"
  Hesitant on answering, I paused before continuing, "They were just... interrogating me to see exactly what happened. I wasn't very helpful..." It wasn't a complete lie... right?
  "So, what happened? With the explosion and everything..." Cassie questioned.
  In response, I shrugged, "They didn't tell me," Which was only a minor lie because I didn't know the full details of the missile.
  After having a brief conversation with Tony and Barton, Principal Leahy turned toward the students, "You may call your parents. Have them come get you immediately."
  "Well, what happened?" a student called from the bleachers.
  "Will we have school Monday?" another shouted then stood up so his voice could be heard better.
  It was starting to get loud so Leahy quickly commented, "It was a minor car wreck next to the school, causing an explosion. We will have school Monday and we will release some more information later."
  Everyone moaned irritability at the "school Monday" part. Then all of the students began to pull out their phones to call home.
  I was about to pull out my phone and call Mrs. Tracy but Tony called up to me, "Hey, kid! I think you left your phone!" Tony held up a phone but that was definitely not mine. I was about to tell him that it wasn't mine then I noticed the urgent expression he had so I hopped off the bleachers and walked to Stark. Tony held the phone out to me and I reached my hand out to take it then he started talking, "Hey, tell someone that you can't get a ride, alright?"
  "Why?" I wondered.
  "Because we still need to talk and you want to be all secretive," he pointed out.
  As a reply, I gritted my teeth and sighed, "Thank you, Mr. Stark!" I spoke, rather loud in hopes no one would get suspicious.
  Tony gave me an annoyed look but I was already turned around and off back to the bleachers. I sat down and sneakily switched Tony's phone with mine. I picked it up then stared at it, "Ah, darn. I can't get a ride!" I exclaimed, having sarcasm in my voice just to spite Tony but he kept the act going.
  "Teenagers are so unreliable and irresponsible! Come on, kid, I'll take you home," Stark sighed.
  "Bye, babe," Ian stood up.
  So, I smiled, "See you Monday."
  Ian nodded, "Promise me you'll text me?"
  "Promise," then I gave him a quick hug and jogged to Tony.
  "That wasn't five feet," Stark muttered.
  Which made me roll my eyes, "Keep moving metal boy."
  That cracked Barton up as he burst out laughing like he hadn't expected that before admitting, "That sounds like a bad sidekick from D.C."
  My eyes widened a little bit and I shot the man a warning glance, "We don't bring D.C. into this... Too risky and practically contradicting." 
  At this insult we threw at him, Tony pouted all the way to the car that Barton used to get here, which was a big, black SUV. Pretty intimidating. They had their own driver with a black suit on so when we were all in, the man started the government van.
  "Why our school?" I asked, breaking the silence.
  "We'll talk about it back at the SHIELD headquarters," Tony stated, not sarcastically pouting anymore.
  Tony was in the front seat and Barton was in the back with me. I figured that they wouldn't tell me anything so I changed the subject and turned toward Clint, "I still can't believe you're here, sir. It's pretty amazing."
  Barton smiled, gratefully, "Well, it's good to meet you too."
  I couldn't stop myself from blushing, but I managed not to faint since I was in the presence of Hawkeye, which had to be the coolest experience ever! I knit my fingers together, shyly, and I set my gaze on my lap.
  "Hey, Sam," Tony turned his head from the front seat to look in the back at me. "Is there anyone that you need to call?"
  I nodded, "Mrs. Tracy, my foster parent."
  "You're still not adopted yet?" Tony asked, his voice turned quiet.
  The question shocked me a bit so I instantly turned red talking about it, but I answered him, "I'm almost seventeen now. No one wants to adopt a teenager. Also, one more year and they can kick me out onto the streets."
  Tony sighed, "Well, call your foster parent and tell her you'll be late getting home."
  I shifted in the seat so I could pull out my less-fancier phone rather than the cell that Tony gave me, then I dialed a familiar number. The phone started ringing so I held it up to my ear.
  "Hello?" came a voice.
  "Hi, Mrs. Tracy. It's Sam," I started.
  "Hi, Sam! Are you okay? Why are you calling? Is something wrong?" her tone instantly turned worried.
  So, I shook my head - even if she couldn't see me, "No, no, I'm fine. But... I won't get home until later."
  "How come? What's the matter? Is everything alright? Did something happen at school?" Mrs. Tracy rambled.
  "Um, yeah something happened, but everything's okay! Everyone is fine," I explained, vaguely, because I didn't know what Tony wanted me to say and what Tony would rather me keep quiet, so I kept the details on the low.
  "Then why are you going to be late? Jeffery said he would cook for us," her voice changed into a sad mumble.
  Feeling slightly guilty, I sighed, "I'm sorry, I'm going to have to miss it."
  "If something happened at school then I think I want you here," Mrs. Tracy stated, sternly.
  "Mrs. Tracy, it's important," I urged.
  Tony turned back to look at me, "Let me see it." He ordered but I hesitated, so he narrowed his eyebrows sternly. I sighed and handed Stark the phone. "Hi, is this Mrs. Tracy?" Tony started, then I could hear - even from the back seat - yelling on the other side of the phone so Tony quickly threw in, "No, no! Sam's okay!" There was a pause and I wished I could see Tony's expression but he was turned away from me, "No! I'm not-..." he stopped.
  My face flushed and I turned my head to look at Clint, awkwardly, "Well... he's doing great," Barton mumbled, sarcastically.
  "We're not going to hurt her!" Tony shouted, then sighed and lowered his voice, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to raise my voice." He paused and seemed to take a deep breath, relieved, "My name is Tony Stark, we just need her for some government business." There was another pause as it was Mrs. Tracy's turn to talk. "She's okay, but you can't tell anyone that she's with us," Stark explained. "Um... It might take a few hours, but we'll take perfect care of her," he promised. "Alright, thank you... bye," Tony didn't hang up the phone he just handed it to me.
  So, I flinched in anticipation, "Hello?"
  "Are you sure you're okay, Sam?" Mrs. Tracy's voice was soft.
  "I'm fine, thank you for letting me go," I reply in reassurance.
  The voice sighed, "Alright, well... call me if you need anything."
  "I will," I comment. We told each other 'bye' then I hung up the phone and slipped it back into my pocket.
  The car got quiet until Tony exclaimed, "Well, at least we know you're in good hands with Mrs. Tracy!"
  "Considering-," I started, however, I stopped before I could say anything else.
  "Considering, what?" Tony questioned, turning around to look at me.
  I blushed, "Sir, we're here," the driver interrupted.
  Being as eager as I was, I was the first one to step out of the black van and looked up at the building. And yes, I mean look up. The building was huge - but it wasn't as big as Tony's tower! Toward the side of the building were the bold letters, S.H.I.E.L.D. This couldn't be their secret headquarters, right? Well, the building had glass windows so I could see how busy inside it was. There were quite a few people inside, which surprised me because it seemed so secure to let anyone in. I guess some people had to work there. I smiled and ran up the steps to the advanced building.

(There's another chapter! It's getting exciting! I hope you guys liked it so far. If you did then please comment and vote, all of it is really appreciated! Leave a comment what you guys think will happen and how you like it so far. Sam is at S.H.I.E.L.D! How do you guys think that will go? When will she meet the rest of the Avengers? Find out next Sunday!
~~~~~ LL2z)

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