The Voice to Bring the Avengers Down

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(Sorry this is late! Hope you guys enjoy! Oh, by the way, I'm making these chapters a little longer. Hope you guys don't mind. Thanks for reading!
~~~~~ LL2z)

  The morning was a lot better planned than Monday. I actually woke up on time, got ready - mentally and physically - and prepared for the day. The only problem was my wrist was still a slight shade of blue and still hurt like hell. All I could do was hope that it wouldn't cause any other problems.
  In hopes to get my mind off of it, I thought about today and what needed to be done. Ian mentioned someone named Caleb. Today, I figured I could talk to Caleb about the club that he runs and hope to get more leads from him. He, himself, might be a suspect.
  Keeping these things in mind, I trekked out of my bedroom and down the hall to the kitchen. I pulled the fridge open to grab some orange juice. After pouring myself a glass, I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and sat down at the dining room table. An apple was going to be my only breakfast - so it could be quick and healthy - before I headed off to school. So I took calm bites until Mrs. Tracy sauntered into the kitchen as well.
  "Good morning, Sam," the woman greeted with a cheerful smile. However, before I could greet her back, she inquired, "How's your wrist? Mind if I look at it?" She didn't let me answer before Mrs. Tracy stepped forward and gently held my arm to look at my wrist. "My, my. Has it gotten worse?"
  Ignoring the urge to roll my eyes and brush it off, I noted, "It's slightly swollen, but it's fine."
  Alas, Mrs. Tracy was not going to dismiss the injury as she pointed out, "You told me if it gets worse then I could take care of it."
  "I don't think I said-," I began to argue.
  "Let me go get you some gauze. It should help more than doing nothing with it," Mrs. Tracy stated then walked out of the kitchen to get the med kit. 
  This got a sigh out of me but - in all honesty - I was glad that she was willing to take care of me, even though it was her job. I leaned back in the chair and waited for her to return. I wanted my wrist to feel better but I certainly didn't want anyone to make a big deal about it. 
  Finally, the woman came back with a roll of gauze in her hands. When she stepped up to me, she handled my wrist gently and carefully. Mrs. Tracy wrapped the bandaging around my wrist then between my thumb and index finger until the whole roll was used. 
  Once she was finished, I peered up at the kind woman and smiled, "Thanks, Mrs. Tracy."
  In return, she gave me a smile back but ordered, "Alright, go on now. Time for you to head to school."
  So, after giving her a nod, I lept to my feet and grabbed my bag. Before I knew it, I was out of the door and heading toward my darkly colored car. I made sure that I had my dolphin necklace and earpiece was secured onto my person and turned on. This was when the routine started as I began to drive to the school. The route to the school wasn't too long and soon I had parked my car at least a little close to the school so the walk wouldn't be too far.
  After grabbing my bag, I began to slide out of my car. The air was pretty cold this morning as I threw my bag over my shoulders, I still found myself shivering slightly. Wanting to hurry up, I quickened my pace towards the school.
  "Pst!" there was a hiss behind me.
  At first, I didn't think anything of it but then I paused. Usually, I wouldn't think twice about the noise. However, the voice sounded familiar and urgent. So, being the curious teenager I was, I glanced around to the sketchy white van parked behind me. Oh, this can't be good.
  Except, as soon as I took a step toward the vehicle, Stark came into view. My eyebrows quickly narrowed as I sent a glare at the man, "Tony? What are you doing?"
  "Come here," he motioned to come closer to the white van.
  Even though it was Tony, and I trusted him with my life, I was still hesitant to get anywhere near the van, "You know how sketchy this looks, right?"
  This actually caught Tony by slight surprise as he raised his eyebrows and pondered, "What?" peering around the white van. He seemed to ignore the uncomfortable situation but then he sang in a taunting voice, "Come oooon. I have candy." 
  Which got a glare from me as I crossed my arms but took a step closer to the van with a groan, "This looks so wrong."
  With a chuckle, Tony dismissed the thought by pointing out, "No one will care. I'm, like, twice your age." The reply got a genuine laugh out of me. If I wasn't still so creeped out, I would've had a total laughing fit. So Stark knit his eyebrows together before questioning, "What?"
  "Tony, you're more like four times my age," I explained with a smirk. 
  "I'm not that old!" Tony objected, getting even more giggles out of me. Instead of arguing any further, the man in the van just rolled his eyes and exclaimed, "Just get in here!"
  Now that there wasn't any tension, I felt a lot more comfortable to slip inside the van. Luckily, he didn't close the door to the van or else I would've been out of there. I glanced around the interior of the vehicle and noticed there was a nice equipment set up. Tony sat down in front of a high tech computer with things already pulled up on it. 
  Before I could even ask, Tony started to explain why he pulled me into the van, "So we looked more into this Caleb guy - wasn't hard. The thing is, there's no dirt on him. I mean, this kid is a normal-," except he stopped suddenly. When I glanced over at my uncle, he was staring down at the bandage that covered my wrist, "What happened?" 
  Shrugging my shoulders, I confessed, "Sprained it... What were you saying?"
  Fortunately, he decided to get back on to the actual topic, "I don't see any reason he would hate us. So, you should look deeper into it."
  "Got it," I nodded my head.
  "Just don't-... blow your cover or whatever," Stark suggested. 
  Ignoring the urge to roll my eyes, I huffed, "Alright, I got it."
  Tony didn't seem to notice how annoyed I was getting when he changed the subject, "Alright, let's check to see if everything is on and working."
  By "everything", he meant the earpiece and etcetera. I actually started wondering if meeting him in the van for soundcheck was going to be a routine thing. I sure hoped not. Nothing grabbed more attention than a teenager climbing into some creepy van. Although, my thoughts were pushed aside when Tony turned to his tech setup and messed around with the controls. As soon as he pushed a button, an ear bleeding screen pierced my eardrum.
  Startled by the deafening noise, I lurched my head back only to find my back slamming into the wall of the compacted van. A gasp left my lips while I covered my ears as if that would help. Finally, I got enough sense to yank the earpiece out of my ear and threw it far away from me. "Holy frick! That was loud!" I screamed out. Even though the noise was gone, my eardrum was still vibrating to make a low humming noise through my head. 
  "Sorry! That was my fault," Tony claimed when he went back to his controls and turned the noise off - not that it did me any help. 
  While crossing my arms, I shot the man a glare. The look so cold that it made my eyes appear even more icy blue than they already were. "Next time, we're doing this at the house. Not at school," I ordered with force.
  A smirk formed on his lips when he glanced back at the monitor, "Hey, the mic's working." 
  With a harsh sigh, I rolled my eyes and made my way to the exit of the van. Before I left the vehicle, I reluctantly picked up the earpiece that I had thrown and placed it back into my ear. I slipped out of the van and waved to Tony, "Alright, I'm heading to class before the bell rings."
  "Make sure to-," Tony started to call out.
  However, I just dismissed him with a wave of my hand and muttered, "Yeah, yeah. I know."
  "- talk to Caleb," the voice finished. I, yet again, jumped at the sudden voice coming from the earpiece. So, I launched around on my feet to shoot Tony another glare. He was holding a microphone looking thing in his hand with his lips puckered up as if he was trying to stifle a laugh. Instead of laughing, he just smirked then shut the door to the van. 
  After rolling my eyes, I jogged to the school. By the time I got inside the building, the bell had rung. Which meant that I had five minutes to get to my locker and my first class. 

Sam: Meeting The Avengers (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now