Speak No Evil

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(Hello Lovelies! Note: I have decided to start posting on Mondays because that's easier on my schedule - even though today isn't a Monday... Hope that's not a problem for any of you. And thanks so much for all of the reads, comments, and votes! Anyway, back to the story!
~~~~~ LL2z)

  Finally, the weekend came. However, the morning was starting to drag on as I got ready in my bedroom. I took a shower, dried off, got dressed, and fixed myself up a bit. Honestly, I didn't really know what we were going to be doing today at S.H.I.E.L.D. so I just dressed comfortable and wore sweatpants and a tight shirt. Was I ever going to get used to going to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s headquarters? Probably not.
  Except I didn't think about it too long as I raced to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. I didn't want anything big so I just made some cereal - specifically the sugary kind. Then I sat down at the nearby table and began to shove my face with the sweet breakfast. While eating, I allowed my mind to wander and ponder what was going to happen today.
  Before I knew it, my cereal was gone and I realized that it was time to head out. So, I grabbed my phone and my keys then jogged outside, ready to go to S.H.I.E.L.D. Alas, when I got outside I observed the familiar black van that greeted the sidewalk. To make it even more annoying, I noticed Agent Chandler leaning against the vehicle. However, I just pretended that I didn't see the agents and continued to my car.
  This got Agent Chandler to noticeablely cough as if he was trying to get my attention. So when I turned my gaze to him, I narrowed my eyebrows.
  As if taking my silence as the opportunity to speak, the agent motioned with his head for me to follow him, "We'll escort you today, Sam."
  Although I just stopped in my tracks and crossed my arms, "I told you I don't need a babysitter."
  "And Fury said that you do. Who do you think I'm going to listen to?" Agent Chandler pointed out.
  With an exasperated sigh, I finally complied and trekked up to the van. With my arms still defiantly crossed, I slipped into the vehicle and scooted over so Chandler could get in as well. When the two of us were ready, the agent in the driver's seat continued down the road and toward S.H.I.E.L.D.'s building. I kept my gaze out of the window and watched the scenery pass by. At first, the car was quiet like it always was and I figured it would stay that way.
  Except I was proven wrong when Agent Chandler started, "There's a very important person at S.H.I.E.L.D. so I'm just warning you to be on good behavior. This person's big - literally and socially."
  "Big? Like Hulk big or-...?" I let my question trail off as I turned my attention to the agent beside me.
  Although, he halted the conversation for a brief minute as he stepped out of the van and took the lead toward the building. I was at his heels as he hesitated but continued, "Okay... maybe not Hulk big but-... he's powerful like the Hulk."
  The word "powerful" caught my attention and I found my pace speeding up into the elevator. I was now super excited to see who he was talking about. The doors closed and I found myself bouncing on my feet.
  By the time the doors opened, it felt like years had passed. I might've even grown a beard. Finally, I bolted forward and ran down the hall. Behind me, I could hear Agent Chandler groan but follow after me. We reached the usual conference room and I found my heart beating out of my chest with excitement.
  Before entering, I shot the agent a smirk and challenged, "On my best behavior, huh?"
  His eyes widened and he stepped closer to me while about to order, "Sam-!"
  However, I was already going through the motions as I burst through the doors and exclaimed, "WHAT UP, NERDS?!"
  Unfortunately, I didn't see anyone new which disappointed me because all I saw was the usual gang. Although, I didn't look too hard because my attention stayed on the TV that was playing. Surprisingly, Clint and Tony were battling it out on Guitar Hero - jamming to the song Thunderstruck by AC/DC.
  Except, I don't have time to respond because Agent Chandler started, "My apologies! I tried to tell her-"
  With a roll of my eyes, I interrupted him, "If you want me to behave then tell Fury that I don't need a babysitter!" Before he could say anything back, I closed the door to the conference room in his face with a sigh and turned back around to watch them. "What are you guys doing? I heard there was someone-"
  I didn't even get a chance to finish my sentence because I turned my head and my eyes locked on to the "very important person." Now in shock, my eyes widened as my jaw dropped while I mumbled, "Oh, god..."
  "So you have heard of me?" The man beamed with pride as his chest puffed out. That was the first thing I noticed because that was more eye level to me. Surprisingly, he was wearing normal human clothes but that just made the muscles that he wore even more prominent. When my eyes lifted up, I noticed his long blonde hair that complimented his sharp facial structure. The fullness of his starting beard decorated his smile while his bright, attractive blue eyes glinted with glee.
  "Y-y-you're-..." I stuttered but couldn't finish. Now I regretted wearing sweatpants... How unprofessional of me!
  Fortunately, he answered for me in his full, deep, accented voice, "I am Thor. Son of Odin. God of thunder. Prince of Asgard. And you must be Sam?"
  Just him saying my name made me melt and couldn't seem to form words so I just stood there, drooling. Then another voice chimed in, "Close your mouth, Sam. You're going to attract flies."
  Again, I don't get a chance to snap at Tony because Clint responded first - very inappropriately stating, "Stark, I never thought I'd hear that come out of your mouth."
  This got a laugh out of me while Tony - still playing on the game guitar with Clint - shot the man a glare before taking a break from the game by lifting up his middle finger.
  Steve butted in by ordering, "Put it down, Tony."
  Even though I expected Tony to be mad at Steve and say something back to him that was just as inappropriate, that wasn't what happened. Instead, Tony just laughed and claimed, "Steve is just jealous that he has competition over Sam's attention."
  Now backing up Steve, I suggested, "You better be quiet or you'll lose your streak."
  With a sigh, Tony stepped forward and unplugged the gaming console. I guess he was finished playing anyway. Then he turned toward me and Thor.
  Clint didn't seem to be too happy about that move as he cried, "My streak!"
  Tony ignored him as he introduced me to the hero, "Sam this is Point Break. Point Break this is-..." except he had to pause to think of a nickname or insult for me.
  When he couldn't think of one, a smirk formed on my face, "Having trouble, Tony?"
  "No, it's just so difficult to choose one," Tony claimed before smiling, "I'll just stick to shorty."
  "I AM NOT SHORT!" I screamed, offended that he would make the comment.
  However, even Thor agreed, "You are pretty small, young mortal."
  "Thor, I will take your hammer and beat you over the head with it!" I exclaimed.
  This got Tony smirking even wider as he challenged, "You think you could do better, short-stack?"
  So I shot him an innocent smile but dissed, "Yeah, I could you reckless child."
  The competition began when Tony put his hands on his hips and shot back, "Entitled bossy pants."
  "Belligerent egotist," I stated, crossing my arms.
  "Spoiled princess," Tony challenged.
  "Self-pitying dimwit," I snapped.
  "Bumptious brat," Tony slandered.
  "Overbearing psychopath," I mocked.
  Fortunately, our argument was interrupted because I could've gone all day. But Steve commented, "Why do I have a feeling you two do this all the time?"
  Now upset at the interruption - only because it came from Steve - he demanded, "Shut up sleeping beauty!"
  With a gasp, I scorned, "Anthony Howard Stark! Don't be rude and apologize!"
  However, Stark just shot me a glare and challenged, "Oh, you want to use the full name game, Samantha Faith Hadley?"
  Which got a grin out of me since he was so annoyed that he used my full name. Although the smile didn't match my tone as I pointed out, "Maybe more people would like you if you weren't rude and insulting."
  "Okay, one, give me credit because mouth breather was the most offensive PG insult ever," Tony bragged about last summer when we basically had the same name calling game. "And, two, I don't know what you mean. They're compliments! Like Uncle Sam Jr. over here," Tony motioned to Steve, earning him a glare. "And the redhead," Tony continued to Natasha. "And that's Katniss," Stark smirked when he peered over at Clint. "You can't forget the thespian!" Tony suggested to Thor. Lastly, insulting Banner by stating, "Or the radioactive spider monkey."
  At this point, everyone was sending harsh glares to Tony so I couldn't help but laugh at everyone's reaction. He was in big trouble now but he didn't seem to mind very much because he was still grinning like an idiot with his arms crossed over his chest.
  Before I could say anything, the conversation was interrupted when the door opened. The Avengers and I turned our attention to the door to see the familiar, perky figure stroll in.
  "Pepper!" I exclaimed, excited to see her.
  When she turned to me, her smile brightened as she admitted, "Hey! I was actually looking for you."
  With a smile, I crossed my arms and noted, "About time."
  Getting the joke that I never got to see her, she laughed softly but agreed, "That's exactly why I'm taking you to the mall so we can hang out."
  The gleam of excitement was evident on my face but I glanced around the room at the heroes, "Do you think everyone else could tag along? It'd be a great team-building exercise."
  So Pepper's grin widened when she nodded and exclaimed, "Of course!"
  However, then I turned to Tony with a smirk, "Oh, except for you. Don't you have work to be doing, Stark?"
  Which caused Tony to cross his arms in a pout but admitted, "Yeah..."
  "I don't know... I don't think I'm really the shopping kinda guy..." Bruce's voice rang in the room. Honestly, it almost startled me because he hardly spoke up since I got here.
  Although, Clint didn't let him get out of the activity as he rested his arm around Banner's shoulder and began to walk with him toward the door while stating, "It wouldn't be a team builder without you, big guy."
  Clint and Bruce followed after Pepper as she led the way out of the conference room. Natasha was right on their heels while seeming indifferent about the situation. Thor - on the other hand - looked pumped at the idea as he bounced out of the door and after the team. The last hero to leave the conference room was Steve but he didn't seem all that excited. Except, I knew he didn't want to let anyone down so he joined in with the group.
  That just left me and Tony alone for a short moment. When our eyes locked, my gaze softened but my smile was still wide as I claimed, "I still love you, Tony!"
  Shockingly, Stark replied with a genuine smile. It was very uncharacteristic of him but I knew it was to show that there were no hard feelings. Everything that was said to each other was just out of fun and we both knew that. So he smiled as if to say that he wasn't hurt and was cool with the idea of me hanging out with the group - well, at least, I hoped.
  The gesture startled me because I wasn't expecting it so I just waved to the man then disappeared from the conference in a swift leap. When I was out of the conference and following the heroes, a smile crept onto my face. I was happy that Tony and I were so close that we could joke around like that and not hurt each other's feelings.
  Pepper was the one to lead the group through S.H.I.E.L.D.'s building which was the only boring part of the trip as we finally made it outside. Not surprisingly, there was a van already waiting for us. Like always, I wanted to roll my eyes and refuse the offer but I was too pumped to be hanging out with the Avengers - well, at least most of them - to even notice. The seven of us crammed into the van and waited as the vehicle lurched while it moved to our destination.
  There was two of us each sitting on one row of one side of the bus. In the front, Pepper decided to sit with Natasha. In the row behind them, Clint and Bruce sat together. On the opposite side to them, Steve and Thor grouped together. Which left me to sit by myself in the back. However, I wasn't too bummed about it.
  Not wanting there to be such awkward silence, I peered over at the god sitting with Steve a few seats away from me and inquired, "Hey, Thor. Have you ever been shopping on earth before?"
  "Not like this. This is a very different experience," Thor stated with a dip of his head.
  Cockily, I smirked and noted, "That's because I'm here. You'll definitely have fun now."
  "I thought we left Stark back at S.H.I.E.L.D," Thor challenged towards me, suggesting that what I had said sounded like something Tony would say. Everyone thought the statement was rather funny as the van grew with a low buzz of laughter.
  Offended, I gasped and clutched my chest, "What? I'm so much cooler than Tony. Right Pepper?"
  "Of course!" Pepper reassured me with a slightly sympathetic but amused glance.
  This caused me to cross my arms and huff in surrender while muttering, "We're not that similar."
  However, Clint disagreed, "You two literally just had an insult battle against each other."
  "I won, by the way," I declared.
  Except Clint just seemed to ignore the statement as he noted, "I think you just hang around him a lot..."
  Fortunately, Steve stepped in with, "I wouldn't be offended, Sam. Tony has some good qualities about him." Out of all of the people in the van, I thought Steve would be the last to stick up for Tony because of all the bickering that the two always seem to do. Honestly, I was pretty sure the two hated each other.
  "Thanks, Steve..." I mumbled, a thoughtful expression fixed on my face. Finally, I finished with, "My point is-! The team needs a little together time to relax and have fun."
  "And, I'm sure we will," Pepper chimed in. Just in time because the van came to a halt and we were stopped in the front area of the outside strip mall. There were so many stores in view that I knew this was going to be a long day. However, at the same time, I knew it would be fun.

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