Chapter 1: Early Mornings

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           I roll out of bed and plunk on to the floor and sit there, contemplating whether or not I should just ignore Tony. I almost do, until I hear a knock at my door. Really? Tony sent someone after me! Great, he trusts me so much. I decide however, not to get up, I simply shout to Steve who is probably already up. Since its 7:00 in the morning he would be back from his jog already.

"Steve!" I shout from my room.

I get silence as an answer.

"Steve! Can you get the door! Tony won't leave me be!" I shout once more, even louder.

Once again, silence.

Frustrated with Steve's unresponsiveness I stand up and stomp downstairs to the door as the knocking continues. As I reach the door I shout at the knocker.

"Alright alright IM COMING!"

I glance through the peep hole and roll my eyes as I see who it is. Now I know why Steve wasn't answering me or the door, he's the annoying knocker. I swing open the door and lean in the doorway and give Steve a 'are you kidding me' look.

"I was concerned that you had gone deaf" I say, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

Steve raises an eyebrow at me and smirks slightly, "Ha ha. You know I'm not actually 90 Dal. Tony sent me, we've got another raid" he responds matter-a-factly.

"Am I the last to know?" I ask assuming that I am, since I'm not totally into the Avenging schedule quite yet.

"Tony thought you'd be less grumpy if you slept in." Steve says coming into the house.

"It's 7:00 in the morning on my day off!" I retort, annoyed.

"Exactly" Steve says, grabbing a banana from the fruit bowl on the counter and pointing it at me.

I snort, stifling a laugh and walk past him taking the banana from his hand. With his eyes still wide, I race upstairs and shout back at Steve, "I'll be ready in 10!"

          Surprisingly, I'm ready in 7. I've gotten quite good at rapid changing, mainly because I almost always ignore my alarm clock. Mornings aren't really my thing. So I race back downstairs in my suit, which Maria has forced me to keep in my closet and I'm out the door with my side kick Steve (he'd like to think it's the other way around though) and we're off to Stark towers on his motorcycle.

          Instead of going in the front entrance, we go around the back to the equipment elevator. We drive into the elevator and press the button for the tippy top floor, where I assume the jet is waiting for us. Seeing as I am usually right, the jet is waiting for us and Natasha is waiting on the platform, tapping her foot impatiently. I'm now making another prediction, she's not too thrilled with my tardiness.

          I was once again right (it's a blessing and a curse) and she gave me a lecture about it too. Nat just went on and on about responsibility and saving the world and the weight of billions of people on my shoulders. I totally get that, that fact is 100% clear to me, crystal! So I just stop her.

"Nat you're lecturing me like my mom does" I say resting my hands on her shoulders to calm her down.

"So? Obviously she didn't do it enough!" Natasha protests as we sit down and buckle up.

"We're the same age" I say with a dead pan expression.

"I'm a year older" she responds serious.

"Same thing!" I shout, startling Natasha and Steve who's taken a seat next to me.

"Whatever Dal" she says shrugging off my comment, "Just set your alarm"

I don't bother correct her and say that Tony called me out of the blue, which he did and tell her that I didn't know, which I didn't! I also don't bother to tell her that I never set my alarm, which I don't!

"Next stop Sokovia, the barren wasteland, that Hydra calls home." Tony shouts back at us, from his place at the cockpit.

I chuckle slightly and spot Thor across from me twiddling his thumbs, looking at the floor.

"Hey Thor, you excited!" I ask, starting small talk. I have a feeling Thor hasn't quite warmed up to me yet.

"Ah yes Lady Dahlia! Quite invigorated for the upcoming battle, I shall slay many Hydra foe!" he responds pumping his hammer into the air, as if he's saying a toast.

"Bet I can slay more." I challenge him. There's no better way to form friendships than a friendly competition.

"I shall except your challenge in my stride!" Thor booms.

          I smirk a little bit and look at Natasha who just chuckles at me and shakes her head, laughing. I then look around at the people in this plane, Earths mightiest heroes gathered in one place. Sitting in one plane. Then I realize, I'm now one of them. What an amazing curveball life threw at me. Once I'm done with my deep train of thought, all I think about is how to beat Thor.

Soooo that one was a little short. Hopefully they will be longer as the book progresses. Probably will. Anyways...Good? Bad? What did you like? What would you like to see in future chapters? Any ships that you're hoping will happen or continue! Let me know! Vote, Comment and Share Lovelies!


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