Chapter 10: A Small Disagreement

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I couldn't even believe what had just happened, everything Ultron said. Everything we wanted him to be, he just became the complete opposite. Instead of being a vessel of hope, he's a vessel of death, destruction and hate for the Avengers. It really is like the movies where AI is the stupidest idea ever!

We all begin to shuffle into Tony's lab, to get away from the destruction in the other room. Thor's already flown off to chase after the Legionnaire with the sceptre, I doubt he'll be able to follow him, let alone catch him. So we all stand around the lab, waiting for someone else to speak.

"All of our work is gone, Ultron cleared out. He used the Internet as an escape hatch" Bruce says, from his desk across from me.

"Ultron" I hear Steve whisper to help himself. He's not happy, I just know we'll be having a conversation when we get back to my place.

"He's been in everything, files, surveillance. Probably knows more about us than we know about each other." Natasha states from the other end of the room.

I take a seat at my desk as the conversation amongst the group continues.

"He's in your files. He's in the Internet, what if he decides to access something a little more interesting" Rhodey asks.

"Nuclear codes" Maria adds in.

"Nuclear codes" Rhodey repeats, "Look, we need to make some calls, assuming we still can."

"Nukes? He said he wanted us dead" Natasha says.

"He didn't say 'dead' he said 'extinct'." Steve corrects. I see him shoot a glare towards me and I just look away.

"He also said he killed someone" Clint says from the railings above the lab.

"There wasn't anyone else in the building" Maria replies.

Tony steps away from his desk and walks toward the centre of the room, "Yes there was" he says. Tony taps the air with his mini tablet and a destroyed image of Jarvis appears. The bright orange that used to be him, now broken and in pieces.

Both Bruce and I stand from our desks and walk over to the remains of Jarvis. We stand on either side, looking between each other and the destroyed program.

"This is madness" I say, staring intently at the glowing orange pieces.

"Jarvis was the first line of defence. He would have shut Ultron down. It makes sense." Steve says.

"No it doesn't, not in the slightest." I say and glance up at Steve.

"Ultron could have Assimilated Jarvis, this isn't strategy, this is...rage" Bruce says. The look in his eyes is of full confusion, confusion of why Ultron killed Jarvis, of how our program for good became evil, of how everything has gone so wrong.

That's when I hear booming footsteps behind us. I turn around in enough time to avoid Thor as he lifts Tony off the ground with his hand around Tony's throat.

"It's going around" Clint remarks.

I roll my eyes at his comment and look to Steve for help.

"Use your words buddy" Tony says, struggling for air.

"I have enough words to describe you Stark" Thor replies, anger laced in every word.

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