Chapter 21: The Battle of Sokovia Prt. 2

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Ultron's minions must be in the thousands. You know how I can tell? Because no matter how many I destroy there are still more coming at me. I'm battling on the edge right now, literally I'm taking on eight of these mini Ultron's to keep them away from stray citizens that are taking cover in a building behind me. I throw boomerangs and orbs at them, I use my soldiers to help me, but still they are overwhelming me. I'm already getting winded and I've only been out here for half an hour! I just keep blasting them, until I get some back up. Some fast back up.

In the blink of an eye Pietro has decimated twenty of them without even breaking a sweat. I really wish I had super speed.

"Thank you" I say taking deep breaths.

He pats my back and walks towards the people cowering in the building. He speaks to them in a language I can't understand, presumable Sokovian, and the people are rushing from the building in a group and running around the corner. Pietro sprints ahead so I jog behind and help the stranglers, mainly elderly.

Once we turn down a couple streets, we're in the centre of a battle field. I spot Steve fighting some robots by a cracked bridge. I run ahead of the group and blast any robots that dare fly near. Then an incoming bot tries to dive bomb the herd of people. I act fast and create a shield around them, saving them. Loss avoided.

Pietro and I herd them into a larger building where hundreds of other people have already gathered.

I then hear Tony over comms, "I got airborne. Cap, you got you got incoming" he shouts.

Before Tony can even warn Steve, a mini Ultron has already crashed into him.

"Incoming already came in" Steve mumbles.

Then there's another dive bombing robot in front of us which causes an explosion. I blast a few more robots and Pietro runs through some others before Steve's voice comes over the comms.

"Stark you worry about bringing the city back down safely. The rest of us have one job, tear these things a part. You get hurt, hurt them back. You get killed...walk it off"

I roll my eyes and blast some more bots and send a thick beam of golden from my chest, destroying an group advancing on me.

"Steve I'm not going to even mention how impossible that sounds!" I shout into comms.

"I think you just mentioned it Dals. Plus anything is possible!" he shouts back at me, his voice sounding winded.

Pietro has left his post as my sidekick, probably running through the streets hurting some Ultrons. So I hold my post with Steve, tearing the Ultrons to pieces. There just seems to be wave after wave of Ultrons, they just don't stop coming.

"All right we're all clear here" Clint announces proudly over comms.

"Wow isn't that wonderful for you! Except we're not" I answer.

"We are not clear! We are very not clear!" Steve adds.

"All right. Coming to you!" Clint responds.

Within the next second, Pietro and Wanda are about 100 meters to the right of where I'm standing, aiding the local police officers with fighting the Ultrons. I jog over to them and blast a group of them with a giant ray.

Pietro walks over to me holding his arm. He got nicked by a stray bullet. Poor guy (I say with extreme sarcasm).

Then I hear Wanda shouting at me and pointing behind me. I turn around just quick enough to see an Ultron flying at me. Pietro reacts quicker than I do and he jumps at me, pulling me towards the ground and away from the robot. I'm lying on the ground with a pain in my back from the landing and a weight on my stomach from Pietro's body lying on me.

"A little forward no?" he asks with his infamous smirk.

I roll my eyes and push him off, "You arse hole"

He shrugs and brushes some dirt off his shirt, "I'm fine with you calling me that Goldie" he says.

I smile at him and walk over to where Cap and now Natasha are standing. I walk up behind her and give her a bear hug, "I'm so glad that you're safe Nat" I whisper into her hair.

I feel her return my hug and I can feel her smile into my shoulder, "Glad you missed me" she whispers back.

"The next wave is going to hit any moment" Steve informs us.

"Well that's comforting" I say sarcastically.

"What do you got, Stark?" Steve asks ignoring me.

"Nothing great, maybe a way to blow up the city. That'll keep it from impacting the surface, if you guys can get clear." Tony says over comms.

I don't like that option. Not in the slightest.

"I asked for a solution, not an escape plan" Steve says sternly.

"Tony, we don't need any more people dying" I add.

"The impact radius is getting bigger every second. We're gonna have to make a choice." Tony says.

"No we're not leaving till the people are safe. Their are too many lives that could be lost" I say.

Nat looks to me, "Everyone up here versus everyone down there? There's no math there" Natasha says.

"Dahlia is right. We're not leaving this rock with one civilian on it" Steve says and glance back at me and smiles.

I return the smile with a thankful nod.

"I didn't say that. There are worst ways to go. Where else am I going to get a view like this?" Natasha asks rhetorically.

Then a new voice crosses the comm waves, "Glad you like the view Romanoff, it's about to get better."

Bursting through the clouds comes the best sight I've even seen in my life, a giant hellicarrier floating in the sky, just meters away from the edge of the floating city.

"Nice right? I pulled her out of mothballs with some old friends. She's dusty, but she'll do." Nick says with a chuckle.

Steve shakes his head in disbelief, "Fury you Som of a Bitch"

"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" Fury says.

Pietro walks up beside me, still taking in the view, "This is shield?" he asks.

"This is what shield is supposed to be" Steve responds.

Pietro nods in approval, "This is not so bad" he says.

Within minutes, passenger ships emerge from the side of the ship and fly towards us. Once the ships are close enough, we get the people out of the buildings and make them head to the ships. There are probably hundreds of thousands of people in this city. How long will it take to get them all to safety. Will we have enough time? I can't know, no one can. All I can do is hope and tell the people to move faster.

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