Chapter 22 : The Battle of Sokovia Prt. 3

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We keep filling up ships and like the Ultrons, it just seems like the people just keep coming. We fill up four more ships and send them off to the hellicarrier. But an Ultron hits the side of one of the ships, and it tilts to one side. My heart stops for a moment until I see Tony to the rescue. No matter what people say, Tony Stark cares about people, he has more of a heart than most. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding when the ship docks in the hellicarrier.

"Rhodey, get the rest of those people on the hellicarrier. Avengers, time to work for a living" Tony informs us as he flies in the direction of Ultron and the church.

I bend my knees, create my hover board and take to the skies. From above, I spot Pietro racing through the streets, for some reason I feel like he's challenging me, so I blast rays behind me to catapult me forward and help me move at warp speed. By the time I land, only Tony, Thor, Vision, Pietro and I have arrived. The flyers always get there first, plus having super speed, you are literally super sonic.

We fight off some Ultrons as we wait for the rest of the team to arrive. Steve makes an entrance by bursting through a hole in the wall, doing a summersault and whacking an Ultron right across the face. Wanda and Clint are the next to arrive, with no Ultron minis in sight, Pietro runs up to his twin.

"Are you alright?" he asks.

"Ya" she responds simply.

"Romanoff, you and banner better not be playing 'hide the zucchini'" Tony says.

"Relax shell head, not all of us can fly" Romanoff retorts as I spot her in a truck, plowing her way through Ultrons.

She crashes through the gate in front of the church and walks up the steps to us.

"What's the drill?" Nat asks.

Tony points behind him and the spinning metal core, "This is the drill. If Ultron lays a hand on it, we lose" he says.

I stretch out me arms a bit and crack my knuckles, "No pressure right?" I mumble.

Pietro walks next to me and places a hand on my shoulders, "I got your back if you got mine Goldie?" he says.

In return, I place my hands on his shoulder, "I got you back Silver. Without a doubt" I respond.

I turn my attention to the front of the church when I spot the Hulk and beyond him, Ultron floating in the air.

"Is that the best you can do!" Thor shouts.

Just as he says that, hundreds of mini Ultrons come into sight and surround Ultron.

"You had to ask?" Steve says, clearly annoyed.

"This is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted. All of you against all of me. How can you possibly hope to stop me?" Ultron sneers.

Tony looks to Steve, "Like the old man said, TOGETHER"

With a roar of the Hulk, all of Ultron's minions advance on us, sprinting towards the church.

Well this is it, time to work for a living.

The battle is epic, each of us battling the Ultrons together, we have each other's backs, protecting the core as a unit, as a team. I blast the robots with orbs, create a shield around the core to protect it from a hoard of Ultrons as Wanda and Vision obliterate them. I create walls to block the robots from entering and battering rams to knock them away from my fellow Avengers. Then as the waves begins to thin out, Vision blasts Ultron with a ray from the mind stone. Tony joins in with a blast from his suit, next is Thor with lightening from his hammer, then it's me with a thick beam from my chest. All aimed at Ultron. I focus my energy on destroying him and I can see his felt slowly begin to melt and peel.

Once Ultron stumbles to the ground we cease fire. He stands again, with a melted face, "You know, with the benefit of hindsight-" Ultron doesn't get to finish because the Hulk has already punched him far, far away. I hope he hurts himself. Hulk then turns to some remaining Ultrons and roars. They flee in fear and fly away from the city.

"They're trying to leave the city" Thor announces.

No duh?

"We can't let them, not one. Rhodey" Tony says.

I then hear the sound of rapid gun fire and spot Rhodey flying after the stray robots. Good old Rhodey.

I walk back inside the church where Steve, Nat, Clint, Wanda and Pietro are standing.

"We got to move out, even I can tell the air is getting thin. You guys get to the boats. I'll sweep for stragglers" Steve says.

"What about the core?" asks Clint.

"I'll protect it. It's my job" Wanda proclaims.

Steve, Clint and Nat jog off in two directions. Now all that's left are the twins and I.

"Get the people on the boats" Wanda tells Pietro and I.

"I'm not going to leave you here" Pietro protests.

"She can handle herself Pietro, we need to go" I say and tug on his arm.

All of a sudden, an Ultron runs at Wanda. With a flick of her wrist the robot is in pieces.

"See, she can handle herself" I say and point at the now dead robot.

"Come back for me when everyone else is off and not before. You understand?" Wanda tells her brother.

Pietro rolls his eyes, "You know, I'm 12 minutes older than you." he says.

Wanda laughs, "Go"

We begin to jog off, but Wanda calls me back. Pietro stays just outside the church waiting for me.

"You know there is something between you two" Wanda says. I snort again thinking that she's fooling with me. "I'm serious. You guys have a connection. If I don't get through this, I want to know that you'll see where it goes" she says.

I shake my head, "Wanda you're not going anywhere-"

She cuts me off, "Promise me. I can tell he likes you. He's just shy. Promise me you'll see where it goes?" Wanda says again, this time more forcefully.

I nod reluctantly and jog towards Pietro, who in the next second has his hand around my waist and is running towards the other side of the city. He stops short from the edge of the city and pulls me to the side.

"What did Wanda say to you?" he asks, curious.

"She asked me to see where this goes" I say, wanting to be fully truthful.

"What's this?" He asks.

"She said you liked me" I say and immediately after, his face goes red, "Do you?" I ask.

Pietro fiddled with his thumbs until I snap my fingers in front of his face, "Do you?" I asks again.

He glance up at me slightly and nods a bit, "Yes"

I look down at my feet and rock back and forth on my heels, smiling at the ground.

"Do you?" Pietro asks hopefully.

I smirk mischievously at him, "Maybe?" I say. But deep down I know I do. It's a crush, nothing more. Well maybe a bit more than a crush.

The relationship has begun! But what about Steve? Poor guy can't seem to keep a girl!!! But I hope I didn't make Pietro move in too quickly (Pun intended). If I did, let me know. VOTE, COMMENT, SHARE!!!

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