Chapter 11: I Won't Lie to You

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It's late and I'm tired and I don't want Steve to nag me, or start an argument. But I still want to sleep in my own bed in my own home. So we leave Stark Towers a half an hour later, after we've done some clean up and I've grabbed my bag from the guest room I've been living in for the past three days.

We sit in my car for a few minutes, waiting for the other to speak. I know that he'll be the first to break the silence. So I wait.

"I forgot to mention this earlier, but you looked very nice this evening" Steve says. He makes small talk when he wants to avoid a subject, I expected him to get right down to the point.

"I was going to tell you not even five minutes before Ultron waltzed in" I say.

He nods and looks straight ahead, "It's fine. Well it's not fine, you helped create a psychotic robot. But your heart was in the right place. Plus you're you, I couldn't have stopped you if I tried. You're like Tony in that way, headstrong and a stubborn pain in the ass." he says.

I laugh, I guess I half expected an argument to commence. But I got into more of a fight with Tony than I did with Steve. I guess sometimes I just don't understand him.

"You better wash your mouth out after using that kind of language" I say, chuckling.

"Haha, very funny. Let's just get home. I need to sleep after this" Steve says and the next moment I'm driving through the streets of New York City towards my place in Manhattan.


In the morning, I'm up bright and early along with Steve. I'm not working at Stark towers today, because today I'm an Avenger. Well we're not actually fighting today, we're all just putting our heads together to find Ultron.

I dress in a pair of grey leggings, a blue knit sweater and a pair of converses. By the time 7:30 rolls around, Steve and I are already at Stark towers, heading up to the top floor. Which I assume is still as messy as we left it last night. Thank goodness Tony's rich.

We step into the elevator and press the button to the top floor.

"So did you bring all your brain cells this morning?" I ask Steve.

He smiles at me, "I'm not sure I have that many brain cells to offer" he responds.

"Well some are better than none" I say as the elevator doors slide open.

"I'm going to talk to Maria, she always finds something in cases like these" Steve says heading down the hallway to the right in search of Maria.

"Wait Steve!" I cal after him. He turns his head back and walks back towards me. "I still feel horrible about what happened last night." I confess, wanting to get this off my chest.

"Don't, you had the right idea about wanting to create Ultron. Ultron just didn't seem to have the right idea as you." Steve says patting my shoulder.

I smile and nod, "You aren't lying to me, just to make me feel better, right?" I ask.

Steve shakes his head and jogs off, "I don't lie to you Dahlia!"

I smile as he jogs away. I feel better knowing that he won't lie to me. Then that voice in my head comes back in an instant. That little voice that told me he lied to me just four short days ago. That he lied about not loving me like more than a friend. I can't shake that feeling. But he said he doesn't lie to me, I know everyone lies at some point, but I trust Steve enough to believe him completely. No matter how naive I might be acting.

I make my way to the upper levels where I see the others gathered. As I walk in, Thor shoves a tablet a Tony's chest. Obviously Thor has some pent up anger.

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