Chapter 8: Secrets Never Have Happy Endings

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"Sam what is there to spill?" I ask.

Sam just looks at me with a 'really?' expression on his face, "Dals please, there is enough tension between you and Steve to cut with a knife. He isn't the one with tension either, it's all coming off of you! I have been drinking with you before and not once have I ever seen you chug your drink. Even shots you sip!" he exclaims.

"I'm just hating myself right now" I confess looking out into the crowd of party goers.

I feel Sam's hand on mine and I look at him, "And what does that have to do with Steve?" he asks.

"Everything" I respond, "I'm lying to him, I've been lying to him for the past three days! I can't help but feel horrible inside. I can lie to him usually, but for some reason this lie is just eating me up inside." I tell Sam.

"Secrets never have a happy ending Dal" Sam says, "Secrets never do anyone any good. Look at Shield for goodness sake, a secret made them crash  and burn. Do you really want that to happen to your friendship with Steve?" Sam asks me, forcing me to think deeply about it.

I then think about Ultron and what good he can do, about the lives he'll save. Then I think about the lives that could be lost without him.

"What if this secret is worth keeping? What if this secret could have a happy ending?" I ask.

"If deep down you knew it would do good, then it wouldn't be eating you up inside." Sam says.

He stands from leaning against the railing and begins to walk off. But I grab his wrist and stop him from leaving.

"What if I tell him and he doesn't forgive me?" I ask.

Sam looks at me and laughs, "You're his best friend Dahlia, you could do just about anything and he'll forgive you in a heartbeat"

I smile down at the floor as Sam walks off. He's right, if I tell Steve, he'll forgive me if I don't, things won't go very well. I love how Sam can give the best flipping advice and still be a complete idiot. Well I guess that's why he's my friend. Let's just say I have an odd knack for enjoying the company of stupid funny people, that's probably why I get along so well with Tony.

Sam just smiles at me and leaves me to my thoughts. They just won't seem to shut up! I'm so torn between Steve and Tony? It's like choosing sides, who do I like best, who do I care about more, who do I own more of a debt to. Overall both Steve and Tony are equal. They are both my closest friends, I both love and care about them deeply and they have both gotten me out of some deep, deep holes. I can't pick a side, all I can do is hope that I've made the right choice, hope that I'm not a complete idiot, hope that Steve will forgive me just as Sam says. Hope that Ultron turns out to be the masterpiece that he's meant to be. All I can do is hope.

I soon quiet my thoughts as I continue to stare out at the crowd. Time passes quickly and people soon begin to make their exit. By about midnight the only guests left at Tony's party are the Avengers, Maria, Rhodey and Doctor Cho.

They soon begin to gather around some couches surrounding a coffee table. I depart from my spot above the party floor and make my way towards my friends, the people I care for, my family. Since my family isn't there for me, not since I became a criminal.

I take a seat next to Steve and listen to the conversations around me, despite there being eight people in the room, the noise level is oddly high. However, when Steve starts talking to me, the noise around me sounds faded.

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