Chapter 13: Let's Play Some Mind Games

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I walk away satisfied with my punch, my knuckles are a bit sore. Nothing that won't heal. Sonic will probably have a nasty bruise though.

I get back into the fight, blasting another robot as I land back onto the bridge where we've been fighting. That's when I spot her, Wanda. The tips of her fingers red and a strange red mist coming from her hands. I shout at Thor and point to the red witch behind him. It doesn't help because the red mist still meets Thor's forehead.

"Thor! Are you alright?" I ask through coms.

"The girl tried to warp my mind. Take special care, I doubt a human could keep her at bay. Fortunately, I am mighty." Thor booms. But after his last sentence I can tell that he's not as mighty as he thinks.

I try to look around for more robots to blow to smithereens. I spot them across the bridge, packing up the vibranium. I blast the two robots away from the precious metal, then tie a rope around the cart carrying it and overturn it, causing the vibranium to roll onto the floor. I begin to walk towards the bots and finish them off when I feel hands grab my shoulders.

The next instant, I'm being shoved against a hard metal wall, by none other than Pietro. I try to do the same trick that I did before, but he doesn't fall for it. Instead he takes me off the wall and slams me against it again.

"Why do you fight us? When we're just like you?" he asks, obviously confused.

"Because you're helping a monster who needs to be stopped! This isn't about settling scores with Tony Stark anymore, this is about stopping the end of the world!" I shout at him.

Pietro just glares at me, still holding my arm. I don't bother try to escape because I actually want to hear what he has to say.

"Ultron isn't crazy" he says, his voice quiet and unsure.

I laugh, "Well then you must be"

He turns to the side and it  shows the bruise on his jaw, which I put there. Then I notice him nod. Shit. I look at the corner of my eye and spot Wanda. I flick my finger towards her which ties a rope around her foot and pulls her across the room, far away from me. Pietro looks at me with hateful eyes, turns away and races after his sister. I almost feel bad for her, key word almost.

In a split second the two are back and we're starting this again. I push off the wall and try to bump into Pietro, he dodges and causes me to crash into the railing. Wanda then stretches out her hands towards me. Red mist then attach my wrists to the railings, I try to blast Wanda, but she creates a shield. She keeps getting closer and closer, until her fingers graze my cheek. I look to Pietro for some reason with pleading eyes. He just shrugs and looks away.

"You had your chance" he says.

Once my vision goes blurry I spot a blue blur and then they're gone.

Everything goes black for a minute, then there is a bright flash and I'm in my bedroom back in England. I'm sitting on my bed. I look around, every thing is the same, not a toy out of place. My room is scattered with stuffed animals and Barbie dolls, this is the bedroom I remember from my childhood. That's when I hear it.

"Dahlia come down here please" my mother calls. I haven't heard her voice in forever.

I smile and follow her voice, her accent has always sounded so posh compared to mine and my siblings. My siblings, my brothers and sister. That's when I race down the stairs and I spot the doorway directly in front of the stairwell. I run to my mother and go in for a hug, until I spot the men. It's this day that I find out my stepfather is dead. I'm not sure why I call him step-father instead of father. I loved him so much he was better than my absentee father had ever been. He taught me everything I know about machinery.

I look at the men and feel a tear roll down my face. That's when I hear the feet of my siblings coming down the hall. Heather, my older sister stands next to me and my younger brothers, Christopher and Adam stand behind Heather. Heather looks up at me and takes my hand. I was only 10 when he died and I felt as though I had more memories in the ten years with him than I did with my mother who is still alive today. The men hand a piece of paper to my mother and turn to us.

"We're very sorry for your loss" he says. But the voice sounds like and echo.

I'm then snapped into darkness, but not complete. It's the night. I turn to my left and I see my mother in the driver seat and see my three siblings in the back.

"Why does Dahlia get to sit in the front?" Heather complains.

"Because this is her graduation. You got to sit in the front on the way to your graduation last year." My mother responds, chuckling.

She won't be chuckling for long. I never chuckle when it comes to this night. I know exactly what time it happened, 7:22pm June 25, 1996. I glance at the clock on the car dash 7:22. Then there's the crash and the screams and the loss of my three siblings and my mother.

My mother survived, but not all of her. She was never the same after losing three of her children. Who would be?

I'm now at the side of the road, sitting at the back of an ambulance letting them stitch up the gash on my head. I watch as the police cover my dead siblings with plastic. I just stare at my mother who is screaming at the bus driver who t-boned our car. This was the worst night of my life and it all happened because a bus driver swerved to avoid a cat. That night was when I found out I had powers, because I killed the man who killed my siblings. I guess my powers were unlocked by the rage I felt inside of me.

There's another flash of light and I'm back to the boat, my head pounding, ears ringing and eyes flowing with tears. I look around me and see the others on the ground, stumbling, distraught by whatever nightmare from their past Wanda unearthed.

Whatever memories Wanda brought up with her mind games.

Oooooo now you've got some back story on Dahlia!!! I didn't want to have it super cliché, but I still wanted it to be a little depressing. How did I do? Anything that I missed that you'd like me to add? Comment or Pm me. Would love to hear from you guys. Thanks Lovlies!!!


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