Chapter 9: Ultron

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We all look around at each other and then back at the robotic figure. I already know who he is. Ultron. However, with Steve next to me I don't really want to share that knowledge out loud.

"Stark?" Steve whispers.

"Jarvis" Tony mumbles, ignoring Cap and focusing on his tablet.

"I'm sorry, I was a sleep...or I was a dream?" Ultron says, hobbling towards the middle of the steps.

Tony keeps tapping at the tablet and mumbles again, "Reboot Legionaire OS. We got a buggy suit."

Ultron speaks again, the sound of his voice sends shivers down my spine, "There was this terrible noise...and I was tangled I had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy"

I look to Steve as he speaks, "You killed someone?" I shiver thinking about a dead body somewhere in the building. I instinctively take a step closer to Steve.

"Wouldn't have been my first choice. But down in the real world we're faced with ugly choices." Ultron responds.

"Who are you?" Natasha asks from her place next to Bruce.

Before Ultron can answer I tell the group for myself, "He's Ultron"

"Don't you love what I've become Flower? It's me in the flesh! Well...not quite yet. You'll love me more, when I'm out of this...this chrysalis. I'll ready to fulfill the mission you gave me" Ultron says. His faded blue eyes locked on me. I don't love what he's become, not in the slightest, and I'm not a fan of the creepy nickname either.

"What mission?" Steve asks.

Ultron speaks, with his gaze still locked on me, "Peace in our time!"

Four iron legion robots burst through the walls flying at us. One flys right at Steve, before it crashes into him, he shoves me out of the way. The robot then makes Steve crash into the wall behind us. That's when all hell breaks loose. Natasha is shooting at the robots with a gun she must've had tucked away somewhere. Maria does the same. Tony by this point has jumped onto a Legionaire robot and started smacking it in the head with something. Thor is fighting a robot on the balcony. What about me? I'm doing squat, because there are no Ultron minions after me, it's like they're avoiding me.

"See all of this Flower? This is what the Avengers are, war machines and killers. Men and women with guns and shields and suits. You're not like that Flower are you? Your powers, given to you by nature, given to you for a reason. For you to do good! You are the only good one" Ultron shouts at me.

"They are doing good too Ultron! You're the one who's crazy!" I shout back at him.

"You said you believed in me more than anything? You said you loved me" Ultron whispers, making me strain my ear to hear him. I bite my lip and realize that he's twisted my words, I realize that Ultron might be delusional. I realize that Ultron thinks that I love him.

"Ultron, I loved what you could do, the good you could do." I say. Then I realize the others have gathered around me again, catching their breaths from fighting.

"Well that was dramatic" Ultron says, "Flower I am doing good. Your Avenger friends mean well, you all mean well. You just didn't think it through. You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to evolve?" He says walking over to a destroyed Legionaire robot, "With these? These puppets" Ultron shouts, crushing the head of the Legionaire. "There's only one path to peace...The Avenger's extinction!" Ultron says.

With a crash and a clatter, Ultron falls to the floor, oil spilling out of him, like blood pouring out a dying body. His eyes fade until finally the blue go black. All the while he's singing the song from Pinocchio. That was my favourite Disney movie! First he gives me a creepy nickname and now he destroys my love of Disney!

I now hate Ultron even more.

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