Chapter 11 - A villain's motives

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"You have allowed this dark lord to twist your mind, until now, until now you've become the very thing you swore to destroy."

~ Obi-Wan Kenobi


"Are you sure he can't see us? I swear he's looking right at me."

Agent Argent sighed. "This isn't the first time he's had a visitor as of late. We've been trying to get information out of him about who he thinks The Obstructer is. They have similar motives and means of getting there, plus, we have reason to believe Nemesis inspired The Obstructer somehow.

"Before we took him out of Alcatraz, the only person who he would talk to was his daughter. The same is true now. He won't give us a word. That's why we need you. You're only a bit younger than his daughter, right around the age she was when he started his crusade as Nemesis. We believe that he'll talk to you. You're our last ditch hope to get information out of him, Oliver."

Well, thanks for all of that pressure.

"But why me?" I wondered. "Why don't you just use some teenage agent at your disposal? Why don't you get Arabella Jones over here and make her ask her dad about this stuff?"

She sighed. "It's too late now to tell Arabella Jones her father is not dead. How do you think she would react? Besides, she's a little tied up with a certain hostage situation. It seems that some villain got the bright idea to kidnap The Marvel. Not to mention that Tornado and her have been having some sort of relationship crisis, at least if you listen to the gossip magazines that is.

"We can't bring in some random teenager. If we're right, he'll talk to you because you're not only similar to his daughter in age, but in qualities as well. Plus, you are personally involved with The Obstructer. You know the situation back to front. You are the best one for the job, trust me, Oliver."

I looked back through the window where Nemesis sat an internally groaned. I had heard all the news stories about the villain, and from Captain Impossible when he talked about his time being mind-controlled to support Nemesis. He was neurotic, obsessed with this insane idea that the superheroes were the root of all evil. There were rumors that his own wife cheated on him with The Avenger so many years ago. And then there was the fact that he orchestrated the Great Battle between The Avenger and Smith that destroyed half of Empire and Iris Cities and killed countless citizens, including his own wife. He went crazy after that, enacting countless projects to make a super serum to make his own perfect supers. It was why he killed Blue Archer's father in a plane accident, which also indecently led the Blue Archer on his path to become a vigilante hero. He was also responsible for creating the super villain trio, the Terror Trio, who ransacked Empire City for months.

Nemesis was also the one who gave his daughter her superpowers, which I knew from The Marvel. She was his prototype. And he actually believed she would follow him in his insane quest to make the public hate their saviors until he swooped in to save them all.

He did a lot of bad in the world, so it was no wonder why I didn't want to go in there. This man was pure evil. No villain ever knows that they're in the wrong because they know that they're in the right.

But I had to go in there. If I could even get a slimmer of information off of him about The Obstructer, it would be worth it. We needed the upper hand desperately, and we needed to know what The Obstructer was planning. Villains like them always had a big ending in mind. Nemesis's was using his brainwashed kidnapped superheroes to turn the world against heroes. The Obstructer, however, wasn't kidnapping, just killing. Whatever they had planned as an endgame, it wasn't expected.

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