Chapter 13 - Kidnapping Dick Head

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"She'll never kill me. Despite her calloused, hard-bitten, and frankly poorly styled facade, despite her several problems she still hopes that, at her core, she might just be a hero. But only if she can save you. The ultimate innocent victim."

~ Kilgrave (The Purple Man)


My friends were finally letting me tag along on one of their super awesome superhero missions.

It all started this morning in the Man Cave. Olly had called us all there, Elise, Eric, Mary, Aden, and I. It was the weekend, so we didn't have to deal with school schedules getting in the way. I had a feeling whatever Olly brought us here for would be a daunting task based off of his expression.

"So, you guys may remember my being pulled out of school early yesterday?" Everyone nodded. "Well, let's just say that MASKED took me on a little field trip to meet someone in their high security vaults. They've figured out that The Obstructer plans to initiate their final plan soon, and since they have a similar prisoner in their ranks, they wanted me to interview him. They wanted to see if I could get any more information off of him about what The Obstructer's motives might be. This prisoner gave me a fresh insight into our little problem and I may have come up with an insanely idiotic plan to stop The Obstructer before they stop us."

There was a pause for dramatic effect.

"I want us to kidnap Dick Head."

I let out a small hesitant chuckle before I realized Olly wasn't joking. "Wait, you want us to kidnap Richard Head? The current front runner to be the next President of the United States?"


"Are you suicidal?" his girlfriend exclaimed. "Sure, I would be glad to have that nut job off the streets, but it's literally impossible. He's both the most beloved and despised human being in the country right now. He has around the clock security and a battalion of hired guards. Trying to go after this guy would mean signing our own death warrants!"

"Not to mention that DC's own superheroes kidnapping Dick Head would kind of prove the Remedists's point about all supers being irresponsible and inherently bad as true." Aden added.

Mary raised her hand, "Wait, why are we trying to kidnap Dick Head in the first place?"

Olly smiled. "We all hate the man – that much is unanimous, but the MASKED prisoner mentioned something very important. What two parties have the most to gain from each other in this situation? The Remedists and The Obstructer are both vying for the eradication of supers, so it isn't that farfetched to make the connection that one party is helping the other."

Eric got it first. "So, we're kidnapping Dick Head to see what he knows about The Obstructer?"

Olly nodded. "We're running out of options, and Dick Head has the connection that we don't"

"What makes you think he even knows how we can get to The Obstructer?" I asked. "Just because they have the same goals in mind doesn't mean that they hang out together in the Villain Pub and discuss their plans for world domination."

Olly sighed. "Let's call it an educated hunch."

Mary narrowed her eyes. "So, you want to kidnap the GOP front runner on a hunch?"

"An educated hunch." Olly corrected.

I let out a breath and gave my best friend an incredulous look. "You can't be serious."

"I am serious. It's not like we're going to hold him for ransom or anything. We just need some answers and then we can let him go. No one will know what we did."

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