Chapter 14 - It's Iron Man 3 all over again

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"Children should be seen and not heard. Or better still, not seen and not heard."

~ Kilgrave (The Purple Man)


I can't believe we had a roofied politician in our closet.

We figured we needed to have somewhere to question the guy that was dark and away from any identifying markers. The closet in the Man Cave was the perfect place. It even had a swinging lightbulb and a door with a deadbolt. We made sure to clean it out and only leave a metal chair that was bolted to the floor. Dick Head was tied to the chair with a bag over his head, knocked out. Now we were just waiting for him to wake up.

I was strangely nervous about the whole situation. We were about to interview the man who hated all supers, not to mention all millennials as well.

(Guess who's not getting the young vote?)

This man was my sworn enemy, and I was about to talk to him face to face.

We would be wearing our superhero spandex, of course. There was no way we would be letting Richard Head see our actual faces. He didn't need to know just how young we actually were, and we didn't need him fabricating stories about our rebellious natures and horrible upbringings.

Plus, there was no way he could get the public to believe the supers kidnapped him with no proof.

Richard Head was going to tell us all he knew about The Obstructer. He was. Because, if he didn't . . . well, let's hope he tells us the first time.

"Olly, are you okay?" Elise asked me.

I smiled, "I'm fine. Totally. It's all okay. I mean – it's not like we have a sociopath locked away in our broom closet."

She chuckled and punched me playfully in the arm. "Hey, it'll all be okay."

I nodded, but gave her a sincere look as I changed the topic. "What were you talking about at school on Friday? What did I say that got you so riled up? We never got a chance to really discuss it."

She paused halfway through saying something and seemed to reconsider her words. "Olly," she started slowly, "It's okay. I know that even if you can't recall what you said, you meant it. I'm just taking my time deciding if I mean it too. I don't want you to be upset or let down. When I say it too, I want it to be true. Until you remember what it is you said, I don't want you to feel pressured to lift this weight off of my shoulders. I know you want to help everybody, but right now helping me means letting it go. Just give me time."

I was perhaps even more confused than before. Whatever I said, it wasn't necessarily bad, Elise assured me as much before. I must've told her something important though for her to be deciding whether or not to agree with me for this long. What kind of monumental thing could you say to your girlfriend that could cause her to be this happy and confused at the same time?

"Olly, he's awake." Eric alerted me, pointing to the screens.

Richard Head was struggling a bit with his bonds, but since his head was covered, we couldn't tell much else. He might've been speaking, but we weren't turning on the speakers until we went in there. Everyone waiting outside will know what's happening inside the entire time. It was Ian's ultimatum.

'You aren't going to go to desperate measures, Olly, promise me that. I need to see you in there, I need to know what you're doing at all times.'

Ian wasn't wrong, he did need to watch me in front of the man who twisted my mother's views and the views of so many brainwashed Americans. Midnight had brought all my bad thoughts to the surface, and the ones about him were steaming at the top right now.

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