Chapter 19 - Wedding Crashers

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"I try not to think. It interferes with being nuts."

~ Leo Valdez (Son of Hephaestus)


"Oh, Oliver, do you think my hair is alright?"

I grinned at my mom. "You look wonderful."

She gripped me in a tight hug. "I don't know what I would've done without you all these last few years, Oliver." She pulled back and held me by my shoulders. "When your father died, I thought I would never find love again, but I have. Without you, I wouldn't have had anything to live for. You are and always will be my best boy."

"I know, mom." I smiled at her. "I'll always be there for you."

She laughed and wiped a tear away from her eye. "I can't believe my baby boy is walking me down the aisle today."

And I was. It was about time for the bridesmaids to walk out, my mom and me following them. I was happy for my mom, I truly was, I just wasn't happy about who she was finding her happiness in.

We now knew that The Obstructer was most likely someone I knew. To think, this entire time the one with the power to destroy all of the supers was right in front of me. He was here to pick out someone who wasn't supposed to be here, because White Lightning would need to show up to catch The Obstructer at this wedding. But, what The Obstructer didn't know was that I was already supposed to be at this wedding. We would have the upper hand of knowing The Obstructer wasn't expecting Elise, Aden, and I to be the supers he was looking for.

And we were ready. Ready to face off the villain who ordered the death of Captain Impossible and so many other supers.

The music started to play and my mom clutched my arm tighter. She was nervous, and rightfully so. She was going to get married today, even if I didn't approve of the man she was getting married to.

The bridesmaids walked out and then it was her turn to go. I saw Elise, Aden, and Ian near the front, so I could sit down with them after walking my mom down. Elise was wearing a purple dress about the same color of the smoke that let her teleport. It made her blonde hair stand out and her eyes pop. I would be lying if I said I wasn't totally taken by how my girlfriend looked.

Chad stood at the altar, his annoyingly white smile on show. I couldn't find any inkling of the insane Obstructer in him at that moment. He was still our prime suspect, but if not him it was someone we knew who lived in DC. Someone in this room.

I let go of my mother's arm and sat down with my friends as she got to Chad. She gave the room a quick onceover before nodding to the preacher to start the ceremony.

"So, any suspects?" I whispered.

"Besides your evil step-father?" Ian asked.

I gave him a sharp look and he smiled. "No."

I sighed and ran a hand through my blonde hair. We needed to find The Obstructer before he found us.

Elise put her hand in mine and squeezed. Somehow she always knew when I needed her comfort the most.

It wasn't until they were giving the vows that something happened. I thought it was just my imagination at first, but I heard a big thump. The second time it happened, Elise noticed as well. By the third time, the entire room was aware and confused. What was the mysterious noise and why was it getting louder?

Our questions were answered when The Beast burst through the wall on the other side of the room.

It was chaos. Chairs were overturned as people tried to get away from the snarling creature. Screams filled the room as everyone tripped over each other and on their dresses or over the chairs. The Beast roared and bared his teeth as he knocked over more chairs, causing more chaos.

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