Chapter 1

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Damian's POV

Grayson was driving me somewhere that I wasn't familiar with. My father said I needed to learn what it means to be apart of a team, but as far as I'm concerned I can handle anything that comes at me myself.

"I could've driven myself." I huffed

"After the stunt you pulled? You're lucky to even be allowed within ten feet of a steering wheel." He said speeding up.

"So this is my punishment? Enduring a bunch of school children."

"This is not punishment, hopefully you'll learn to be apart of a team, and they're not children, they're teenagers."

"Worse." I said looking out the window.

"Don't tell me Damian Wayne is afraid of a little socializing." He said smirking at me.

"I'm not afraid of anything! Teammates are a liability."

"Really? Then what am I to you?"

"An unavoidable irritation." I said glaring at him.

As Grayson drove past the mountain side my eyes widened when a 'T' shaped building came into sight.

Grayson looked over at me and smirked. "Impressed?"

I averted my gaze towards the building and glared at him. "It takes a lot more to impress the son of Batman." I slumped back into the seat.

As we pulled in I looked up to see five other teenagers staring at the vehicle.
A girl with orange skin and pink hair, a boy in a blue and black suit with a mohawk, another boy in a red and white suit with green skin, then someone in a purple cloak, then finally another girl with a black suit and a dark purple bird symbol across her chest, with her hair up in a pony tail and a mask covering her eyes.

"Try not to behead anyone." Nightwing said.

The car door lifted and Nightwing jumped out, I jumped out after.
The girl with orange skin greeted Nightwing.

"Nightwing." She said placing her hand in font of him.

"Starfire." He said taking her hand.

"It's been a while." She said smiling.

"I're looking good." He then let go of her hand. "This is Damian, the new Robin." He said placing his hand on my shoulder.

The girl then smiled at me and leaned down to my height. "Welcome Damian." The green one and the guy with the mohawk smiled at me. The person in the cloak showed no emotion and the other girl just waved awkwardly.

When I had enough I began walking away. "I'll be in my room."

"Would you like-" I cut Starfire off.

"I think I can manage." I said looking back and glaring.

Y/n's POV

I watched as our new teammate walked inside the Teen Titans building. When he was gone I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"Well he's pleasant..." I said sarcastically and crossing my arms.

"That is one creepy mocoso." Jaime said.

"No...more like sad." Raven said still showing no emotion like normal.

"Dude Rave, I love you but you need to stop being so...mysterious." I said looking at her.

"Sorry..." she mumbled still showing no emotion.

"What do you think of him?" Beast Boy said crossing his arms.

"I think he's gonna be a pain in the ass." I said glaring at the titans building.

"Agreed." Jaime said glaring.

"All of you knock it off! He is our teammate now and we need to welcome him, understand?" Starfire said placing her hand on her hip.

"Whatever you say boss." I said shrugging and walking towards the building as my other teammates followed.

I looked back and saw Starfire and Nightwing "catching up".

"Woo! Get some Nightwing!" I yelled.

"Starling!" Starfire yelled as hers and Dick's faces turned dark red.

Beast Boy and Blue Beetle began laughing and Raven let out a small chuckle.

"All of you get inside!" Starfire yelled.

"Ma'am yes ma'am!" I said saluting as Beast Boy and Blue Beetle tried to muffle their laughter. We all then walked inside.

Starfire's POV

I watched as Y/n, Garfield, Raven, and Jaime walked away. I then let out a sigh of frustration.

"I know what you're thinking." Nightwing said placing a hand on my shoulder.

"...Y/n is just..." I let out another sigh.

"Don't worry, I had to live with her for five years, you'll learn to get used to it." He said smiling.

"Maybe you're right, it's only been a year after all." I said unsure of myself. Y/n was off to me, I sense something in her that just seems...unnatural.

"Well, see you around Star." Nightwing said walking towards his car.

"Farewell Nightwing." I waved as he hopped in his car and drove off. I sighed, and began walking inside. I then heard yelling from the training room.

"HEY WATCH IT RICH BOY!" Y/n's voice echoed through the halls.

"YOU WATCH IT YOU MEIWAKUNA GIRL!" Damian shouted back.

"THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN!?" Y/n yelled again.

I sighed for what seemed like the millionth time this day. "That boy is going to be the death of me..."


Yay first chapter! Oh and just in case you don't know what "MEIWAKUNA" means, it mean "annoying" in Japanese. How Damian learned to speak Japanese, I do not know, but come on it's Damian Wayne we're talking about he's unpredictable.

So see you next chapter "Starling". 😋

P.s I know Starling is a lame superhero name please don't judge-ith thy 😭😅😓😶

P.p.s If you haven't seen Justice League vs Teen Titans it is AMAZING to me and it is what I'm basing this story off of so yeah 😓

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