Chapter 7

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Hello Hello! How's life? Um, I used this video because who doesn't want to see the teen titans go all Sailor Moon! is NEW YEARS!!! Woo! 2017!!

Yaaaaaaaay! Woohoo!'ll leave now.


Damian's POV

As I sprinted towards the vehicle I heard crashes and screeches from those monsters. As I approached the car I tried to open the car door only to find it locked.

"....damn it." I mumbled as I punched through the window.

As glass shards flew all over I grabbed the katana, turned, and began sprinting towards the battle.

Y/n's POV

I groaned as my eyes fluttered open.
Where the hell? That's when I heard a screach and I shot up. I looked up to see Raven fending off the demons, she didn't last to long before getting blasted with dark magic.

"Raven...!" I tried to yell but pain soon shot down my arm. I winced as I grabbed my arm lightly. I stood and had to shift on both feet to stop myself from collapsing.

Then I heard my name being called. "Y/N! LOOK OUT!" I heard a screech from behind and looked to see a demon right behind me. Shit.

Before it had a chance to attack Jaime jumped in the way and blasted it with his plasma blasted. (Thank you to the people that helped me with that😂) Jaime then jumped towards me and grabbed my waist as he flew towards the team. "Hey! I can take care of my-" I winced again as I moved my arm in protest.

"Right because that's what you were doing back there." He stated sarcastically as he landed next to Raven.

Thats when we heard Garfield yell out as he was thrown through the air. Jaime caught him as groaned and stood. The demons came from each side. Raven has a shield in front of each one, she then began creating the barrier she had done when we were attacked.

I stood there and began going for my utility belt, it was gone. My eyes widened as I looked passed the incoming demon and saw the belt sprawled out on the ground.

...damn it.

I looked to Raven to see her struggling to keep the shield up. Just as she was about give out I looked up to see a bird-a-rang approaching one of the demons, exploding in the monsters face.

Then three bombs rolling towards the second demon. It blew up at the demons feet. Then the third demon was stabbed through the head by a katana, it fell to the ground. We all looked in surprise to see Robin.

"Please tell me they're undead." He said walking towards us.

Raven lowered the shield. "Yes, but you can't stop then like that, they're like batteries." She said just as we all looked in shock to see the demons responing.

"Then lets run them down." Starfire said as she flew up to blast a demon. Raven flyling next to her.

I sprinted to grab my utility belt and hissed in pain when I crouched down to get it. "Stupid arm, stupid demons." I said grabbing my belt and placing it around me. I then began running at a demon. "I didn't ask for all this magic stuff!" I said as I threw three bombs at a demon.

It fell back wards at the explosion. It was limp on the ground until it grew it's head back. I stared at it in shock as it stood up. "Defiantly didn't ask for that." I shivered in disgust as I ran at the creature.

Throwing a batarang at the monster is flew backwards again. Only landing on its feet this time. Well dang. As it was about to jump at me Beast Boy came running in as a goat and head butted it away. He then transformed into a gorilla and threw the demon away. "Um..thanks?" I said as if what a question.

"Yep!" He yelled out before running after the demon. I then felt someone bump into me from behind. I looked to the side to see Robin holding his katana as another demon approached.

"Are you alright?" He asked as if he was embarrassed to.

"Um...fine." I said hiding my surprised face. Who knew the Boy Wonder would have heart, especially since his father is the Dark Knight himself.

I jumped to Robins side as the demon approached us. We looked at each other and nodded. I ran up to the demon and threw a smoke bomb at its face while Robin came in when the creature was blinded by smoke. He sliced through the creatures neck as it's head fell off. Ew. Ew. But cool.

It didn't even budge. It just regenerated it's head back. Robin and I glanced at each other before we turned back to the demon. "Alright demon! Bring it!" I yelled to the creature as it ran at us.

Robin and I ran at the demon, side by side. I threw batarangs at it as Robin came up and stabbed through the demon's head. It fell to the ground and began fading away. I threw more bombs at the creature and it flew backwards, then Robin came from behind and finished the creature off, it disappeared.

We looked at each other and I smiled. "Nice work! We did it dude!" I yelled as I walked up to him and crossed my arms. "We make a pretty good team huh?" I asked as I crossed my arms. He smiled back until my face filled with pain. Right. My arm.

I brought my arms back to my sides and held my injured arm. Robin walked up to me and held out his hand. "Let me see the damage." He demanded as I looked at him in shock.

He showed no sign of backing down so I only sighed as I moved my arm into his gloved hand. He brought his suit...? How did I just notice this. He pulled me closer to inspect my arm. I felt my face get hot as I turned my head away from him.

"Looks like your arm is bruised badly, but nothing to serious." He said as he looked at me. I looked back at him. Our eyes met and we just...stood there. His face had a tint of red and I'm sure mine did as well.

"Y/n...I...uh" he said as if he didn't have the words. The Boy Wonder was speechless. I then realized he was still holding my arm, I then removed it a little to fast, I hissed in pain as I held it. He was was about to ask but I put my hand up.

"I'm fine." I said simply. "Lets Let's just uh...find the others." I said turning and walking away from him. I heard him sigh as he followed.

As we arrived amongst the others I heard Garfield hoot and holler. "Woo! Oh yeah we kicked some demon bootay!!" He then ran ahead of me to punch Jaime's arm. "Yeah baby!" He said as he stopped in front of Robin.

"Up top!" Garfield said as he raised his hands. He lowered his hands a little. "Hit meh!" He said looking at the glaring Robin. "Hmm..." He frowned as Robin turned away.

I only rolled my eyes at the two and walked beside Jaime. We all looked up to see Raven lowering herself to the ground. Starfire looked at Raven, Star had a hurt look on her face. "You said you didn't have a father."

Raven looked away. "I said he was gone."

"That's not the same as dead!" Robin yelled glaring at her.

She turned away while yelling, "He's dead to me!"

Then Garfield walked up with a concerned look. "So...why is he trying to kill you?"

Raven stayed silent for a moment. "He's not trying to kill me. Its It's much worse."

That's when I spoke up. "Worse!? Raven how is losing you not the worst!?" I yelled at her. She ignored me.

She then used her magic. It surrounded us and I looked up in surprise. Her magic consumed us, as we were teleported.


So...yeah. That chapter was cool...i guess...i don't know honestly 😂 but anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter! Happy New Year and see you later!

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