Chapter 18

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It's been a good journey, but sadly good journeys always come to an end, how saddening 😢

Anyways this is the end to Damian Wayne x reader....or is it? Dun dun-okay I'll stop so you can read 😂

"It's not your home. Home is the place where...when you have to go there, they have to take you in." Robin said walking forward.

"Robert Frost, you are full of surprises Damian." Starfire smiled as Damian raised a brow.

"You're coming with us." Damian smiled as Raven looked at the crystal.

Starling cleared her throat and walked towards Raven. "Remember movie night? Lilo and Stitch?"

Robin furrowed his eyebrows in confusion while Raven chuckled at her friend's words. Starling smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Ohana man, no denying." Y/n said laughing lightly as Raven turned to face them.

The hooded girl grasped the crystal tightly in her palm and smiled as she nodded. Y/n placed her arm around Raven's shoudlers as they all began walking towards the portal once again. Together.

*Time skip brought to you by Richard Grayson*

"I've sifted through all the data and found no signs of corruptors for the ten days since our encounter with Trigon." Batman said as we all faced the giant screen.

"In other words great work, Titans." Superman complemented as Starling and Robin smiled at each other.

"Your determination and teamwork saved the world, and us. You should be very proud of them, Kori." Wonder Woman said smiling as Starfire smiled back proudly.

"As are we..." Batman said to them all.

Damian was taken aback by his father's words, but of course he didn't show it. Batman then looked to Y/n who only smiled sheepishly at him. " know Bats, what I did was...wrong." Starling said rubbing the back of her neck.

The rest of the titans looked at her as she frowned. "I was blinded by rage and...I'm sorry, I understand why you sent me here." The girl continued as Batman listened.

"But, I'm glad you did, because, now I know where I really belong." Y/n said cringing at her words.

"God I sound like someone out of a Disney movie." Garfield and Jaime chuckled at this while Starfire smiled.

Y/n looked to the screen to see Batman smirk. "You are welcome back anytime...Starling." The man in black stated as Robin smiled at the teen girl.

"Oh yeah baby! I missed the batcave so much." She sighed as Damian rolled his eyes.

"I don't think Pennyworth would feel happy about you not including him." Damian stated jokingly as Y/n gasped, while the rest of the team have the confused looks. Who on earth is Pennyworth?

"Did the son of Batman just make a joke!?" Garfield and Jaime played along by gasping dramatically.

Wonder Woman and Superman could be heard chuckling as Robin rolled his eyes. "You're something else L/n."

"And that's why you love me~" Y/n teased as Damian turned a bright red.

"You wish." He scoffed as they were soon interrupted by a booming sound.

"Hey guys, it's pizza night. Boom tube delivery. Less than thirty..." Cyborg stopped in his tracks as he looked at the giant screen.

"Minutes." He finished as everything fell silent.

"Carry on, Titans." Batman said before the screen disappeared.

"Okay, that was awkward." Cyborg said walking down the stairs.

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