Chapter 17

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Oh gosh. Sorry it's been a while again. I really suck at this. But, I got a message asking what the Starling suit looked like, so that would be the picture above 👆 all you gotta do is imagine a purple bird symbol across the upper body armor, and yes. That is the utility belt from Arkham Knight😂

Y/n felt her heart race. Could Jason really be alive? How was it possible? Did Bruce know about this? And how the hell does Ra's know about this!?

"It's a trick." Y/n heard Damian grumble.

She looked up at him as he raised his sword towards Ra's. "I saw you die." Damian growled as Ra's smiled.

"No trick, it's me, I assure you. I exist, Lord Trigon is my sustenance." Ra's said taking a step forward.

"Oh joy." Starling mumbled as Raven whispered, "The crystal." Starling looked to where Raven has gestured to.

Her eyes grew wide as she saw the shattered crystal. "He shattered it...that bastard." Starling seethed as Damian glared at his grandfather.

"He's a devil." Damian said as Ra's sighed.

"He's a god of necessity. How do you think I attained my power? Where do you think the Lazarus Pits came from? It's all his doing." Ra's explained as Damian's eyes widened.

"He can make things whole again for a price. He can give us the world we wanted. You and I. A perfect world." Ra's smiled as Damian lowered his sword a little.

Y/n's POV

He can't. He wouldn't. I prayed to myself as Damian lowered his sword an inch. I stood and glared at Ra's as he smiled evilly. Damian wouldn't just hand Raven over. I know he wouldn't.

I stood there and frowned as Damian lowered his head, as if he was thinking about it.

"She's the only one who stands in the way. Prove your love, Grandson. Take care of this for me. Before my pact with Trigon expires." Ra's continued as he pointed at Raven.

Damian looked at Raven. I looked at him and moved in front of her. "Damian...?" I questioned as he looked at my pleading eyes. He sighed and raised his sword just as much as he lowered it.

"I... I would do anything to bring you back, but, Grandfather, I don't..." Damian stuttered as he tried to find the words. A Wayne, actually stuttered? First time for everything.

"You hesitate. Why? Are you afraid to do the one act that will restore me to life?" Ra's questioned walking towards Damian until his chest was at the tip of Damian's katana.

I clenched my fists as I began reaching for an explosive. "I'm not afraid of anything." Damian growled lowly as his grandfather frowned.

"You dare disobey me? Have you forgotten your heritage? You are an al Ghul." Ra's yelled as I rolled my eyes.

Technically he didn't disobey, and it's  pretty clear man, that he's taken the name Wayne.

"No, I'm a titan." Damian said as his grandfather growled.

"Starling now!" Damian yelled out as I was taken by surprise. I took out an explosive and threw it as Ra's...well I tried to.

It ended up flying into the abyss. Ra's watched it fall with a rasied brow as Damian turned to me. "What the hell was that!?" He yelled.

"I panicked! What do you think this is!? Some kind of movie, I can't read your god damn mind!" I yelled back as Damian facepalmed.

I grabbed another explosive and threw it towards Ra's. He jumped away and Damian began charging.
I then looked to Raven. "Go help Damian." She said simply as I nodded and began charging at the two relatives.

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