Chapter 11

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Okay, so sorry for the wait I didn't realize it's been that long and I was gonna update yesterday but got to lazy so yeah. Sorry bout' that anyways here we are!

Y/n's POV

"Ugh! This dude ways a ton!" Garfield complanied in his gorilla form as him and Jaime dragged Cyborg over to the couch.

"Well most of his body is metal Gar." Jaime groaned as he struggled to get a grip.

"Thanks for that startling information Jaime. Where would I be without you!" Garfield said glaring at Jaime.

"You know what-" Jaime let go of Cyborg and his limp body fell onto Beast Boy. "There."

Beast Boy groaned and glared at Jaime as he pushed Cyborg aside. "Ow! What the heck dude!?" He yelled; his voice cracking.

Jaime was about to counter before Starfire yelled at them to knock it off and continue what they were doing. I chuckled slightly at their antics and walked over to an arm chair. Ravens gone.

I sighed as I sat down and slumped into the chair, wincing slightly as a prick of pain was felt in my upper shoulder. I frowned as Damian walked by without even a glance, its gonna take forever for him to forgive  me. Groaning I sat forward in the chair and rested my elbows on my knees.

"Go! Go now!" I looked over to see Garfield attempting to shove Cyborg onto the couch while Jaime was trying to pull him from the other side of the couch.

"No, no, no! Jaimes going down!" Jaime was then dragged over the couch as Cyborg fell onto Garfiled again.

"Ugh! This is impossible!" Jaime complained.

"Would you two stop fooling around! Raven has been taken and we need a plan." Starfire said sharply as she picked up Cyborg with ease and placed him on the couch. She turned away from the two teenaged boys who had their jaws to the floor.

Starfire turned to me and crossed her arms. "And you, we are a team. You cannot keep secrets, do you not see what just happened with Raven?"

I rolled my eyes and stood, she still stood at least a few inches above me. "My business is my business. I never asked to be dumped here." I huffed as the floor became more interesting.

As silence filled the room I sighed and sat back down. It was silent for a minute, then two, then three. Between that time Garfield and Jaime found a spot on the floor next to the couch where the unconscious Cyborg layed. Damian was leaning against the window and staring out into the ocean, and Starfire stood there as she looked at the floor.

There we all sat. Silent. Not even a slight noise. What happened to us? We were a team. Sorta like a family. A bunch of misfits who saved people and lived in a "T" shaped tower...not everything makes sense in this world.

The silence was broken when Damian spoke. "Why are you here?"

I looked at him and his green eyes were piercing my e/c ones. I exhaled deeply and turned my head to look at the others. They all stared back at me. My throat tightened and I bit my bottom lip nervously.

"It's...a long. Long. Story." I laughed breathlessly.

I sniffed and rested my elbows on my knees again. I closed my eyes and was debating to tell them the truth or not. "Y/n. You can trust us..." I opened my eyes to see Starfire smiling comfortingly.

"All of us." She said as Damian, Jaime and Garfield walked up to stand behind her.

I squeezed my eyes shut and looked to the ground. There was so much to tell.   So much had happend through out those years. I sighed and took a deep inhake of air. "O-okay. Okay." I swallowed hard as I opened my eyes and looked at them.

"But there's so much to tell." I said as I rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

"It's okay, we're here for you dude." Garfield said as he jumped on the arm chair as a cat. He then sat down and looked at me.

I turned my head to face the rest of them. Starfire smiled comfortingly, Jaime nodded at me and Damain stood there with his arms cross. I smiled nervously and played with my hands.

"Well...I guess like Raven it started with my mom. She was sick...really sick. I was only eight when she died and was sent to live with my dad, my brother and his mom. One day at the apartment our dad never came back. My brother had told me he was going away for a long time and he would be back...and like the gullible child I was, I believed him. Shortly after that my brother's mom died, but that didn't stop him from caring for him and I." I smiled at the memories we had, and felt my eyes begin to fill with water.

"He would always bring me little treats...he would make me laugh with his stupid stories, he would make me cry when he came back late and was beat up. He was only thirteen years old during all of this." I hadn't even noticed the tears that were slipping down my cheeks.

I sniffed as I continued the story. "One night, I woke up to him coming back. I jumped out of bed and ran through the living room. I stopped. I don't remember how I reacted...I think I may have cried a little out of fear, but my brother told me it was okay. He said the man wasn't going to hurt us, he was going to help us. I walked up to the man in black, at least I hoped it was a man...and he kneeled to the ground. He said hi...then he smiled as my brother walked up behind me and said that everything was going to change. He was right of course."

I smiled slightly as I wiped a few tears away. I sighed and bit my lip and wondered if I was going to continue or not. Then Damian spoke, "Your brother, what was his name?"

I looked to the ground and rubbed my aching arm. I smiled and looked to the Boy Wonder.

"His name...heh...his name...was Jason Todd."


You all probably knew it was coming XD And Jason isn't really the son of Bruce Wayne so I don't find you and Damian being together incest...I mean sorry if you find it that way...yeah sorry.

Don't worry, the rest of your back story will be finished in the next chapter. :P sorry for the short chapter but oh whale 🐳

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