Chapter 14

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Oh yeah! Shiiiiits going doooooown!
Time to go to Hell! Woop woop! Who's with me? 😂👇😈

Okay. Anyways lets get reading 😂


Y/n's POV

We all surrounded Raven as she laid in Starfire's arms. "You alright?" Cyborg asked as Raven stood and rested her head on Beast Boy's chest. (You're welcome Beast Boy x Raven shippers 😍😂)

Her appearance was still the same from when she left us. Red skin and four eyes. She looked at us all weakly as Garfiled rested a hand on her shoulder and held her in his arms. "Nothing is right." She said sadly as we all gasped at the sound of cracking.

We all looked behind us to see the ground collapsing and breaking. "Run!" Starfire yelled in horror. (*cough* even though like four of you can fly right now *cough*) Garfield handed Raven over to Startfire and we all began running.

"Everyone run!" Star yelled again as we all sprinted down the stairs of the abandoned temple.

I looked back and stared in horror to see a giant red man with four bright glowing yellow eyes and snow white hair. I could only recognize him as the one Raven feared most, her father, Trigon.

Being clumsy and not looking where I was going I nearly tripped over falling debris. I was about to fall when I felt someone steady me and pull me with them by hand. I looked forward to see Robin with his arm stretched behind him as he held my hand and ran. I turned pink as I ran to keep up with him.

We all made it to the bottom as we skidded to a stop; making a slight dust cloud as we did. Staring up in horror to see Trigon in flames. He smiled wickedly.

"Well this sucks." Blue Beetle mumbled as we stared at the rising hell demon. His horns grew in length and his hair became like a white fire.

He floated two feet above the ground before landing with a giant thud. A wave of sand and air came towards us. Robin held his cape around Raven and I as we all struggled to keep our ground from the giant gust. We all stood fully again, ans Robin lowered his cape as Trigon began walking; ignoring us like we were just puny ants, which, we were in this case.

"He'll bring hell on earth." Damian said as we all watched Trigon walk away from us.

"How do we stop him?" Cyborg asked looking to Raven.

She stared after her father. "There's only one way." Rave looked at the ground sadly.

"You're going to put him back in the crystal." Damian said facing her.

"In the unlikely event that I can make it there."

I looked into the distance to see dots of light. Trigon walking towards them. "He's heading for the city." I stated looking at the team as they all glanced at each other.

"Superman, Raven has a plan." Cyborg said through the mic.

I turned to see Raven conducting a portal.

"The titans need my help." Cyborg continued as we began disappearing into the portal.

"I'm going to hell." I heard him say as I teleported to none other then hell itself.

Stepping out of the portal I looked to see almost everything was blood red. There were giant talon like spikes coming from the ground. "I don't feel so good." Garfield said as held his stomach.

"Is that from giving 'boy bony ass' a ride?" I laughed lightly as Garfield chuckled. We earned a glare from the Boy Wonder before Garfield groaned again.

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