Chapter 8

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"Woah.." I breathed out as I scanned our knew surroundings. It looked like one of those ancient temples you would see in a movie or something (welp... say bye to the fourth wall).

"Safe to say we're not in Kansas anymore." Garfield said as he looked at nearby debree.

"It's no star field I recognize." Starfire said moving towards Raven. "Where are we?" She asked.

Raven turned as the rest of us walked up behind Star. "Somewhere my father can't see us."

"Alright. Let's hear it." Robin said glaring at Raven.

"There's so much." She said looking at the sky? Before turning back to us. "I guess it starts with my mom."

She turned to face us all fully. Star stared intensly at her, Garfield have her a sad look, Jaime stood there; arms crossed. While Robin and I gave each other a glance before looking to her.

"She was young, rebellious, and gullible. Of course she wound up in a cult. Anyway, they decided to do the classic bride of Satan rite. And guess who got to be the lucky bride? I doubt anyone expected it to work, but the ancient ceremony turned out to be the real thing. So mom, with her great powers of judgement, didn't hesitate to hook up with the guy who emerged from the smoke." Raven was then interrupted by Beast Boy.

"Whoah whoah whoah! So your mom, did 'it' with Satan?" He said with a bug-eyed expression.

Raven turned to him and raised an eyebrow. "His name is Trigon, but basically, yes."

"They totally did it." He said keeping his expression the same. I glanced at him with quizzical look, as did Robin.

"Garfield!" Starfire snapped. "That was inappropriate, go on." Starfire said folding her hands.

"It gets weirder." She said looking down. Everyone looked at Raven with an unblinking expression. "Mom fled the cult and was on the run with nowhere to go, when she gets saved by these people from another dimension. The people of Azarath, a realm of beauty, peace and tranquility, where, needless to say, I did not fit in." I looked at Raven with sad expression...she didn't deserve this.

"And I must've inherited my mom's terrible judgement because I thought if I found more about the monster who made me I'd be able to make sense of myself." She turned away and gazed at the dark sky.

"Poor mother, poor Azarath, I became it's Trojan Horse. He took me to his hellish universe. I could hardly bear the horrors I saw there." She said sadly.

"Why did Trigon want you?" Starfire asked.

"He wanted earth." Raven said turning to face Star. "He's a conqueror of worlds. But he needs a powerful conduit to open Earth to his control." She looked down.

"And your half human." Robin said.

"His way in." I said staring at her sadly.

"But my magic was stronger then he realized. Before he could use me I was able to trap him in side a crystal. Perhaps if I had stayed there, it would have. But I wanted a home." She said regrettingly as she looked to the ground.

"Why didn't you go back to Azarath?" Blue asked.

Raven looked up at us sadly, then realization hit me. "This is Azarath...isn't it?" I asked looking at her. She nodded.

Everyone's eyes widened as they all looked around at the scene surrounding us. Broken pillars, debris everywhere, and temple like stone. I gazed around sadly as a piece of white cloth flew by. A tear escaped as I looked down at the ground, all those people, Raven's mother, they all literally burned in hell.

I felt someone rest a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Robin looking at me sadly and trying to give a reassuring smile. I removed his hand and whiped away the stray tear. "We should uh, get going." Everyone nodded as Raven created a portal.

She was the first to step through, then Starfire, Blue, and Gar. I stood there. I understood what Raven was going through...I lost my mother, and my brother, and this scene didn't really help with what happened to my brother. It reminded me of what happened that night. But my father, I could care less where he wound up, he can go f-

"Y/n?" Robin interrupted my thoughts. I turned to him and he gestured towards the portal. Without saying anything I gave a fake smile and walked beside Robin and into the portal.

As the Titans tower appeared so did the others. Raven the spoke, "Don't worry, I'm not staying. I've got to keep moving to keep Trigon off my path."

"Where will you go?" Starfire asked worried.

"It's better you not know." She responded. She faces all of us. "He's going to try and use you, but don't worry, I put a protective spell on you, just incase."

"And I thought I had a bad burrito." Garfield said; his arms crossed.

"Dude." Jaime said glaring at Garfield.

"Guess I should've for your permission or whatever. But I couldn't stand for him to corrupt you. Your the only friends I've ever really had. I'll...miss you." She said walking away. As she was about to conduct a portal Damian stopped her.

"Wait! Leave now and you'll always be running." He said.

"You have no idea what's he's like Damian. You've never met a monster like Trigon." She responded.

"You beat him once." Blue said.

"I was lucky." She said.

"But now you'll be five times as lucky." Damian said.

"Damians right Rave." I said walking up beside him. "If we can't save one of our own, who can we save?" I asked smirking.

"I thought you hated us?" Blue beetle asked looking at Robin.

"I'm not wishing you dead anymore." Damian responded smirking.

"Robin and Starling are right, we are your best hope." Starfire said flying next us.


We all turned; startled by a loud booming noise. A portal appeared and we were all shocked to see the Justice League. "What the hell is happening..." I mumbled to myself.


Hello Hello! Sorry for the wait! But stuff has been happening! Anyways hope you enjoyed and I will see you later!!!

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