Chapter 3

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Damian's POV

As I swung the sword another drop of sweat slid down my forehead. I was training in my room as I thought about what Starling did. No one has ever risked their life for me besides my father.

As I swung my sword again I started thinking to myself. "She saved me...should I be grateful? Maybe I should thank her..."

I then threw my sword at the wall causing it to fly through. I heard a yelp from the other side of the wall followed by pounding.

"Hey! What is wrong with you!" Beast Boy yelled pounding on the wall. "That is very dangerous! You could put out an eye with that thing!"

"That's its purpose." I thought while rolling my eyes.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with knives!"he yelled.

"Quite the opposite actually." I mumbled. I then noticed a light coming from outside. I looked out the window to see Starling talking to Raven.

I decided to go down and thank Starling for her actions. I grabbed my coat and walked out the door.

**Time skip**

As I walked toward them I heard yelling. "You lied to me!" Starling yelled.

I approached a nearby shrub and crouched down behind it.

Y/n's POV

"You know Rave I told you everything about me!" I yelled in frustration. When I came here I felt like an outcast, then Raven comforted me. She became a very close friend, I told her about my past and she told me about hers...or so I thought.

"Listen Starling, I trust you I really do-"

"Then why would you keep secrets from me?" I sniffed. "I told you about my parents, about my brother, even about my past with Bruce...but you never told me about your mother or your father..." I said turning my back towards her. "I thought you were my friend..." I said walking back to the building.

I heard Raven yell my name and for me to come back but I kept walking.

**time Skip**

As I walked into my room I slammed the door and flopped into my bed. "Thanks for trusting me Rave..." I sighed as I looked at the celing.

I shook my head and changed out of my costume and into my pajamas. (Whatever you want like shorts and a tank top or regular pajamas)

As I sat on my bed there was a knock on my door. I groaned in annoyance and walked over to the door, when i opened it I was shocked to see Damian.

"Ugh, what do you want?" I asked harshly as I glared at him.

"I wanted to thank you for...earlier." he said rubbing the back of his neck.

My expression softned. "Oh...uh you're welcome." I said as I began to shut my door.

He then placed his foot in the doorway. "Wait!"

I opened the door a little so my head was sticking out. "Yeah?" I asked annoyed.

"I heard yours and Ravens conversation." He said.

I opened mt door and glared at him. I then put my hands on my hips. "You were stalking us!?" I said.

"That doesn't matter right now, I just wanted to know...what happened between you and my father?" He asked glaring back at me.

"What? Sorry but I don't know your father...unless...?" I looked at him skepticaly.

He only smirked.

"That's just like...oh god." I said in my head. " no cant be...?" He only smirked more.

"My name's Damian Wayne." He said still smirking.

"Ugh... I knew you reminded me of him..." I groaned. I opened my door all the way and stepped aside. "Right this way Wayne." I said gesturing for him to come in.

He nodded and walked into my room. I shut the door behind us and locked the door. I turned around to see Damian looking around my room, and looking at old photos.

He then grabbed one and picked it up. "You knew Grayson?" He asked.

"Yeah, he was like a big brother to me." I sighed sadly. I smiled at the memory of Dick pushing me on a swing while Bruce watched smiling from afar.

Shaking that away I rushed over and snatched the picture away from him.
"No touching!" I snapped placing the picture back on my desk.

He rolled his eyes and huffed. I walked over to my bed and sat down, he followed and sat down next to me.

After a few moments of silence I sighed. "Bruce a second father to me." I said as Damian listened. "After my parents got killed by a thug all I could think about was avenging them, but when Bruce took me in he told me revenge made you like the enemy. So...I moved on, and Bruce began training me, I soon became his sidekick, Starling." I took a deep breath. "Then one night during patrol I saw Joker's goons taking hostages. I contacted Batman but he told me to stand down, I then saw one of the goons carrying a bomb. I went in, disobeying Batman, and took out Joker's goons. I disabled the bomb and saved the citizens, and for that Batman shipped me off to join the Teen Titans." I finished looking at the ground.

Damian didn't respond for a moment. He then took a deep breath, "And your brother?" He asked.

"He...he was murdered by the Joker."
I said taking in a deep breath.

He was silent. All we did was sit there in silence, he then took another deep breath. "My apologies...and my father was wrong to send you here. The way I see it you're a hero, and you did your job." He said half smiling.

I couldn't say anything, if I did I was afraid I would choke on my words or stutter. That's when I hugged Damian tightly.

He was shocked at first. Then he hugged back hesintaly. I pulled away and punched him in the arm...hard.

"What was that for!?" He demanded rubbing his upper arm.

"Tell anyone about this and I'll kill you!" I threatened.

"You have my word." He said placing his hands up defensively.

We both stood and walked over to the door. As he was about to walk out I spoke up. "Y/n..."

He looked back at me confused. "What?"

"My real name is Y/n." I said.

He nodded and let out another half smile. "Goodnight, Y/n." He said before walking down the hall.

I shut my door and sighed as I heard his door shut. "Rich boy isnt so bad..."


Ok this chapter is just no to me, but if you like it I'm happy!

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll shall see you next time!

Bye Bye! 😜

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