Chapter 15

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Okay, so it was suggested by crazykitty120 that I try another point of view, which would be second person, but I apologize since I'm not very good at second person, so I was going to try third person, hope you don't mind, sorry though

But ANYWAYS let's get readin'


*Third Person* POV

As the three demons jumped from the pillars the Titans all stood side by side. "It's the freak show again." Blue Beetle groaned.

"You realize we can't say anything right?" Y/n mumbled as she was glaring at the demons; she was slowly reaching for a batarang.

The demons landed mirroring their stances from before. Starfire placed an arm in front of Starling and Beast Boy to stop them from charging at the beasts from hell.

They all stood and glared as the demons smiled wickedly. The middle demon began to sprout giant spikes from it's back as the others began to turn into goo.

"That's nasty." Y/n shivered as the Titans stood their ground; side by side.

The three demons began to merge into goo and the heroes all took a few steps back. The merged demons grew in size and sprouted more spikes. Then they stopped growing, leaving the teens with a giant dark red pile of goo resting in front of them.

It wasn't long before legs began to appear out of the pile of goop. Before the teens could even gasp a head shot out of the pile of red goop, followed by two more heads. The creature standing before them had three heads, long necks, a beetle like body with a long spiked tail.

The hell creature let out a defining  screech as the Titans all raced to defeat their new foe. As Cyborg's lazer landed on the creature's stomach it began to spit fire. Blue Beetle grunted as he was nearly shot down while at the same time Beast Boy jumped up to one of the creature's head.

Beast Boy held on to the head of this monster as Starfire swooped down from the air. She blasted one of the monster's heads away as it attempted to attack her from behind. Starfire then continued to gracefully avoid the attacks from this hell monster.

As these three Titans (and one Justice Leaguer) distracted the beast Starling, Raven and Robin began running towards the tower. Starling grabbed three smoke bombs and thrusted them to the ground to give them cover from the monster's sight. As the three emerged from the smoke they didn't notice a monster head coming from behind, the monster was swooping for Raven. Starling's eyes widened as she yelled; "Raven, move!"

Starling shoved Raven away as the head hit her in the stomach. She held on for dear life as she was lifted off the ground. Robin glared at the beast as he began making his way towards it. "Get inside!" He yelled back to the cloaked girl.

Nodding, Raven began flying towards the floating tower. She hovered as her eyes began glowing white, she reached out as purple magic began emerging from her hands. Raven's magic began to fill the carvings in the tower. Meanwhile the rest of the titans were attempting to defeat the monster from hell.

"Woah boy!" Starling yelled out as she climbed to the top of the creature's head. She gripped the minor spikes coming from the beast. Starling looked over to see Beast Boy get thrown off of the monster's head.

"Boom! Guess who wins Beasty!" She shouted out; cupping her hands over her mouth.

"No way! I say a rematch!" Garfield yelled back as he made his way towards the battle once again with a smirk.

Starfire blasted the beast and glared at the two teens. "Now is not the time to be conversing childish games!"

Robin soon joined in the fight as he leapt onto the monster's tail and began to climb. "Wanna join in Bird Boy!?" Beast Boy yelled out as he was once again holding onto the monster's head.

Robin smirked as he clambered onto the monster's third head. "Bring it." He challenged as the three teens smirked at each other.

"Yee ha!" Beast Boy called out as the monster began swinging around wildly.

"This is wha' I call a rodeo!" Starling yelled out in a horrible fake country accent.

"Nothin' like a good ol' hell monster riding!" Beast Boy sang loudly as if it was completely normal, but for the titans, it probably was.

Starfire shook her head at all three of them as Blue Beetle and Cyborg shot at the beast.

Robin chuckled slightly and smirked as Beast Boy was almost flung off again. Starling let out a laugh as the three teens swung around on the heads of a hell demon. This, was most likely considered normal for the titans, an average Wednesday really.

Then, a cracking noise was heard. Without even noticing that her gripped loosened Starling turned her attention away from the two other teens and looked to the tower. Chunks of stone were drifting away from the now destroyed tower. Starling squinted her eyes to see a small figure flying towards the top of the tower; which was red and covered in spikes like the merged demons before they became the monster.

"Starling!" Beast Boy called out, but it was to late.

Starling swung her head around to see the monster about to hit a stone pillar. "Shit in a bucket." She cursed under her breathe as the monster crashed and she began falling to the ground.

As Starling began to cover her face as she fell she heard the faint sound of something being shot. It sounded like the clanking of metal, she soon figured out why when she heard Beast Boy yell out; "Robin!"

Robin had dived after her as soon as she was knocked off. Starling felt arms wrapped around her waist and she looked up to see Robin shoot off his grappling hook again. The hook landed on a pillar and they began swinging to safety; but they didn't make it before the monster ran into the pillar.

Robin's eyes widened as they both began free falling towards the ground.
"Oh hell." Robin grumbled as they both began approaching the unfriendly looking red ground.

Starling let out a screech as Robin remained silent. He looked around and sighed before wrapping his arms around Starling and pulling her into his chest. She let out a surprised gasp as they crashed to the ground; sliding across it, Robin still held her tight to his chest as they landed.

Starling groaned as Robin's arms fell from her waist. She pushed herself up with one arm and looked down at Robin; who had his eyes closed and wasn't moving. Starling began to mentally panic before sighing in annoyance and rolling her eyes.

She smirked and began to stradle the "unconscious" Boy Wonder. "Hey Dami, why don't you show me what your staff can do?~" Starling said as seductively as she could as she rested her hands on his chest.

Robin began to sputter and cough as his eyes shot wide open; his face bright red. Starling fell off of him, howling with laughter as the Boy Wonder sat up and glared at her; his face still bright red. "Dude. You gotta try harder to try and pull that prank on me." Starling said wiping an imaginary tear from her eye.

Robin glared at her before smirking. "-tt- Oh please L/n. You wish you could have all this." He stated as he gestured to his lower half. It was Starling's turn to turn red. She was about to say something before she looked to see the monster stalking towards them.

"Welp. Let's get this over with bird boy."


Sorry if it was short but I'm not really feeling it, ya know? But ANYWAYS hope you enjoyed, see ya next time! Oh and let me know what you think of third person and yep.

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