Chapter 16

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Yep. Nothing else to say but sorry that I take forever to update 😄😅


As the monster crept closer you and Robin glanced at each other before you looked to the tower. Turning back to the monster and getting in fighting stance you looked to Damian as he nodded.

You let out a battle cry as you charged at the beast. You kept running towards it hoping things would go as plan. As you neared it one of the heads swiped at you as you dodged it and slid on your side as you stopped under it's stomach.

The creature began searching for you only to have Robin attack as it was distracted. Robin sliced at it as it let out a screech, cringing a little at the noise you took out an explosive before staring up at the beast's belly.

"Sorry not sorry." You said quickly as you activated the explosive and stuck it to the bottom of the creature's belly. You began army crawling out from under the monster as you avoided it's moving and stamping feet.

As the beeping of the bomb increased in speed you began crawling faster until you rolled out from under it and stood. You jumped over it's swinging tail and waited for the bomb to blow as you ran towards a pillar. Whiping away the sweat from your forehead you groaned.

"I need to lay off the poptarts." You grumbled.

You shrieked in surprise as the bomb went off. Looking at the creature as it toppled over you smiled and cheered in triumph. "Yeah! I-"

A low growl was heard as the creature began squirming. "Did not do it." You groaned as you held your head into your hands.

"Starling!" Jaime yelled as the monster was walking towards the teen girl. You raised your head as the monster's eyes pierced yours.

You froze and smiled awkwardly. "I'm gonna pull a Justin Bieber and ask: is it to late now to say sorry?" The monster roared and you frowned.

"Well, to be honest I definitely don't want your body." You said shrugging as Blue Beetle flew in front of you.

"Is now really time to be making jokes!?" He questioned you before blasting the hell monster.

Before you could make a comeback Jaime was knocked out of the air and landed on you with a thump. "Do you mind?" You asked sarcastically as Jaime began standing.

You guys heard a grunt before Jaime fell back onto you. You twisted your body as much as you could and glanced up to see Robin on top of Blue Beetle. "I don't know what's more impressive, the creature beating bird boy, or how good of an aim it has." You grumbled as the creature stood in front of you all.

You all gasped as it's mouth lit up with flames. You closed your eyes awaiting your death only to hear a screech and a large thud. Opening your eyes you felt Damian and Jaime remove themselves from the pile of teens. Jaime grabbed your arm and pulled you up as you all stared at Garfield.

He had taken the shape of a huge griffin and was battling it out with the monster. "Dude!" Blue Beetle yelled out in amazement as he took flight.

You cheered Garfield's name before turning towards the tower. Your cheerfulness disappeared instantly when you saw a strange figure move which definitely wasn't Raven.

"Robin..." You said as Damian looked at you.

He followed your gaze to the tower and his eyes widened. "She's in trouble." Robin stated as you looked at him with an unamused look.

"No shit Sherlock." Grabbing his arm you began sprinting towards the tower.

"No doubt it's one of Trigon's little henchmen." Damian growled as you nodded in a agreement.

As you approached the edge Damian held out his arm to you. Grabbing his arm he pulled you into his side as you two lept from the edge. He shot off his grappling hook and you two began swinging to the top of the tower.

"It wouldn't make sense to have just one henchman, so who or what is up there must be tough." You stated as Robin glared at the incoming top of the tower.

"Prepare yourself L/n." Robin said bluntly as you rolled your eyes.

"Whatever you say Wayne."

As you two landed Damian released your waist and you looked up to see a shadowed figure. Looking towards the face you froze in place. "Ra's al Ghul." You whispered to yourself.

"Wait. He died and went to hell? Nice."

Clearly Damian didn't take time to look at Raven's attacker because he charged at full speed; katana in hand.
"Robin!" You yelled out but he ignored you.

Shaking your head you made your way towards Raven as she held her head. You gasped as Ra's raised his sword. Diving for Raven to shield her from the attack you closed your eyes; waiting for the sword. The slash of the sword was replaced with the sound of clanging metal.

Your eyes snapped opened and you turned your head to see Robin standing in front of you with his katana drawn.

The Boy Wonder glared at the ground before looking up to the face of the attacker; only to be met with his grandfather's colorless face. Damian's eyes widened as he lowered his katana. "Grandfather...?"

"Damian. My blood." Ra's spoke as he lowered his sword with an evil grin.

You sat there as Raven leaned into your shoulder. You looked at the man and glared darkly towards him. Ra's glanced at you for a second, and in that second you didn't know what it was, but you felt something. It was strange, so strange you couldn't describe it. You felt as if he was involved with something in your life...something big.

As you thought about it Ra's cackled and  looked over Damian's shoulder to look at you. "Why hello there Y/n, it's nice to meet you, finally."

Your eyes widened in shock; as did Damian's. Robin turned to look down at you with his eyebrows furrowed. "Ah, I see you're confused." Ra's chuckled darkly as Damian kept his stare on you.

Ra's walked forward a little and you held Raven closer as he did. "All I can say is, your brother spoke of only you when he came back...what was his name?"

Damian looked at you in confusion. "Y/n...what is he talking about?"

You were shaking now, out of confusion and fear. Came back? What does he mean came back?

You let out a shaky breathe. Maybe he was bluffing. Ra's then sighed as he smiled evilly. "Ah, I remember now. Jason, wasn't it? Jason Todd."

Definitely not bluffing.

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