Chapter 12

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Y/n's POV

"Jason Todd...?" Damian asked slowly as his eyes grew wide.

I looked at him and only realized that he must've heard the name floating around the manor before. I mean, he was one of the Robins after all.

"Yep, I assume you've heard of him?" I said smiling at the memory of my older brother.

Before Damian had the chance to respond Garfield interrupted. "But why is your name Y/n L/n and not Y/n Todd...?" Jaime just sighed at this and Starfire shook her head.

"Well, if you had met my dad you would know that he wasn't exactly the loyal type of husbund, I technically wasn't even supposed to be born so my mother kept me and I inherited her last name instead." I explained like it was nothing.

I sighed and rubbed my aching arm as I thought about my past. So much had happened, Bruce catching Jason stealing his tires was a major one though. Heck, if Jason hadn't done that I probably wouldn't be here right now, and Jason wouldn't have gone to that
warehouse...this is one of those situations that you can't decide if it's good or bad.

I looked to the ground and my chest ached as I thought about my long dead brother. That freaking clown should've burned with him. That's pretty dark Y/n.

Shut it.

My head flew back up at the sound of Starfire clearing her throat. All of them were staring at me. Of course they wanted to hear the rest. I bit the inside of my cheek and closed my eyes to try and remember what had happened after Bruce found us.

I took a deep breath and remembered the car ride in the batmobile...and arriving at the manor where we were greeted by Alfred. I remember meeting Dick (Yup. That's a good thing to say. I'm not dirty minded at all. 😉) and Barbara who would come over with her dad, Commissioner Gordan. I smiled at the memories of Jason chasing me throughout the manor during a game of tag, then the image of Dick and me at the park...god where'd those years go?

I opened my eyes to see them all still looking at me. I smiled and laughed a little. "I suppose you don't want to hear all the boring stuff, so I'll give it to you short. We arrived with the bat, he trained us, we became superheroes, my brother was killed by a clown after two years of being Robin and I tried breaking a major rule and ended up here." I huffed and looked at the ground. Tears were threatening to spill over once again.

He should've been faster. He should've saved him. But then again, I should've saved him as well...I should've followed him. I should've stopped him. What kind of sister am I?

"What rule did you break..?" Jaime's voice emerged.

I looked up at him and frowned. "I TRIED to break the rule...I never succeeded." I said cradling my injured arm.

"One of Batman's most known rule to the bat family is to never, ever, even under the most major circumstances, never kill." I felt their stares on me as I closed my eyes.

"Joker." I stated.

"Joker was the one who killed my brother and literally blew him up along with his birth mother. Turns out our dad had cheated on his wife and went and had two children with other women. Best dad award goes to him." I said sarcastically as they all gave me sad looks.

"Anyways, Bru-Batman. Was to late. By the time he got there the bomb's countdown stopped and Jason and his mother were blown up together in a warehouse. Not the best way to die, huh?" I continued as they looked at me sadly.

"After a month of Jason being gone I couldn't take anymore of the Joker's laugh echoing through my head. I couldn't rap my mind around the fact that Bats did nothing, he knew who killed him, yet he didn't even go after Joker. That's when I finally snapped. I had to avenge my brother. I attempted to kill Joker, dark I know, but what did you expect? Sunshine and rainbows?" I chuckled a bit and Starfire just scowled at me. I cleared my throat and mumbled a "sorry".

"Anyways, I found Joker's location using the computer in the batcave and went after him. Attempted to kill him, only to have a certain Puddin' loving hammer weilding clown attack from behind. I nearly killed Joker and Harley before Batman came to their aid. Of course thinking I wasn't stable enough he thought coming here and joining the Titans would help me bond and take a break from Gotham. But after a year here...I'm not sure how I feel." I finished as the room was silent for at least ten minutes.

Garfield then sighed and rubbed the back of his neck as he walked over to the window. Jaime frowned and looked away as he awkwardly moved away. Starfire gave me another long lasting sad look as she walked off, she looked like she regretted ever asking me about my past; and Damian didn't move.

He stood there looking at the ground, fists clenched. I smiled sadly and stood, as I walked over to Cyborg and sat down by the couch to wait for him to wake up.

Damian's POV

After everything Y/n just told us I didn't know wether to still be mad with her or sad for her. Her whole life was very unpleasant to hear about, and that is coming from me.

I watched as everyone walked away. Y/n sat in the chair as I looked to the ground. I clenched my fists and wondered if my father was right to do what he had done or not. She had to suffer so much loss, yet she still helped others. She was a very confusing person. But I couldn't help but find interest in it.

I heard her stand. I watched her walk over to the cyborg and sit on the side of the couch. Her life wasn't very happy, but she still acted as if nothing had happened. All I knew is none of us would look at her the same way we once did. She wasn't who I thought she was, and I can't decide if that's good or bad.

She's probably weirded out by your staring.

My eyes widened as I looked away from her. What is happening to me? I have no idea what was going with me, but I didn't like the feeling. At all. I sighed and heard Y/n squeal out in surprise as we all turned to see her standing and pointing at Cyborg.

"He moved! He's waking up!" She yelled out as we all gathered around him.

Jaime leaned over to look at his face. "Think he's back online."


Short chapter yes but aren't they all? 😂 anyways that background was pretty...interesting. Oh and a friend wanted me to shout out her Jason Todd x Reader story. Her name is xxDC_Fangirlxx and her story is called "Shadows Among Us" and I don't know about you but I love it! 😍

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chpater and I'll sea 🏖 (gotta love ocean puns) you next time 😉

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