Chapter 6

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I smile back at him. How could someone looks so perfect in such plain clothes? He's wearing a black T-shirt with dark tight jeans. His lips seperate to speak and my heart races with anticipation.

"Hey" his smile grows and so does mine. His voice is raspy and deep. I'm not sure if it's because he is tired or if it's his natural voice but either way, it's making me melt. How could one word sound so perfect? I don't think it could ever sound as perfect coming from someone else's lips.

"Hi" I say with a shy, flirty smile. His face glows in this dark frat house with scattered strobe lights and pounding music.

"I'm harry, and you are?" His smile never leaves his face and neither does mine. He must be the one that lives here! Maybe I can convince him to let us stay. I can see Skylar lighting up from the corner of my eye as all this is happening.

"Victoria Santos. But you can call me Vicky, if you like" I watch his eyes leave mine for the first time since I've seen him and move down to my outfit. My costume. I instantly blush from the slutty cat outfit I'm wearing. Luckily, it falls mid thigh so it isn't overly short.

"Ok, Vicky." The way he says my name. With his English accent and his low voice. He says my name slowly and i take in every syllable with wide eyes. I can't erase this smile off my face. When his eyes meet mine again, he looks as much of in a daze as I am.

"Do you live here?" I ask, curious if this is the guy I hadn't met before. What a loss for past me.

"What?" He talks over the still booming music that I had forgot about momentarily.

"Do you want to go upstairs where its less noisy?"

"That would be perfect" I reply, still looking into his green eyes that are surprisingly visible in this darkness with flashes of light.

I follow him upstairs, looking back at Skylar to see her giving me a thumbs up and a smile as wide as her petite face. Midway, Harry folds my hand into his. They are larger that Erich's. I have to get him off my mind but he's really the only person I can compare this to- the one guy I've ever held hands with.

He spins me around to face me once we reach the room I've been in 3 times within this insane night. I look straight up to his eyes. The green eyes that ignite flames in my stomach. We stay like this for a moment before he speaks, still making eye contact.

"So Vicky, why haven't I seen you around before? Do you live on campus?

"Yea I do with my friend Skylar who was with me in the kitchen."

"So what brings you here?"

"My...well..this girl Toni brought me here and.."

He laughs at my word choice. "This girl?"

"Well we were friends but an incident happened that I don't really want to talk about right now"

"No problem" he replies kindly.

"Thank you" I smile in reply.

"So..this is my room" he pulls my wrist gently to walk me into the room. The same room that Toni and Erich were smoking in. The smell is less noticeable compared to before but still faintly present.

He sits on the edge of his bed and watches me sit down next to him. I'm on the side of his dimple and when he catches me looking at it, he throws a laugh and I come back to reality. Seriously? How is it possible to get lost on every detail of someone? He seems so perfect to me. I decide to speak.

"So I didn't catch your full name"

"Harry, Harry Styles." Styles. There's something about the way the word roles off his tongue that's sets me off.

"Its very nice to meet you, Harry Styles."

"You too Vicky." He returns a smile.

Why is he so polite? He's acting like such a gentleman, which is rare for the guys at this campus.

"So, were you drinking at all?" He questions. Here we go.

"No" I reply short and sweet, hoping to get off the topic. it doesn't work.

"Have you drank before?" I'm surprised by his question. I'm guessing me and Skylar are the only two people on campus who don't drink so I'm shocked that he could bring it up so casually.

"No-I just..never have..been interested in it.." I stutter, finding it hard to talk to a handsome stranger about this. Before I open my mouth to begin defending myself on the topic he beats me to it, but with words I was not expecting.

"Me either." I look up from my lap and back into his eye which were still glued on me. Is he joking? Is he making fun of me for having being sober throughout my life..or his he telling the truth?

"..what?" I look at him and express my confusion.

He laughs, looks to the side, and then back at me. I love the way he laughs. It's like he's purposely flaring his dimple at me and drawing my eyes towards ever perfect part of him complexion.


"Of course. I mean.. I thought me and my neighbor were surely the only sober ones in the house." I smile, looking up at him. He laughs again. God I love the sound.

"So what grade are you in if you're still a sober?" I ask, trying to sneak in ways to learn about him.

"Its my second year here."

"Wow. So you lasted a year without drinking here? Impressive."

"Alright, alright. What about you, Victoria? I'm guessing you're new here?"

"Yup.. its my second month" I emphasize the month, trying to mimic the way he said his grade.

"Impressive" he mocks me in a dumbfounded voice and I can't help but laugh. Again. I have never smiled and laughed so much within minutes.

"So, are you staying over here with one of the guys who live here, or are you driving back to campus?" His expression turns unreadable.

"Well actually, I kind of lost my ride because I came here with my boyfriend and-"

"Oh." He breaks our eye contact and looks down, looking either upset or embarrassed.

"But" I make him look up at me before continuing.

"We just had a fight and I broke up with him."

"Oh" I can tell he turns to his side to hide a smile. "So you lost that girl, um Toni, and your boyfriend in one night?"


"I'm sorry, that's rough." He leans near me a little bit, but not in an uncomfortable way.

"Yea, it was actually over the same reason."

"What do you mean?" He tilts his head a bit and his hair bounces with his movement.

"Well he- are you sure you want to know?"

"Positive. That is-if you're ok with telling me..?"

"Absolutely" I smile and turn my knees towards him to face him. I tell him how the best friend went behind the girl's back to smoke with her boyfriend. Then she convinces him into having more fun with her and by the end of my awful story, his eyes are wide open, like an 'are you kidding me' face.

"I'm so sorry. That's awful. I can't believe he would go behind the back of someone who looks like..this." he gestures to me and I blush. I can't believe how kind this stranger is. Erich rarely complemented me so its quite flattering. I feed in to hear more of these words.

"What do you mean?" I look down and then directly into his eyes, carefully making sure not to loose the eye contact. He responds slow, while keeping his eyes held in mine.

"You're beautiful." He says so seriously without laughing or smiling this time. I've never had anyone treat me like this and its only been minutes. My eyes go from his eyes to his lips and next thing i know, I'm looking at the darkness of the inside of my eyelids as I lean in and begin kissing him. I don't know what I'm doing but I don't want it to stop. His words are intoxicating and I'm still sober.

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