Chapter 10

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One warning and thats it** this is rated R for very descriptive content.**

I sit up from where my head was resting in his lap. We are both staring into each others eyes. I take in ever detail. They have a darker outline of a burnt green and the middle of the iris contains a combination of gray, blue and a yellow-green pieces, all put together to form a perfect emerald green eye. I bite my lip and my eyes drag down to his lips. They are popped with pink and look, and felt, so smooth moving with mine. My eyes are drawn back to his eyes and he leans towards me, laying a sweet closed kiss on my lips; I'm not ending it here. I put my hand behind his neck and lightly pushing it to signal him that I want more. I part my lips and wrap them around his bottom lip. I pull slightly before letting go and diving right back in. This time, his lips are parted and his tongue swipes against mine. We kiss simultaneously and continue to move slow. My other hand that is propping me up bends and I slowly lay down. He leans over me without breaking our kiss. Our chests rub against each other like before but this time slow and calm and comfortable. He lifts off and I see a dimpled smile as my blurred vision returns in the dim room. He lays next to me.

"I can't believe this."

"What how fast all of this happened?" I let out my thoughts that have been in trapped in my head since my lips touched his.

"Yeah I mean I just met you but I feel like I've known you so much..longer." he shakes his head and his hands rake his hair. "When I saw you in the kitchen, I was just standing there like an idiot. I was frozen staring at you and I didn't even realize. Here I am going into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and I forgot what I was doing just by watching you turn around and your eyes meet mine." He faces me from where he was previously looking at the ceiling. I am completely still and serious.

"God and when you kissed me. I was not expecting it but I'm so glad you did it." He smiles and looks me in the eyes.

"You have no idea how happy I am right now." I smile and close my eyes at the touch of his hand that brushes a strand of hair away from my cheek.

"Can I be honest with you now?" I finally say after his beautiful words.


"When I saw you, I saw your green eyes in the darkness, staring back at me. I thought it was the most beautiful thing I could ever see. I still believe that." I take a breath and continue. "And when I kissed you, I had no idea where it came from. I just went for it and then everything after that follow. I just broke up with my boyfriend who I've been dating for 11 months and never has it felt even close to that. Matter of fact, we've never done anything but kiss, completely dress. Within a night, I've done more with you than I've done with him in a year." I smile. " And I don't regret one bit of it."

"And we could do even more." He says with a small laugh. I lean over to kiss him again until a new thought pops in my head.

"Have you really never drank before?" I ask knowing the answer for myself.

"I have but I didn't like it. Niall was pestering me to just take a beer and I thought it tasted awful. He laughs at himself. "What about you?"

"Never have. I don't know if I would like it.."

"You haven't tried it once?"

"Nope." I say concisely. A smile forms on his face.

"What?" I say with a laugh.

"I think your about to have your first drink." He laughs.

"No I'm not! You said you don't like drinking!"

"You're right, I don't. But I want to be the first one you drink with." I consider his point and roll my eyes.

"Fine! But you're having it with me!"

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