Chapter 9

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Before I start, I want to tell you guys how amazed I am that Complicated got over 1,000 reads already. I can't thank you guys enough for reading and voting. I love you guys & hope you enjoy the chapter!

Harry walks in front of me, my hand in his, leading me up the now familiar staircase and into his room. After the lights flick on, I set our waters on his counter and sit down on next to him on the end of his bed, where we started our conversation before. He looks up from his phone and smiles at me. "My phones about to go dead, do you need a charger for yours too?" He gets up and shuffles through the drawer, pulling out two iPhone chargers.

"Yea, I actually do, thanks." He sticks out his hand to me and I reach into my boot to retrieve my phone. When I go to hand it to him, I click the phone on to see that I now have 6 new text messages. "Hold on one second?" I say and he nods, plugging in his own phone and plugging the other charger into the outlet as well, hanging without my phone to connect to. I focus my attention back to my phone and click the message symbol. 2 of the text messages were from Skylar earlier and the other four from Erich. I click the first one sent to me from him and read on.

"Victoria, I'm looking everywhere for you. Where are you?" My heart sinks and my conscience reminds myself that he got himself into this mess. My finger scrolls to the following messages.

"Vicky?" Scroll. "Victoria, I'm sorry. Please call me." Scroll. "I'm guessing you left but I need to tell you how sorry I am! Please call me.. I miss you." Scroll. That's the end of the messages. He is controlling. He manipulates me out of our fights- the fights that he causes. I'm sick of it; I'm done. I turn off the phone, ignoring that I now had 9 calls from him and 3 voice mails. Really?

"Here I'm done. Thank you." I turn around and pass Harry my phone to plug into the charger. I turn to face him, his head now in hands, leaning back on the pillow of his bed.

"Anytime." He reassures me. After exchanging smiles he adds to his short response.

"You look uncomfortable. And you're obviously not sleeping in that." He points to my costume and I nudge him. He laughs.

"Hey! This wasn't my first choice; Toni convinced me into wearing it!"

"Damn. These people sure are good at manipulating you into things."

"You have no idea." I smile, covering the fact that the realization hurts me.

"Well lets get you something to change into." He smiles and I'm glad he changed the topic back before the tears threaten my eyes. I nod and he lifts himself off his bed and to his dresser. He pulls out sweatpants and a black T-shirt. He holds them in one hand and tosses them to me.

"The bathroom is right next door." He points in the direction. "You can get changed in there and get ready. Do you need a washcloth or anything?"

I'm guessing he doesn't have an extra tooth brush so I don't bother asking. "Yea, actually, van I have a washcloth just to wash these whiskers off my face? I point to the ridiculous lines Toni's unsteady hand drew on my face before we came here with her black eyeliner pencil. It came out awful but I didn't have the heart to tell her.

"Sure! Let me get it for you." He shatters my flashback. "Follow me." He walks me into the bathroom, turning on the light and going into a thin supply closet by the shower. He pulls out a washcloth and a face soap and peeps back in before exiting. "If their is anything else you need, let me know." He says for the millionth time. I can't help but think it's cute how he cares about what I need right now.

"I will. Thank you." I smile and he does the same before closing the door behind him. I slip the costume off for the final time and I slip on his shirt. I stop midway and smell. It smells like him and I just want to wrap myself around it. I poke my arms in the wide sleeves and the smell of mint surrounds me. I look in the mirror; it's baggy but comfy. I slip on his sweatpants and have to pull the strings to tighten them and roll them once. They rest on my hips and I look in the mirror. Okay. I grab a bundle on my hair and throw it into a messy bun. By the time I'm done washing my face with cold water and his face wash, its been about 5 minutes. I look in the mirror once more before leaving and turning off the lights. I make my way to his room and he looks up from his phone. He freezes, eyes raking me up and down.

"Is it alright?" I sound concerned as I wanted to sound by the way he was looking at me. He shakes his head and combs it over to the side with his hand. He pats next to him on the bed. I notice that the only light on is the lamp next to his bed and I'm suddenly okay with that. I scooch over closer to him after getting on the bed and criss-cross my legs, facing him. I look straight into his eyes until he looks up at me. He smiles when he looks up at me. "I want to get to know you more." He says low.

"What do you want to know?" I want to get to know him too. He seems so perfect that I can't picture him having a life that isn't near perfect.

"You know..basics. favorite food, color, band,, where your from, what you like to do."

"Alright so pizza, blue and the Script. My family is pretty normal I guess; I'm an only child and my parents are together. I'm from New York and its always been that way. I'm mostly Italian. What about you?"

"Wow okay my favorite food is tacos, favorite color is orange, my parents and divorced, I'm from England if you can't already tell." My expression changed when he said that his parents were divorced. I want to ask him more but I don't want to make him upset by talking about it.

"Yea I kinda guessed the England thing. I wish I had an accent." I laugh and he joins me.

"You do! You have a American accent. Like I can tell you're from New York even if I didn't know you lived here." He laughs at the expression on my face.

"Oh no! I have American accent!" I joke with my hands in the air.

"No don't worry. Its cute." He smiles and my eyes meet his again. Lightning. Electricity. I don't know what to call it but the color in his eyes sends a jolt through me.

"Not as cute as an English accent". I lean close to his face and he kisses my nose. I lay my head in his lap and he twirls my hair around his finger. We just stay like this, smiling at each other like idiots but somehow its not awkward. It's almost like we're talking with our eyes. I have thoughts racing through my head so even though its quite in the room, there will never be pure silence.


"Yes?" He replies, continuing to whirl my hair.

"Can I confess something?"

"Anything." He smiles.

"Your eyes..your eyes are the most incredible thing I've ever seen. I can't help but...but to get lost in them." Mid sentence I prove my point as I stare into them.



"That's so strange." He says and I tilt my head, not sure what he is referring to.

"I was just about to say the same about yours." His perfect lips form a smile. I can't even describe how much I want to feel them kissing mine right now.

Thanks again guys! Please vote & give me feedback on the chapter!

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