Chapter 8

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Harry mouths words to me while nervousness flushes my face.

"Who is that?" He says with the faintest whisper leaving his mouth. I slip my cat costume on sloppily and whisper back.

"My ex boyfriend.." as the words are let loose into the air, the disappointment gradually shows on his face. I don't know what to do. There is nothing stopping Erich from coming right through that door. I notice Harry tossing his shirt over his head and popping both arms in the sleeves.

"Hold on, I'll be there in a minute! Harry yells to the voice.

"What are you doing?" I mouth.

"Hide in the closet." He softly speaks and points to a door behind me. I look at the direction he points, look back at him, and nod. Well, it's better than Erich finding us in here. Together.

"Who is that?" Erich calls in.

"I'll be right there." Harry repeats himself as I open the door to the small closet and squeeze my body inside. Before closing it, I flash Harry a small thumbs up to signal him to open the door; he nods in reply. I close the door as I hear the other one open. I press my ear against the door to attempt to hear the conversation.

"Hi" Harry speaks first.

"I'm sorry, I thought my girlfriend was in here." He replies. My jaw drops open. He's kidding right? We just broke up! Matter of fact, we broke up in this room not so long ago. I can't even comprehend why I am trapped with my thoughts inside Harry's closet, hiding from Erich. We are broken up and I can be with whoever I want. It's obvious who he wants and right now, it's pretty damn clear who I want as well. I close my eyes and inhale the smell of Harry. I don't know how to explain the smell other that it being him. It reminds me of a Hollister type of cologne. Whatever it is, I love the smell of it and it defines him for me.

"No it's ok. What'd she look like?" Harry plays and I want him to stop talking for once. He could have left it there instead of dragging on the conversation.

"Brown hair, brownish eyes, about this tall." I can picture Erich sticking his hand up to his eye level. "Her name is Victoria."

"Oh I think I saw her!" My heart stops beating. What is he doing. "Yea maybe about 10 minutes ago she left with some really short girl." I figure he is referring to Skylar and I feel relief overcome me. As long as he doesn't run into Skylar, we are good.

"Oh, sorry... sworn she was up here. I ...apologize." he must be talking low because the parts I do hear are muffled.

"No problem. Good luck!" Harry replies. I hear the door shut shortly after and a click. Then the closet door flies open for me to see his reassuring smile facing me and his eyes. God those eyes.

"He's gone." He flares his dimple.

"Thank you." I place myself in his open arm that was holding the door open. He wraps me up close to him. I squeeze him tight before letting go.

"So are you planning on leaving or are you going to stay or..." I see his expression lighten on the second choice and I smile.

"Well I don't have a ride and when I was in the kitchen, I was actually looking for Niall to see if me and Skylar could stay." I let out my long explanation and watch his smile grow.

"Well then I guess you came to the right place" he laughs.

"So we can stay here?" I clap my hands together to beg.

"Of course! Where would Skylar want to sleep?"

"Let's go find her before Erich does and find out."

I open the door and sneak downstairs with Harry. I'm cautious as the silence leaves us and the darkness fills the room.

"How long do these parties usually last?" I question.

"I don't know..probably to around 3 or 4? What time is it?" He asks back over the music. I lift up my knee and grab my phone out of my boot. Holy shit. When my phone lights up, I have 4 messages, 6 calls, and 2 voicemails. I wonder who.

"What's wrong?" I look up from my phone, oblivious that I had been frozen looking at the glowing screen.

I look at the top of the screen to see that most of my battery is gone and that it is 3:04.

"It's 3:00. I yawn and he smiles before we walk from the staircase to the actual party. There are noticeably less people compared to before. I scan the room and stop when I see Skylar leaned against a wall, texting.

I point to my small roommate and he nods as we approach her. Her chin lifts up as we stand right in front of her. Her eyes light up and looks back and forth between me and Harry.

"There you guys are!" She jumps up. "I was just texting Liam! He said he'll be here in 10 minutes to pick us up, if that's ok with you." I look at Harry before speaking. He beats me to it.

"Actually, Vicky wanted to stay here with me if you don't mind. I'll drive her to campus in the morning." Tomorrow- or today rather- is Friday so I still have classes but they start later at 12:00pm. I only have two classes on Fridays so I can leave tomorrow at about 2:30.

I look up at Skylar and she has a happy look on her face. "Ohh" she smiles and I can almost see her giving me a wink. "No problem! Can you guys wait with me until Liam comes though? I've been alone for the duration of this part. I at least want it to end well." Me and Harry look at each other and sit next to each other against the wall. I'm in the middle with Skylar on my left and Harry on my right side. We talk about how Erich came into the room and we had to stay clear of him. Luckily, the darkness of the room helps with that. I lean into Harry and she smiles wider. I can't believe how fast this all happened. Her phone lights up in her hand and she looks down to it. "Oh that's Liam!" She looks up and me and Harry do the same as we see her friend's silhouette walk towards us. Harry stands up and reaches a hand down to lift me up. Skylar raises next to me and walks up to hug Liam.

"Thank you so much! I appreciate it!" She steps back from him to look at him.

"No problem! I don't want you here alone!" He replies and I feel guilt for leaving her so often considering I was the one who invited her. I'm so relieved she's not mad at me. She knows I've been through a lot tonight.

Liam smiles towards me and I smile back. "Hey Victoria!" I give him a hug; he really is sweet. Who else would go pick up their friend from a party at after 3 in the morning? He looks at Harry, surprised but kindly.

"Hi, I'm Liam, and you are?" He reaches his hand out to greet Harry. Harry gives a friendly smile back and shakes Liam's hand.

"I'm Harry, Vicky's friend."

"Nice to meet you."

"You too." Harry replies. Liam turns to Skylar.

"Ready b-" he's cut off by Skylar.

"Yup! I'm ready!" She turns to me and grabs me in her small arms. "Have fun!" I hear her voice in my ear. A smile takes up my face as me and Harry watch Liam and Skylar walk out of the party which is beginning to grow small. Me and Harry grab two water bottles from the fridge before heading upstairs.

Thanks for reading everyone! I hope you guys know how much I appreciate it!! Please vote for Complicated! Also I have a question for you all! In the comment section below, tell me who you picture as all the characters introduced so far! Try to find any actors you think fit the part and I may decide to list them on the cast list. Thanks bunches everyone!

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