Part 15

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Y/n's POV

My phone pinged again. Yes, it was from Grayson.

Gray: yeah that's fine. I'll come over at 8:00 PM.

Yesss, now I can go grocery shopping real quick. I responded to Grayson.

Me: okay see you tonight Gray!

I went to the supermarket and got some chicken, rice and vegetables. I was planning to make my specialty I always make for my mom and I. I paid and went home again. My phone started pinging a few times. It was the twitter tone. Ahh nothing special, I thought. I opened the rice and put it in to water and cooked it. I sliced the chicken in little squares and let it marinate in some sauce. I cut the vegetables I got in squares too and cooked it with the rice. Then I added the chicken too. It smelled good already. I let it cook for 20 minutes. Now I had time to check my phone again. My lockscreen was full of twitternotifications. I read the words 'who is this girl with Gray?' a few times. Huh? I've never been with him in public right? Only at Coachella. But I was pretty sure no one recognized us. I opened my Twitter and saw a picture going on of Gray with a girl. My heart started pounding. I felt weird in my stomach and started to feel nervous. Who is this? This is weird. He wore the same clothes on the picture as he was wearing with me. This has to be after I went home. I opened the tweet.

@dolanbabes: Who is this girl with Grayson? Doesn't look like their having fun. Attachment: 1 image

I felt like throwing up. Should I text him? No I'll confront him tonight. I need to stay calm. I have no idea what happend and who this is. Breathe (y/n). It will be okay. I took a deep breath and stood up. I checked the food. It was 7:40PM already. I turned off the gas and took some water. My heart was still pounding. I have no idea what he will say.

Grayson's POV

I was watching some tv. Because of the loud noises outside I didn't hear my phone ping a few times. Ethan came in to the living room with a face like he has been attacked by someone. "Bro you are screwed. Look at this." He said. He showed me his phone. I saw a picture of me and Chelsea. My heart skipped a beat. "What is this?! Who made this?" I asked him. I stood up looking at Ethan. "I don't know man.. It is all over Twitter." He said. I started to feel sick. My stomach was turning around and my heart pounded so bad. "Oh my god. What am I going to do? What if (y/n) sees it? What if she has seen it already? She is gonna be so mad.." I said upset. Ethan stood up and gave me a hug. "It's gonna be okay buddy. Just explain everything and she will understand. Don't stress out already. It's gonna be okay." He said to me. "Yeah you are right. Thanks buddy." I took a look on my phone. 7:45PM. "Yo I'm at (y/n)'s tonight. She invited me to stay over. So I'll see you tomorrow morning." I said to Ethan. "Ah okay, have fun. And don't stress out okay?" He said. "No I won't, see ya"

I took my board and went on the road. All I could think of was (y/n)'s reaction. 10 minutes later I arrived. I rang the doorbell with a very nervous feeling.

Y/n's POV

I heard the doorbell. Shit, that must be Grayson. I still had the glass of water in my hand. Without knowing I stepped on a banana peel on the ground and all the water spilled over the floor. Shit, why is this happening right now?! Why is there even a banana peel on the ground? Ohhh nevermind. I went to the frontdoor to open it. I felt nervous and sick at the same time.

"Hey Gray" I said nervous. "Hey" he said nervous too. Woah why is he nervous? I should be the nervous one here. Or is he planning to tell me about the picture? I let him in and we went to the living room. He was looking arround, while stepping in the water. "Watch it!!!" I said too late. His shoe was soked. "Shit, couldn't you tell me earlier?" he said laughing nervously. There is obviously something going on. He is acting so different. "Hahah I'm sorry. I forgot." Grayson sniffed with his nose. "Smells good, are you making something?" He asked. "Yeah, I have a surprise for you. I made us dinner, because you made us lunch. I felt like I had to surprise you too." I answered while I was drying the floor. "Really? You didn't had to do this (y/n). Come here." He gave me a kiss on the cheek. I felt my cheeks turning red. Should I start about the picture? No I'll wait after we ate.

Grayson's POV

---- Hi guys! I'm sorry for the big amount of POV's but I think it makes my story better. Hope you like the story. ----

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