Chapter 2 - Is this happiness?

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(Jacks pov)
I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm. I turned it off. I was fine until my life flashed before my eyes and the memories started flooding in. Ugh..fucking life. Fucking school. Fucking people. Fuck everything. I finally get up and change into some jeans and my black hoodie. I go into the bathroom and look at my reflection. I look like shit.. I walk out of the bathroom and go to the kitchen. I look at the food..I know I should eat, but I just...I just cant. I walk out the front door. Careful not to slam it or else I'll wake up my ma. I walk to school and I encounter Bob, Wade, and Mark. They're gonna hurt me.. Oh look! I predicted the future. Again, without warning, Wade punched me in the face while Mark kicked me down. Wade stopped punching but Mark kept kicking. I could feel the blood on my skin. Mark finally stopped kicking and he looked me in the eye, but, instead of smirking like the others, he frowned. He doesn't give a shit. Your a worthless piece of crap without a meaning to this world. Your a waste of space. Your a fucking fag. I finally snapped out of it and went to reality after I felt the pain. Mark and his friends had left though, that's a plus. I tried to get up, but to no avail. I yelped as I felt the pain go through my body. I felt useless, I couldn't even get up. I tried and tried until I finally succeeded. I wobbled around but when I finally got balanced, I walked to the bathroom. It felt like an eternity but I finally made it to the bathroom. I washed my face and examined the bruises I had. They seemed pretty bad, but nobody cared. I cleaned up and started crying. I then realized I had a razor in my backpack. Oh, what things I could do..

(Marks pov)
I was in class. Jack wasn't there yet though. I was really worried...I think I know where he is. I raised my hand. "Yes Mark?"

"Can I use the bathroom?"

"Yes, but you better be back in five minutes."

I nodded my head and left the class. I ran toward the bathroom and entered. And there in front of me, I see a broken Jack.
"Please don't hurt me."
Those words broke me a little inside. I realized how much of a bully, a monster, I've been to Jack. I finally manage to speak up.
"Jack, I'm sorry."

"Huh, your sorry?! After all those punches, kicks, and bruises you've gave me...your finally sorry?!"

"Jack, please forgive me. I'm really sorry. I'm not playing around. I really don't want to hurt you anymore.."

There was a long moment of silence until he finally spoke up..

"Prove it."

There was really nothing I could think of at the moment He murmured something that I couldnt hear and bursted into huge sobs. He took out a razor and he made a cut. I slapped the razor out of his hand. He looked at me, surprised I just smiled and gave him a big hug. He didn't resist, instead, he hugged back. We kept that position until we heard the door open. We both tensed up. I looked up to see who it was... Oh shit..
I was Wade and Bob.

"Hey Mark! The teacher said you need t-"
He stopped when he saw us, hugging. He looked at me and nodded.

"You son of a bitch!"

"Shut up asshole. I'm tired of this shit. Punching and hurting people. I'm done."

"Oh, well then, youre not leaving without a punch in the face!"

Wade started walking towards me, mad, but Jack got in front of me..and shielded me.

"Don't touch him."

"Oh, okay. I won't touch your precious boyfriend. But I will do this..."

And with that, he puched Jack so hard he knocked him out. All I could say was.."NO!" I stared into Wade's eyes. I wanted to kill him so badly..

"You motherfucker! He had nothing to do with this!"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I hurt your feelings..?" "Haha, fucking idiot!"

He walked up to Jack and kicked him 5 more times..I couldn't take it anymore...I walked up to Wade and punched him. I made sure he was bleeding too. I was then, satisfied. Wade looked at me. Surprised.. Bob just gave Wade some sort of signal and then they headed out. Wade flipped me off before he left and I just laughed. But then I remembered Jack.
I ran up too him and gently stroked him hair. I kissed his forehead and whispered to his ear "I love you so much Jack. I'll protect you...I promise." I picked him up bridal style and took him to the nurse. I'm not sure if it was just me, but I think I saw him smile. It's probably my mind playing tricks on me.

(Jacks pov)
It was dark. I was too tired to move or open my eyes. I felt myself on the floor. I heard mark say something i never thought i would hear. Mark said he loved me. All I could do was smile. I think he picked me up. I didn't know where we were going, but I didn't care. I was so happy. It's the happiest I've been in a long time.

Hello people! 😀
What did you think of the chapter? I hope you liked it and leave a comment on what you think! Ahhhh!! Okay, okay. Uh..
Thank you guys for reading this chapter. I'll see all you dudes, in the next chapter! Buh-bye!✌

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