Chapter 15 - Thanks Mark

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(Jacks pov)

Mark asked me to be his boyfriend. I said yes... He told me at the hospital, but I didn't give a shit. We were driving to the house and I was daydreaming. About our marriage, if we last. Our kisses, if we hold on to eachother. Daydreaming of us, and our future, even if it was to soon.

"And do you, Mark Edward Fischbach, take Sean to be you're loving husband?"(i don't know what they say, bare with me.)

"I do"

"You may now kiss the groom"

Mark grabbed my cheek and pulled me into loving kiss. We both pulled away, gasping for air.

"I love you jack"

"Jack, JACK, JACK!" I realize Mark was trying to get my attention.

"Oh, um sorry. What happened?" I asked, seriously not knowing what happened.

"We're home, duh." He said in a silly tone. I felt my cheeks go red as I scratch the back of my neck.

"Oh, hehe. Oops" I said, clearly embarrassed I had been in my own little world for to long to even realize we were home. He just smiled at me and helped me out of the car. I grabbed the things I could, since I could only use the hand that wasn't wrapped up. Like a gentleman, Mark opened the door and held it open for me. I smiled and walked in the house, placing down the bags.

"Jack?" I heard Mark ask as he closed the front door.

"Would you like to go to the movies with me tomorrow?" He asked with hopefull eyes.

"Of course I would! As long as you're right by my side" I said with a smile on my face. I went up to him and hugged him, he instantly hugged back. I buried my face into his neck and spoke.

"Thanks Mark" it was barley understandable so I wasn't surprised by Marks reaction.

"What'd you say ?" I giggled and lifted my head, also leaving the warmth of his body. I grabbed his hand and brought him to the couch, which wasn't all that clean because of my, uh, beakdown. We were both finally looking straight into eachothers eyes, I then spoke up.

"I said, thanks Mark." I said reaching out my hand to hold his. He looked confused for some reason though.

"For what?" He asked, obviously not knowing what he was being thanked for.

"For being with me Mark. For being so nice to me even though I practically destroyed your house. I'm so sorry I cut and made you angry. Yet, you came back and said you cared. I'm glad you do. I don't know where I would be without you Mark. I might not even be here if it wasn't for you. You mean so much to me."
At this point, we were both crying.
"I never want to leave your side Mark, I love you to much to let you run off to someone else. I really love you Mark, with a burning passion. Everytime I see you, I want to kiss you until your mouth falls off. Well, unless I'm mad, but other than that, I'll always crave you, Mark. You've helped me become stronger. That's why I'm thanking you Mark, I love you, baby" I dove in for a kiss and caught Mark by surprise. I pulled away quickly, and smiled.

"I-I don't know what to say, Jack.
I love y-you so much" Mark was still crying. I wiped away a tear from his cheek and he giggled. He hugged me so tightly I couldn't breath properly. He let go and grabbed my good hand.

"It's getting late Jackaboy, we should get to bed." I looked at the time and nodded. He pulled me to our room and shut the door. I stripped into my boxers and Mark did the same. I was glancing at Marks body he was so muscular and hot. I felt myself drooling so I quickly wiped the saliva and got into bed.

"Goodnight baby boy" I heard Mark say.

"Goodnight babe" it felt weird calling him that, yet, so right. I closed my eyes and I felt myself drifting into the darkness, falling, falling, then nothing.
-Time Skip To Morning-
(Marks pov)

I wake up and see Jack drooling on his pillow, how cute. I walk out of the room into the living room. It looks horrible. I sweep, put things in place, mop, and fix litterely everything. I made it look so sparkly. I went into the kitchen, which was also spotless, and made some breakfast for me and Jack. I have a few plans for us...
Man, I'm so sorry for not updating. I really am. I made a longer chapter for you to hopefully enjoy. Thank you for sticking around to read my book. I really do appreciate it a lot. Love you all so much! Muah!

~Krazygirl ❤

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