Chapter 28 - Reunited

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(Marks POV)

I dragged Jack towards the bedroom, a grin plastered on his face as I locked the door. I pushed him down onto the bed, leaving a trail of kisses from his jaw to the top of his chest.

I pulled off Jack's shirt and climbed on top of him again, only to be interrupted by a knock on the front door. I groaned as I climbed off Jack, making my way to the door.

As I opened the door, I immediately recognized the figure standing in front of me.

"Oh, hey mom!" She crossed her arms as she walked into the house, slamming the door behind her.

"Don't 'Hey mom!' me, mister. You've been missing school, and don't you lie to me that you haven't. You're almost eighteen and you're still irresponsible. I don't want you failing high school, and where is that boy of yours?" I awkwardly laughed as I took in everything she had yelled at me. I scratched my neck and looked towards the bedroom door.

"Jack! Get in here!" I shouted, getting a muffled 'I'm coming' from him. I smiled as he walked out, his smile obviously full of fear.

"Oh, hello there Ms. Fischbach!" His voice cracked as he sat on the couch, pulling me along with him.

"Hello Seán, I heard you both have been missing school. What's that all about?" His fingers tapped against his knees and I grinned, Jack was too pure for this world.

"I-I'm sorry Ms. Fischbach, please don't tell my mother! I'm begging you, please." His face went red in an instant, making me wrap my arm around his shoulders.

"I'm sorry, sweety. She's already coming over to speak with you." A tear fell down his cheek, and I hugged him. His tear turned into a cry, and that turned to sobs. His knees were huddled close to his chest while my mom looked at him in pity.

A sudden knock at the door made Jack wipe away his tears and sit straight. I held his hand and smiled at him. His grip on my hand tightened as he stood up, a confident look on his face. Though it didn't last long, all color washed away from his face as his mother walked through the door. His confidence seemed to rot and die, and he looked down to his feet.

"Jack!" His mother screamed, and suddenly, his hand let go of mine as he was pulled into a hug by his mother. That was followed by a bunch of apologies and tears coming from his mom. He stood still, not hugging back, not showing any emotion, he seemed dead.

"You have so much to make up for." He snapped at her as he lightly pushed her away. She shook her head and ran her fingers through her hair.

"I know, honey, I know. I'm so sorry, I'll make it up to you. I'll give you anything, please forgive me." My mother and I stood side-by-side, watching the scene go down.

Jack opened his mouth to speak, but said nothing. Instead, he wrapped his arms around her and sobbed, mumbling random things into her ear.

I smiled, I'm glad my mother interrupted us when she did, though I still wanted to show our neighbors how loud we could be. I chuckled to myself and hugged my mom, thanking her with a smile on my face.

(Jack's POV)

I pulled away from my mothers hug. All I ever wanted was a mother to support me, and hopefully I could finally get that. I smiled at my mother, her eyes full of tears and happiness.

"Thank you so much. I love you, mom." She smiled at me and pulled me into a hug, kissing my head.

"I love you too, honey." I looked over at Mark's mom and gave her a hug. She laughed and hugged me back. I pulled away and laughed as well, giving everyone a smile.

"Thank you Ms. Fischbach, thank you so much. I'll promise to head to school on time from now on!" She nodded her head and smiled at me.

"About that, Mark's mom told me about you staying here. I'm trusting you to be mature enough to stay here, now that I'm paying part of the bills." I nodded and looked over at Mark, a smile on his face.

"Me and Mark will be good, we promise. Also, how did you contact my mom, Ms. Fischbach?" She giggled and leaned on a wall.

"I have my ways. I'll leave you boys alone now, me and Jack's mother have some catching up to do." And with that, Mark and I were alone again. I almost couldn't comprehend what had happened, I was too overwhelmed.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I'm trying, I really am. Please tell me what to improve and I'll do my best. I've been in a shitty mood for so long and I've lost all interest in most things I love doing. I appreciate every comment. Thank you all.


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