Chapter 10 - Why, jack?

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(Jacks pov)

Guess what I was Mark and his girlfriend kissing. French kissing to be exact. I felt like I was about to tear up until I felt something tug me on my hoodie.

"Well well well, looks like McLoughlin here decided to come back!" I turned around and saw Bob and wade.
I'm fucking screwed as all balls... Wade punched me in the face and caused me to fall on the floor. He put his foot on me so I couldn't move.

"I heard Mark and you broke up and he found a girlfriend. Looks like you weren't good enough. I don't blame him for braking up with you!" Him and Bob burst into fits of laughter while Mark and his girl were to busy sharing eachothers saliva.

"Face it jack, your a fucking waste of space.." He then kicked me and punched me until I was unable to walk by myself. "Bye McLoughlin, have fun getting to class. Mark won't save you now!" He said as he pointed to Mark and his girl walking to class. Wade and Bob also made their way to class. I tried getting up, but to no avail. I stumbled and fell. "Ugh..fuck" I tried again and managed to get up. I went to the boys bathroom and cried. I took out my razor and stared at it.. This will be the last place I'll be in when I die, in a fucking stall. Man, I'm a fucking disgrace. I placed the razor against my skin and brought it up my arm instead of sideways. It hurt like a motherfucker, but I managed to get my other arm aswell... I felt everything spinning after a while. I heard someone go into the bathroom and yell. "Oh my god! There is blood!" I wasn't able to speak but the person somehow managed to get in the stall I was in. "N-no. Jack! Jack get up! JACK!" "Someone help!" Everything else was a blurr.

(Marks pov) omg finally XD

I call for help as I see jack dying in front of me. And it's my fault... I let myself get carried away by a girl while I had jack. I knew he was fragile but I treated him like he was indestructible. I see a teacher run in and when he sees jack his eyes widen. He just runs out without a word. I sit there crying until the ambulance came to get him... This may be one of the last times I see him. And it's my fault...

Awe, this is so'll get better though! Thank you for reading, leave a comment with any suggestions or something. Thank you! Buh-bye!

-krazygirl ❤

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