Chapter 30 - The Beautiful Bully

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(Jacks POV)

Mark and I were walking together, hand in hand, both of us enjoying our walk to school as the cool breeze danced over our faces and made our skin crawl.

We both turned in sync as we heard a pair of familiar footsteps behind us. Smiling, we waved at the boys who walked over to us. Smiling back, they began to walk with us.

"You lovers wanna come to my place? Oh yeah, I forgot you were here Wade,  you want to join?" Wade glared over at Bob, who stifled a laugh.

I turned my head towards Mark, who seemed to expect me to already know his answer. I turned around to face Bob, nodding my head as I walked backwards. I turned back and stared off into the distance.

"Alright cool, let's all meet up outside after school. We could play some games and talk, probably make some good dick jokes too." I laughed and sighed. Who knew Mark and I would end up here? Bob had been inviting us to his place for over a month, ever since the apology, it's like the four of us had become best friends. My self-esteem still needs improvement, that I know, but everything seems so amazing now.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as Mark kissed my cheek, making me jump at first, but then I leaned in and kissed his own.

"Alright, we're here. I guess we'll hang out later after school. See you guys!" I went to class with Mark as Bob and Wade went their separate ways. As I walked down the hallway, I noticed how no one really messed with us anymore. Everything was much more peaceful, the most I've gotten in the past month was a shove.

"Jack? You alright there, leprechaun? You seem a lot more thoughtful today." I playfully elbowed his arm, followed by him pouting and rubbing it.

"Don't call me a leprechaun, loser. But yeah, I'm alright. Just, thinking." He raised his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes.

"About?" I shrugged and looked away.

"Us, I guess." I felt him tense and I laughed, pulling him in for a kiss.

"I didn't mean that in a bad way, I'm just thinking about stuff." Mark gave me a hug, I smiled and pulled away.

"Did you know that I love you?" He said, a smile on his face. I smirked and looked away.

"Nah dude, that's gay." Mark scoffed and rolled his eyes. I stuck my tongue out and continued.

"But I'm as gay as I can get, so did you know I love you too?" He chuckled and shook his head, making me grin.

"You're so fucking cute. But we should get to class, unless you want to be late." I nodded as he pulled me down the hallway, almost making me trip on my own feet.

<Time Skip>

Classes seemed to drag on for hours on end, but then, I heard the most amazing sound a person in high school could hear. The last bell of the day. I bolted away from my seat and collected all of my belongings from my locker.

I ran to catch up with Mark, then walked out to the front with him by my side. Bob and Wade were already there, shoulders touching and laughing together.

"Are we interrupting something?" Mark said as he winked at both of the boys, who immediately separated from eachother.

"Gross dude, we're friends." I shrugged and looked over to Mark.

"I ship it." Mark giggled and I turned over to look at the taller guys, who seemed annoyed.

"Anyway, we should go. We're wasting precious time!" Everyone nodded, and we were off to play some games.

<I'm Sorry But Time Skip>

I sat down on the couch and let my eyelids close over my eyes. I was tired, but not sleepy. I could hear everyone talking silently, until I interrupted.

"How did we end up here?" I sat up and opened my eyes, only to see everyone's eyes on me.

"What do you mean?" I turned my head towards Wade, who seemed confused yet interested.

"How did we end up in this place? What started this?" Mark hummed and placed his finger up into the air playfully.

"Ah, I remember. You bumped into me!" I suddenly remembered what had happened and laughed.

"Yeah, and you guys were fucking assholes." Everyone nodded, agreeing with my statement.

"If we told this story to someone, what do you think you'd introduce me as?" I looked over to Mark and grinned.

"I'd probably call you, 'The Beautiful Bully'!" Mark awed, but the other guys just stared at us.

"Oh gosh, that's so g-" Bob started.

"Gay? Yes, I know. It's supposed to be!" I smiled at all of them, then bursting into a fit of laughter. Soon after, everyone joined in. I couldn't have been happier.


Thank you all for joining me on the amazing journey of writing this book. This was my first book I ever wrote, and it will forever hold a place in my heart. I want to thank all of you who stuck around, even though my update schedule seemed to crumble to dust. Please leave a comment, I'd appreciate any feedback. I love you all so much, more than words could explain. Once again, thank you for giving me the opportunity to write for you all... I couldn't have done this without you.


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