Clubbing - Chapter 22

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Okay so I just wanna say, im super sorry for my lack of updating! I went ice skating and sprained my ankle! I'm having trouble because I'm using crutches and holy fuck its annoying as all hell.. Anyway, thank you for your patience! You may go ahead and read on!!

(Marks POV)

Friday had come quickly, and Jack was still laying in bed next to me. I slowly shook him and he shifted quietly. I shook him again and he groaned.

"What the fuck do ye want?" I rolled my eyes and jumped off our bed. Slowly taking off my shirt.

"Good morning to you too, sleeping beauty!" He groaned again and sat up, stretching his arms.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to skip school.." He shot some sort of look at me.

"Mark, we've skipped school so many times, we havent gone ta school for a few weeks fer fook sake!" I laughed at his accent and punched his shoulder playfully.

"Come on, please Jackaboy!" Jack sighed and shook his head. I groaned and leaped back in bed shirtless.

"Marky, we have to go to school.. Plus, we need Dan and Phil's number and address for tomorrow!" My eyes widened as I remembered we had scheduled a video game night with those guys.

"Oh right! I forgot, dude hurry up.
Lets go!" Jack rolled his eyes and groaned. I watched him get out of bed slowly and stared at him crawl away. I felt the bed sheets under my shirtless body and felt tired. I shook my head and jumped off of the bed. Jack stood at the door way, fully dressed with his green hair sticking out lazily.

"How the fuck did you-" He cut me off with a gesture of his hand.

"Magic! Now get dressed, dumbass." I rolled my eyes and continued to look for my clothes.

-Time Skip-

Jack was holding onto my hand and running towards school. We crossed the gates and ran into class. We recieved strange looks. That's when we realized we were still holding hands. I remembered this exact same scenario from a while ago. I smiled at the memory and squeezed Jacks hand.
Though, something was different. I remember we let go of eachothers hands and walked to out seat. This time, we actually kept our hands held. Jack smiled at me and pulled me to my seat and he sat in his. The teacher smiled at us and returned to her lesson.

Me and Jack passed notes the whole period until the bell rang. I waited for Jack at the door and he ran past me, slightly bumping into my shoulder. I scoffed and turned towards the door. I peeked out and saw Jack talking to Dan and Phil. I smiled and ran out as well.

"Hey guys!" They all turned to look at me and smiled.

"Hey Mark!" They all said in unision. We all laughed and moved to the side of the hallway.

"So, shall we exchange numbers and addresses?" I spoke up and everyone nodded and started digging in their backpacks for papers and pens.

"Here you go, guys." They both handed their numbers and address to Jack and I. We smiled and said our goodbyes.

"Jack we're gonna be late for class, hurry your big ass up." He looked at me and smiled. We ran to our next class.

-Time Skip-

(Jacks POV)
The bell rung and I gathered all my things, I waited for Mark at our lockers and soon enough, there he was. I smiled at him and stuck my hand out, he gladly took my hand and we walked home.

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