Chapter 3 - Holy Shit

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(Jacks pov)
I was in Marks arms..I felt him put me down and I opened my eyes almost instantly. I looked around and realised we were in the nurses office. I saw the nurse walking towards me and mark. Then she asked questions like 'Where did he hit you?' and 'Where does it hurt?' I answered the questions as Mark stood there and frowned. I didn't like seeing him unhappy but, I didn't know why he was acting this way so I couldn't help. Especially with the nurse here. I snapped out of my thoughts as I felt hands on my bare skin. The nurse was putting bandages on my cuts and bruises. She also cleaned up all the dry blood on my face.
-Time Skip Brought To You By The Nurse-

Me and Mark thanked the nurse and left the room. I checked my phone and realised it was past the time I'm usually home. My ma must be worried. I looked at Mark but he still had a face that was mixed with emotions. Anger, Sadness....

"Hey, um, Mark?"

He shook his head a bit and looked towards me."Yeah buddy?"

I sighed..."You okay? You seem distracted a bit.."

He stared at me blankly for a second, then he opened his mouth. "I've just been, really worried. I don't want you to get hurt again." He frowned.

"It's okay Markimoo, I'll be safe..."I say, not actually being sure about what I said.

He blushed at his nickname.."Okay, uh, Jackaboy!"He says, happy about the nickname.

I just blush a crimson red. I don't know why though... Mark smirks at the sight of me blushing. I roll my eyes and we both walk outside. I say my goodbye and he says his. I literally jog towards my house and unlock the door. I walk in to my ma pacing back and fourth. She doesn't notice me walk I'm though.

I sneak towards her and scare her. "BOO!"

She jumps. "Jeezus jack. I was so worried about cha'. You look in a better mood though. What's up?"

I smile. Then frown realizing that I haven't came out to my ma yet."About that. Mom, we need to talk."

She stares curiously then nods. She walks over then motions for me to take a seat.

I walk over and start speaking. "Ma, I uh. I'm bisexual. I like Mark and he's the only one who really, really makes me happy." I finish with a sigh.

My ma's smile turns into a frown. She starts, "Sean,honey, I love you. But I just don't think that's the right thing. And because of that, im kicking you out...

I turn angry.."He may not be my boyfriend, but he makes me happy ma! I've been depressed and sad, and he cheers me up! Plus, instead of supporting me, your kicking me out?! Thanks ma!"

She opens her mouth to speak but I just go to my room and cry. I cry while packing, while getting ready, while changing. Until I finally go.. I wait until my ma's asleep. Then I leave. I walk until I find an alley to sleep in. It was decent enough. I get my things ready and I had a surprisingly peaceful sleep.

(Marks pov)
I wake up in my bed to the sound of my alarm clock. I get up and dress up with anything I find. I put on my glasses and walk out my room. I serve myself cereal, eat it, and say goodbye to my parents. I casually walk out the door when I see a figure in an alley way. He seemed way to familiar so I walked closer. I saw green hair and I immediately screamed.


The figure turned to see who was yelling, then I really knew who it was.


"Ugh..Mark? Is that you?"

I run up to him and hug him tightly. I'm still wondering what the hell he's doing here in a place like this.

"Um, what are you doing here?"

(Jacks pov)
Shit, shit, shit! What do I tell him?! Guess the truth...
"I uh, told my ma I, bisexual. She didn't like like the idea and, and, kicked m-me out.." I started
sobbing right on the spot, with Mark next to me..Shit

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