1. Everything Ends

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Chapter 1: Everything ends

Everything about that day seem so clear. The day when everything ends. The day where she lost everything. Trust, a shoulder to lean on, protection and the person she cares so very much. When she was all alone and looking for protection and safety, he gave her his hand with thousands of sweet words and the promise of sanctuary.

But after a year of being together, fate decided to play them a little game of trust making him judge again the meaning of her love and for him to value back his love towards her.

3 years back,

(Your Name) is walking happily to her boyfriend's house. Or rather his mansion. Today is the day of their very first anniversary and she is feeling excited as she walks to his' with a plastic of ingredient she got to cook for him in one hand and a box wrapped and decorated beautifully for him in the other hand. She walks through the gate and greet the security guard, Tanaka-san with a bright smile on her face. In her happy mood, she didn't notice the worried look that Tanaka-san showed her.

She walks inside the mansion on her own -as she is Akashi Seijuro's girlfriend, she can practically enter the mansion on her own at any time- and go straight to the kitchen to put the present and the stuffs she got at the market. (Your Name) look around expecting to see any of her boyfriend's maids but find none. She feels quite puzzled as there is no one in the first floor except her. Even the chefs and butlers are not insight.

Her puzzled face soon turn to a happy grin as she thought that maybe Sei-kun has planned all this before her arrival so that they can spend their time alone on their anniversary day. (Your Name) happily walks upstairs to his study. Only to be stopped as she neared his bedroom. She hear shuffling in the room.

'Hurm... I thought Sei-kun can never leave his study room.'

(Your Name) turned the door knob slowly- not that it will creak or something- and open the door as slowly and peek inside only to face a scenario that usually occurred in her nightmare.

Sei-kun is hovering a girl in his bed and they are kissing with his arms wrapped on the girls' body and her fingers' entangled in his crimson hair. As if the sight itself is not shocking enough, (Your Name) finds that she know the girl in his boyfriend's embrace. Her one and true friend. The person she has been with since she was in kindergarten. Her best friend.

"Se...sei-kun...?" (Your Name) mutter slowly as she feels tears wetting her face. Her face portrays the shock, sad and betrayed feeling she felt.

The figures on the bed stop their action and the red head slowly turn his face to the voice of his girlfriend, or soon-to-be ex-girlfriend. He slowly sit up straight, letting the other body to sit up from its lying position.

"(Your Name)... what are you doing here?" Akashi ask in the calm and composed voice he always use. Like nothing is wrong with the way she found him in.

"Wh...what am I doing here? How could even you ask that.? What are you two doing?" (Your Name) ask. Her sadness taking over her.

"It's just like what you see. I do not have to explain everything to you, do I (Your Name)? I'm quite sure you do not need me to spell out everything for you right?" Akashi said as he look at the girl's broken expression without any care.

"Ho... how can you say that Sei-kun? I..I...I thought you love me." (Your Name) look at him feeling devastated.

"Yes. I loved you. I don't love you anymore. I'm sorry you have to know about it like this. But you have to admit that all of this is to be expected already. (Best Friend Name) is much better in everything more than you. She is smarter, more beautiful and is more capable in practically everything. Just the right person to be my empress"

"...she is also my best friend. (Best Friend Name)... how could you do this to me? We were friends from small.. How could you?? You... out of all people??"

"I'm soo sorry (Your Name).. but what can I say? True love can never be stopped... right??(Best Friend Name) said smuggishly (don't think that's a word because it's not in the dictionary but I'm still gonna use it anyway) while grinning evilly.

(Your Name) stepped backward. Trying to compose herself after hearing all the heart-breaking words. She feels very exposed... Broken... like she can shatter in any minute. She have to get out of this place. She cannot bear all the painfulness all by herself. It feels like her breath is being taken away. She feels light-headed that she starts holding to the bedroom's door to support her body weight.

'I have to get out of here... I have to get out of here...' is the only thing she can think about at that time.

(Your Name) quickly run out of the bedroom and out of the mansion. Ignoring Tanaka-san's concerned face, she quickly run to the direction of her house. Leaving all her love in the mansion and carrying the pains and the broken heart given by the two person she cares about in this world.

Being bought to the world without knowing her parents and raised in an orphanage, (Your Name) adapted herself to be immune to any kind of painess. Knowing she was not needed by her parents is very saddening and it effect most of the time in her young age. However, after she got close to all the children in the orphanage and also the teachers there, she finally finds the light to survive the world knowing that there are still people who cares about her being.

However, the feeling of meeting Seijuro is completely different than all the feeling she ever felt before. Tears strike down her face again as she remember the first time they met.

Akashi was the one who approached her. Keep getting close to her no matter how many times she pushed him away. Maybe that's what soften her. His 'absolute-ness'. The safeness she felt when she's with him, his love, his caring gestures, everything always made her fall in love all over again with the red head.

But all of those things are now only in memory. Being betrayed by the person she loved was enough to bring back the feeling she once buried during her childhood days. Unwanted. And through that day, (Your Name) promised herself that she will never again let love get in the way of her life. She will never again be weaken by love and that she will never again believe in an Akashi Seijuro.

No.of words: 1142



Sorry for any grammar and spelling error since English is not my first language. Malay is..

Amee Out ;D

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